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Even smart people can make terrible decisions. Generally, it’s not because they spent time deliberating and somehow arrived at the wrong answer. 【小题1】 Below, we’ve listed some of the easiest traps to fall into, at the office and at home.


The siren call of your inbox can be hard to resist. Yet research suggests that switching between tasks — say, doing research and checking for new email — takes up to 40 percent longer than doing one at a time. Even when you think you’re being more productive by multitasking, you’re probably not.

Staying seated all day

Office jobs doesn’t contribute to getting a lot of physical activity. 【小题3】. A growing body of research suggests that even if you get up and move around for a few minutes several times a day, you’re improving your overall health.

Listening to music while you work

You might feel more productive when you listen to music while doing focused work — but you’re probably not really. In 2015, neuroscientist and musician Daniel Levitin, who cited a growing body of research suggesting that, in almost every case, your performance on intellectual tasks (thinking, reading or writing) suffers considerably when you listen to music.

Choosing foods that seem nutritious — but aren’t really

Don’t believe the hype — know the facts about your food. 【小题4】. For example, bottled juices and fast-casual smoothies might seem nutritious, when in fact they’re generally loaded with sugar and calories.

Staying up too late

Scientists have identified a common phenomenon they call “bedtime procrastination”: Failing to go to bed at the intended time, while no external circumstances prevent a person from doing so. For example, you keep watching one episode after another of a not-that-interesting TV show. 【小题5】. As Business Insider previously reported, in some cases sleep loss can be just as deadly as smoking. Turn off the TV and get ready for bed. You’ll be grateful tomorrow, and years later.

A.Constantly checking your email.
B.This isn’t just silly — it can be dangerous.
C.Keeping your phone off your desk at work.
D.It’s because they didn’t spend any time thinking at all.
E.But you don’t need to be up and about for hours at a time.
F.In a 2005 study, scientists make a list of foods that you think are bad for you, but aren’t really.
G.Business Insider’s Erin Brodwin put together a list of foods that you think are good for you, but aren’t and foods that you think are bad for you, but aren’t really.
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I’ve never been someone who gets homesick, but the prospect (展望) of going home in a few clays is one of the few things keeping me going. It has been a stressful term. I’m looking forward to seeing my family and friends. But despite my excitement, I’ve been having some Thanksgiving break-caused anxiety. I feel like I’m under a time crunch (困境) trying to fit so many things into just a few clays. Will I have time to see all my friends, spend time with family, and get my work alone?

I’m definitely still grateful that I am able to go home, but it’s strange because I’ve never connected Thanksgiving with being anxious before. Maybe I feel this way because it’s my first year. Breaks in college are different from high school. Teachers usually didn’t give work over break and I could relax the entire time in high school, but it doesn’t exactly work that way here.

Everyone has been so busy this term, and it’s difficult to relax, knowing that we have assignments due as soon as class restarts. The fact that reading period starts only 10 days after break doesn’t help either. I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to how fast college moves. Final weeks and winter break are going to be here before we know it, and that is slightly terrifying.

Even though I feel this mixture of excitement and anxiety, the break has helped me gain a better understanding about my first term of college. I’ve met so many new people and become part of clubs that I’m passionate about. The to-do list will still be there over break, but it’s nice to look back and see that I managed to get through most of the term pretty successfully. I’m still thankful for my family and friends as usual, but this year I’m especially thankful for myself.

【小题1】How does the author feel about the coming Thanksgiving break?
A.Eager but anxious.B.Relaxed but doubtful.
C.Excited but frightened.D.Curious but stressed.
【小题2】What can we infer about breaks in college?
A.They are free of homework.B.They are tasked with much work.
C.They are full of relaxation.D.They are important for progress.
【小题3】What makes the author a little terrified?
A.The reading period.B.The coming exams.
C.The fast pace of college life.D.The short period of winter break.
【小题4】What does the author realize when reflecting on the first term?
A.The to-do list pushes him to learn.
B.He has gained a lot from college life.
C.Adapting to the new life requires family support.
D.Self-independence is more important than others, support.

Being perfect is something many of us want and try to achieve. It makes us feel we’re correct and that our hard work has paid off. However, as much as perfection and being perfect is not all a perfect thing.

Perfection is all about being without mistakes and criticism. Wanting or trying to be perfect can make it hard to admit a mistake. Nevertheless, it is important to own up to mistakes and work to fix them. Not being able to take criticism and fix mistakes is arrogance, not perfection.

Perfection is a double-edged sword. In our lives, we want perfection. Perfection holds us accountable; it’s the mistakes and imperfection that keeps pushing us harder and further at what we do. It’s the perfect motivator. But it’s also the perfect killer. For example, the movie “Black Swan” showcased how perfection can kill us. Working and training and stress hurt our body, mind, and so much more that we can’t do it any more.

But perfection can also have the opposite effect. The movie “High Strung” showed that perfection doesn’t exist, but practicing and pushing ourselves can bring us great rewards. In “Black Swan,” the main character tried to be perfect but he also compared himself to someone else who he thought was better than him. This added more pressure and self-doubt, which can cause unhealthy ways of achieving perfection. The main character of “Black Swan” didn’t know when to stop, whereas the main character of “High Strung” did, or at least didn’t focus so much on the comparison, and instead focused on the competition and the ones she cared about.

Perfection is something we can’t live without and can’t live with. The only way to keep the sword from cutting us is if we know when to stop. Some days are going to be good days and others will be bad. We have to take whatever day it is — perfect or imperfect — and hope that’s enough.

【小题1】What does the underlined phrase “own up to” mean in Paragraph 2?
【小题2】What prevents the character in “Black Swan” from going further?
【小题3】What does the author advise us to do while trying to be perfect?
A.Try not to make mistakes.B.Push ourselves harder.
C.Stop before going too far.D.Prove our ability to others.
【小题4】What could be the best structure of the passage? (P=Paragraph)

True beauty is not found in looks. 【小题1】 Changing the way you think about beauty will give you life-long confidence.

Place your beauty in your identity but not your identity in your beauty. If you hold onto youthful beauty as a narrow definition of yourself, you won’t enjoy your looks as you age. 【小题2】 Mirrors tell us only a part of what we show to the outer world. Go past your reflection and see the real self!

The fountain of youth doesn’t exist. Despite many anti-aging products, there is no magic solution to stopping the effects of aging. You should stop devaluing (贬低) yourself just because you are getting older. Aim for a healthy life and keep yourself strong and fit. Eat healthy diet and be committed to a daily exercise routine. Lots of efforts are needed. 【小题3】

Beauty relates to physical and psychological aspects. 【小题4】 However, Serena Williams never hides her unusual muscular physique. Instead, her showing her muscles enhances her appeal. Many fans think she is beautiful. This proves that looking beautiful and attractive goes beyond our looks.

【小题5】 Beauty matters to all women, but to those who age beautifully, it matters neither too much nor too little. Do enjoy our lives to the fullest, True beauty is about accepting yourself. It is also about feeling good about yourself.

A.Everyone does it.
B.It comes from the inside.
C.Go beyond your mirror image.
D.You will feel better over a long term.
E.It’s human nature to believe beauty is everything.
F.People generally think beauty is only a skin-deep issue.
G.Be less scared of aging and you will look more beautiful.
