语法填空-短文语填 容易0.94 引用1 组卷195
Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Penfriends for Life

“Hi, George! My name is Lori. I'm twelve. How are you? How are you doing in school?”

Back in the 1970s, there was a trend in the United States 【小题1】 (call) “chain letter.” Teens sent out letters to strangers in the hope of getting more back. In this way Lori Rubin started a lasting friendship 【小题2】 George Ghossn.

It was November 1975, 【小题3】Lori was in the sixth grade and George was an eighth-grader. In his reply to Lori's first letter, George introduced himself and his family, and a school photo 【小题4】 (include), too. Since then, the two 【小题5】 (continue) exchanging handwritten letters about once a month.

Lori and George, however, didn't meet in person or even speak on the phone until 2017. 【小题6】 (excite) at the sight of each other, they hugged and cried together.

George said Lori's letters were beautiful. “No matter how sad I felt, her words could always bring me out of the darkness 【小题7】 she always knew the perfect thing to say,” said he.

Though the value of letter-writing is ignored by many young people today, Lori sees 【小题8】 as a form of art. Letter-writing takes a lot of time, so it allows her to dig deep into her soul 【小题9】 (express) what she is feeling. Both she and George have saved almost all of the letters they have exchanged.

Now, George and Lori have been talking on the phone and on social media more often. However, one thing will never change. They said they would never stop 【小题10】 (exchange) handwritten letters with each other.

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