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Body language is a very powerful tool of a communication, not only between people but in the animal world as well. In many instances, we produce idioms which are all understandable by borrowing examples from animal communication. For example, we know that a frightened cat will arch(拱型). From this starting-point we might hear the expression. “He gets my back up!” meaning “He makes me angry.”

In the same manner, we know that many animals, if challenged(挑战)by attackers, will not turn and run away because this will encourage the attackers to attack them more forcefully. Instead, they will move backwards slowly to get out of harm’s way, always facing their attacker. We call this action “backing off” and it can be used as well with humans as with animals.

In the case of humans, however, the back-off may not be physical but oral, as in using a kinder tone of voice and gentle words instead of fighting against the attackers.

【小题1】When a cat arches its back high in a rigid curve, it shows that it is ________.
【小题2】In the article “back off” means ________.
A.to escape from the attackers
B.to get away quickly
C.to keep out the attackers
D.to avoid the attackers in words
【小题3】Which of the following is wrong according to the article?
A.To learn knowledge, humans must learn from animals.
B.Both humans and animals have the body language.
C.Both humans and animals have ways of getting out of harm.
D.“Face your attackers” means to encourage yourself.
【小题4】What is mentioned(提到)in this article belongs to study of English ________.
知识点:体态语动物说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

The first way we learn to communicate is through body language — our facial expressions, our gestures and, when we’re older, our postures. Even after we figure out how to speak, this non-verbal communication still exerts (施加) a powerful and often unconscious influence over our interactions, people’s first impressions of us and even our impressions of ourselves. 【小题1】.

Change how you feel

To de-stress: Forcing a smile can make running easier and tough tasks less stressful. One 2012 experiment found that a grin makes holding your hand in ice water more bearable.

To feel more confident: 【小题2】. Striking this so-called power pose shortly before an interview or athletic contest can be particularly powerful for women, who tend to sit and stand in a way that takes up less space.

To persevere: 【小题3】. In a 2008 study, students who sat with their arms crossed kept working on an impossible problem nearly twice as long as those with their arms at their sides.

Change how others feel

【小题4】: Studies show that holding someone’s gaze may help people think you’re trustworthy and intelligent. According to body language expert Carol Kinsey Goman, it can also make people think you’re a good listener.

To foster connections: Mirroring the facial expressions and gestures of the person you’re talking to can help them feel more comfortable. One 2011 experiment found this is an effective sales skill.

To engage or disengage: If you want to let someone know you’re listening, sit facing them with your full body, knees and shoulders pointed at them. 【小题5】.

A.To come across as sincere
B.But if you want to spread tension, angle your body slightly away — facing full-on is confrontational (对抗性的) when things get heated
C.Here’s how to use body language to everyone’s benefit
D.Making your index finger (食指) and middle finger crossed can help you gather strength
E.To inform people
F.Standing like Wonder Woman — legs apart, hands on hips, chest up — may make you feel more powerful
G.Crossing your arms across your chest can help you persist in solving a problem

We tend to think of body language as something that expresses our internal states to the outside world.【小题1】The position of our body also influences our mind.

As the following psychological research shows, how we move can drive both thoughts and feelings and this can boost performance.

【小题2】 Research found that when people stood or sat in powerful poses for one minute — those involving open limbs and expansive gestures — they felt more powerful. Powerful poses take up more space, so spread your body and open up the arms or legs. When you dominate the space, your mind gets the message.

【小题3】In a series of 5 studies, researchers found that when people firmed up their muscles they were better able to withstand pain, take an unpleasant medicine and pay attention to disturbing information.

The way people’s hands cut through the air while they talk is attractive. But it’s more than just a by-product of communication. Studies showed that hand-gestures help increase the power of a persuasive message when compared to no use of gesture. Most effective are gestures which make what you are saying more understandable.【小题4】

Gestures aren’t only helpful for persuading others, they also help us think. In a study of children, researchers found that children who were encouraged to gesture while learning, remembered more of what they learnt. 【小题5】 More generally we actually seem to think with our hands.

A.Moving our hands may help us learn.
B.But it also works the other way around.
C.Crossing your arms may help you reach creative solutions.
D.For example, when referring to the past, point behind you.
E.If you need to increase your physical power, tense your muscles.
F.Tensing up your muscles can help increase your willpower.
G.If you want to feel more powerful then adopt a powerful posture

Why should we learn body language?

In English classes, we spend a large amount of time studying grammar and learning new words. We work hard to improve our reading and listening skills. Few of us, however, pay enough attention to body language. So body language is not important, is it?

The answer is “No!” Sometimes, we can communicate with others even without a single word. For example, shrugging our shoulders (耸肩), and without a word, we’ve just said, “I don’t know.”

Body language can help us stress what we are saying. It can help us express our true, inner feelings. Moreover, body language can help us find out if someone is lying. Often, people who are lying do not make eye contact. They may raise their shoulders because they are uncomfortable with the conversation.

In job interviews, the interviewers can sometimes judge the interviewee before he or she speaks. Body language is important in our personal life, too. It can show if you really care about your friends. Leaning (前倾) forward in the conversation, for example, means you are interested in what is being said. Listening without making eye contact means you are not paying attention but are waiting for your turn to speak.

Scientists have been studying body language for a long time. They say more than 70 percent of our messages are given through body language, Sometimes, body language is more accurate (精准的) than the words we use.

So it is very important for us to learn body language. By understanding body language, we are less likely to be misunderstood. We will find it easier to get a job. We will also have lasting friendships.

【小题1】According to the first paragraph, in English classes, people do all of the following things EXCEPT ______.
A.studying grammarB.learning new words
C.improving reading skillsD.practising using body language
【小题2】According to the passage, what may people who are lying do?
A.Lean forwardB.Make eye contact.
C.Raise their shoulders.D.Shrug their shoulders.
【小题3】By writing this passage, what do the writer mainly want to do?
A.To teach readers to understand body language.
B.To tell readers the importance of learning body language.
C.To show readers how to find out if someone is lying.
D.To help readers improve their English reading and listening skills.
