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Basically, a phone interview is the first step in the hiring process, as it gives the employer a glance of your background, personality, and overall fit for the position. 【小题1】

1. Tell Me About Yourself

More often than not, an interviewer will begin with “tell me about yourself.”【小题2】 You don't want to sound too rehearsed, but putting down a few notes on your background can help make this a much easier question to respond to.

2. Prepare for Behavioral Questions

【小题3】While they aren't always asked on a phone interview, they can tell the interviewer a bit more about your personality without having to meet you in person.

These questions, such as "teil me about a time you demonstrated leadership" are fairly common, and also easy to prepare for in advance. Take a few minutes to write down bullet points on a time you were a leader or overcame a difficulty.【小题4】Therefore, writing down a few ideas in advance can only help get those creative juices flowing for when some unexpected questions are asked.

3. Prepare to Explain Employment Gaps

Some individuals have employment gaps in their resume. For most, this relates to college and school breaks, etc.【小题5】Thinking about these gaps beforehand gives you the advantage in terms of being prepared for the line of questioning.

Remember that a phone interview may be the most important part, as it's going to solidify a good first impression that will help carry you throughout the rest of the process.

A.Behavioral questions are huge.
B.However, these gaps should be avoided if possible.
C.You never know what type of question will be asked.
D.These questions need you to describe your preparation for the target job.
E.But sometimes this means explaining them to avoid making you look bad.
F.Preparing for it requires you to describe your goals that match the position.
G.With that in mind, you can prepare some well-thought-out answers for the commonly asked questions.
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When we do the same movements with our bodies over and over again, we overuse some muscles. And that overuse can lead to strain(紧张) and injury. Sometimes those problems can come from doing sports. But exercise experts say they are now seeing another cause for muscle problems: hand-held technology devices(设备).

Staring down at your phone or tablet for long periods of time puts great tension on your neck and spine(脊椎). Many people who use tech devices also bend their shoulders forward. Experts say this posture(姿势) puts strain on the entire upper body. Muscle strain linked to hand-held technology has become such a common condition that it now has a name: tech neck.

Kimberly Fielding, an exercise teacher in New York City, explains that constantly looking down at our devices creates an unnatural bend in our spine. This can cause nerve pain and other problems. “A lot of the curves of the neck can change, so instead of the neck spine going inward, the curve can be a little bit different and it causes nerve pain and disc herniation(椎间盘突出) and different muscle tension headaches — different things that really can reduce quality of life.”

Fielding created a class to directly solve the problem of tech neck. The class uses different exercises to release tension in the upper body and strengthen back and neck muscles. Fielding says these exercises may feel uncomfortable in the beginning because the neck muscles may have become weak.

However, you don’t need to take a class like Fielding’s. You can take simple steps to improve tech neck. For a quick fix, hold your phone at eye level. At the same time, take breaks from using your technology by standing up and stretching your legs often. Also, give your eyes a break by closing them throughout the day.

【小题1】What does the underlined phrase “tech neck” in Paragraph 2 refer to?
A.The painful neck caused by electronic devices.
B.The strong neck after technical physical exercises.
C.The decoration on the neck with hand-held devices.
D.The cell phone or iPad frequently hung on the neck.
【小题2】What can we learn from Kimberly Fielding’s findings?
A.Muscle tension can lead to spine curving and headaches.
B.Nerve pain and other problems are caused by disc herniation.
C.Staring down at your smartphone does great harm to your neck spine.
D.Quality of life depends in a large part on the condition of neck spine.
【小题3】Why did Kimberly Fielding start the class?
A.To introduce her newly-invented devices.
B.To help those suffering from tech neck.
C.To further study the causes of tech neck.
D.To stress the danger of hand-held devices.
【小题4】What is the purpose of the last paragraph?
A.To invite people to attend Fielding’s class.
B.To urge people to keep away from e-products.
C.To give some practical tips to prevent neck pain.
D.To advise those addicts to exercise their necks.

How to Be Creative

Most of us think that creativity is a quality (品质) belonging only to artists, writers, or dancers, rather than ourselves. 【小题1】 The following tips are a great beginning for developing our creativity.

Get out of your comfort zone

We eagerly accept the familiar and fear the unknown. Break out of your usual patterns and welcome creativity into your life. As said earlier, the human brain was designed to recognize patterns. 【小题2】 In fact, our comfort zone is nothing more than a collection of patterns. As we become more efficient at recognizing and using patterns, we rely less on creativity to find new paths. We should force ourselves out of our comfort zones and open up new possibilities.

Try different things

If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got. We are creatures of habits and routines, and creativity hates routines (常规). If you usually drive to work, take the subway for a few days. 【小题3】   Break your routine, experiment and try something new. New things are often creative, but the same old thing never is.


Having a great idea is not enough, you must work to make it a reality. Have you ever seen a new product and realized that you thought of the same thing long ago? Yet someone else is making money with “your” idea. 【小题5】 The difference between a dreamer and a doer is action. Do whatever it takes to bring your ideas to life. If you can put them into practice, you are well on your way to improving your creativity in all areas of your life.

A.Take action
B.Seek several options
C.Think from the other person’s point of view.
D.If you normally eat in the office, have lunch under a tree.
E.We continue to create patterns for almost everything we do.
F.The truth is that we are all born with the ability to be creative.
G.We all have great ideas sometimes, but only a few people turn their ideas into realities.

You’ve struggled with misplacing objects throughout your life: Your phone is missing a dozen times a day, or you repeatedly misplace your keys or leave your purse at a restaurant. 【小题1】

Sometimes, losing things affects work or relationships. Here is some advice from experts about how to overcome a tendency to misplace things.

【小题2】 It is recommended to designate(指定)a color that you love and use that color key ring and phone case, so that, when you’re scanning, you’re always looking for your favorite color. You could also put reflective tape on the TV remote, which will make it easier to find when it disappears.

Take pictures. Ever wander around the parking lot because you can’t find your car? Take a picture of your parking spot. 【小题3】Photograph all those spots where you store easy-to-lose objects, and when you can’t find them, pull up the photo.

Invest in technology. 【小题4】 You can attach an Apple AirTag to a product you often misplace, for example, and an app will guide you to its location. There are also fobs(小饰物)you can put in your wallet or purse that will ring like a phone when you press a button on either another fob or a phone app.

Take a breath. If you’ve misplaced something, give your brain a minute or two. 【小题5】

A.Be kind to yourself
B.Make your belongings stand out
C.The same advice applies to lots of things
D.It’s a common occurrence and certainly annoying
E.The location will come, in the vast majority of cases
F.There are many devices designed to keep track of items
G.For the most part, people can overcome the tendency to misplace things
