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For centuries, the body's blood has been linked closely with the emotions.People who show no human emotions or feelings, are said to be cold-blooded killer.For example, the police are searching for a cold-blooded killer.He seems to kill for no reason, and no emotion, as if taking someone's life as nothing.
Cold can affect other parts of the body.The expression "get cold feet" has nothing to do with cold or your feet.The expression means being afraid to do something you have decided to do.For example, you agree to be president of an organization.But then you learn that all the other officers have resigned, and all the work of the organizations will be your responsibility.You are likely to get cold feet about being president when you understand the situation.
The expression "give someone the cold shoulder" probably comes from the physical act of turning your back toward someone, instead of speaking to him face to face.You may give a cold shoulder to a friend who has not kept a promise he made to you.Or, to someone who has lied about you to others.
A cold fish is not a fish.It is a person.But it is a person who is unfriendly, unemotional and shows no love or warmth.A cold fish does not offer much of himself to anyone.Someone who is a cold fish could be cold-hearted.Now a cold-hearted person is someone who has no sympathy.Several popular songs in recent years were about cold-hearted men or cold-hearted women who, without feelings, broke the hearts of their lovers.
"Out in the cold" means not getting something that everybody else got.A person might say that everybody but him got a pay raise——he was left out in the cold.And it is not a pleasant place to be.
【小题1】There are _____ expressions related to cold that are mentioned in the passage.
【小题2】When you refuse to speak to a man and treat him in a distant way, you may express by "_____".
A.I give him the cold shoulder
B.I think he is a cold-blooded man
C.I think he is a cold fish
D.I'm likely to get cold feet
【小题3】If Sue shows absolutely no reaction to those awful pictures of starving children in Africa, you will say ______.
A.she is a cold-blooded killer
B.she gets cold feet
C.she is a cold fish
D.she is out in the cold
【小题4】We can use the expression "_____" to describe a man who abandons or hurts his lover without mercy.
A.cold-bloodedB.cold shoulderC.cold feetD.cold-hearted
【小题5】The topic of this passage is about _____.
A.the relationship between cold and our body
B.some expressions about friendship
C.some expressions connected with cold
D.how cold weather comes into being
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If something that you're doing doesn't challenge you, then it doesn't change you. We all need some normal stress in our lives, after all. 【小题1】 So challenge the following limits:

Figure out what you're scared of and do it continuously. If you're a salesman, and you're scared of talking to people personally or over the phone, now, instead of being scared and thinking you'll fail, spend at least five minutes a day to pick up the phone and make a call. 【小题2】 But don't stop on the first try! Eventually, you can look at fear in the eyes and say, “Go on, I'm not scared!”

【小题3】 Make sure this hobby is not linked to your career; you have to relax and relieve your stress while performing this. So some examples might be cooking, sewing, painting and so on. Apart from helping you challenge yourself, taking a class for your hobby may also give you extra income.

Set aside at least nine minutes a day for physical exercise. 【小题4】 A simple 9-minute run around your neighborhood can do wonders for yourself. Exercise can not only help you maintain your regular weight, but also make you feel better about yourself.

Travel and allow yourself to be interested in new people. Don't just limit yourself to your fellow travelers—try to connect with the local people. You never know what kind of people they're going to be. 【小题5】

A.You should do it continuously.
B.You don't need to go to the gym.
C.Someone may hang up on you.
D.Running in the gym may be a better choice.
E.Start to travel now and learn to challenge yourself.
F.Take a class for a hobby you've been wanting to develop.
G.You can never see any improvement if you stick to your comfort zone.

High school is a magical time when students can learn and grow. 【小题1】 Many students are feeling more pressure than ever before when it comes to performing well at school. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to make sure your high school experience is enjoyable and successful.

● Explore and find your passions (热爱)

As a high school student, one of the most important ways to prepare yourself for a successful future is to find your passions by doing explorations. Thus, you can discover the areas of study that you’re passionate about. 【小题2】

● Learn for growth, not just for grades

【小题3】 High school should also be a time when you enjoy the process (过程) of learning. The more fun you have in high school, the more fun you will learn to have throughout your life. If you can enjoy school now, imagine how much more satisfying your college experience will be later.


Discovering how to use your time wisely will certainly help you enjoy high school more. Learning how to manage your time in high school will make the transition to college and your professional life much easier. Best of all, the better you become at time management, the more time you will hopefully create to have some fun with friends, as well as enjoying extracurricular (课外的) activities.

● Get involved in your community

Engaging (参加) with your surrounding community not only adds to your resume, but also creates happier students. Moreover, by doing that, you will have more opportunities to explore your interests, thus providing you with a better idea of which area(s) you might take up in the future. You might even find that you get more interested in your classes. 【小题5】

A.Work on time management skills.
B.Learn to love the act of learning itself.
C.Create good habits, like reviewing notes.
D.However, high school can also be a stressful time.
E.Selecting activities you love will lead to success in those areas.
F.Finally, realize you are unique and create your own list of success tips.
G.That’s because you find you can apply what you learn in classes to the world around you.

We all know it is not always so easy to be happy. We also know how stressed you are, with homework, exams, sports meets and extra outdoor activities, let alone trying to have a life outside school. 【小题1】


Physical activity produces all sorts of things which help us to relax and feel good. Exercise can also make us feel more confident, which certainly makes us happier. You don’t have to be a future Olympian.【小题2】If you hate P. E. , find something less competitive: go for a walk, dance around your room or hit a park.


It is easy to take the good thing in life without thinking about them or showing you’re thankful.【小题3】 An easy way to do this is to make a list before bed of five things you’re thankful for. They can be big things, like your family and friends, or little things, like a good hair day.


【小题4】 But research has shown that a good laugh reduces stress and, even if you start by forcing yourself to laugh, improves how you feel.


Get enough sleep.【小题5】 Not getting enough sleep makes you angry and sad, so leave your phone outside your room, turn off the lights and let yourself have a good sleep. Sweet dreams!

A.Teens especially need at least eight hours.
B.If you’re feeling blue, know that you’re not alone.
C.You can increase happiness if you exercise with a friend.
D.So here are our top tips on being happy and staying happy.
E.Everyone can get something good from moving a little bit.
F.But studies have shown that giving thanks can make you happier.
G.Some days, laughing is just about the last thing you feel like doing.
