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For the last two decades I've taught hundreds of people how to write their personal histories. Too often I discover that a writer's memory of an experience is far more vivid and exciting than it appears on the written page. 【小题1】 If this strikes a chord with you, here are a few techniques I teach my students.

Write for your readers.

Whom are you writing for? 【小题2】 What do they need to know to understand how your life has been different than theirs? Let your readers see you in your day, in your setting, in your world. They'll know you better if they get a chance to walk in your shoes.

Be personal.

【小题3】 They may think they've created a personal account of their lives when they've actually written something that reads like, “I did this, then this, and then this...”. For example, if you write about having the lead in your college play, share what motivates you to try out for the part, how you felt when you were chosen, what affect that experience had on you, and more. 【小题4】 If it is just an impersonal chain of life events, nobody will like it.

Include plenty of details.

【小题5】 Say you're writing a story about getting married. Help your readers visualize that experience. Where were you? Were there any sounds in the background? Music playing? What were you and he/she wearing? What was said? Briefly re-create the conversation as you recall it.

A.Describe the setting with a few details.
B.Something gets lost in the telling.
C.Keep them in mind before you start writing.
D.Make sure your readers see the inner you.
E.People always have trouble finding the right words.
F.Some folks tell what they did but not who they were.
G.Details help readers relive those moments together with the writer.
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Our lives are filled with storytelling, from the stories we tell our friends over dinner, to the ones we tell during toasts, at job interviews or on dates.

Stories make us laugh and feel like it’s going to be OK. 【小题1】 Improving our storytelling skills can lead to more meaningful connections. Here’s a guide on how to tell a story, from an idea to delivery.

Select a meaningful story

Each of us has hundreds of stories we could tell. 【小题2】 You can always think back to moments in your life that really affected you in some way. When you think of a moment, ask yourself, “Why was that moment important to me? ”Then patterns of your story occur.

Develop your story

Once you find the story you want to tell, think of some details and make it big. Where were you in that moment? How did it impact your life? What were the results? Then condense(浓缩)your story into one sentence that helps focus what it's really about. 【小题3】

Figure out the structure

【小题4】 This will draw people in. From there, ask yourself if you'll tell your story in time order, or if you’ll start at the end and find your way back to the beginning, or if you want to tell it in a series of flashbacks(倒叙)instead of straight lines.

Before you deliver the story, practice, practice and practice again—but don't memorize it

It's natural to feel nervous before sharing a story aloud. Become very familiar with your story. Practice enough to be comfortable telling it from memory, but you don’t memorize it word for word.

If you go blank on stage, just think, “ 【小题5】 ”If you realize you didn’t set it up right, you can always say “Now, what I forgot to tell you about my mom is…” or “What you really need to know…”

A.What happened next?
B.You’d better include emotions in a story.
C.How do we know which one to pursue?
D.A good story doesn’t have to be a long one.
E.A good and practical way is to start in the action of the story.
F.Stories also help us relate to each other and build community.
G.This will help you decide which details support your main point.

Lack of balance is common with elderly people, but it can start in your 20s.【小题1】There are some ways that can help.


Balance can go bad when you are young. Strength training can help, whatever your age.A 2013study that examined the effects of strengthening exercises on balance showed: "Strength Improvement in lower parts of legs and arms may lead to balance improvement even in some older people."


Using a single step or stair, step up with your right leg in a slow and controlled manner, then bring your left leg up to join it.【小题3】To make it more difficult,find a higher step or use a box in the gym. This simple exercise helps to build hip(臀部)stability,as well as strengthening knees.

3.Sitting down

【小题4】Start with your arms by your sides and your feet on the floor.Then lift and reach out your right leg while raising your left arm to shoulder height. Return to a sitting position, and do the same on the other side. Repeat both for 10 times.Note,though,that a study at the University of Waterloo in Canada found there is no benefit to sitting on a ball all day instead of an office chair.

4.Bodyweight exercises

Exercises such as lunges and squats(弓步蹲)will help to make you stronger,and challenge your balance.Good form is important to make full use of the benefits.Stand with feet facing forward,hip distance apart.Make sure not to bend your back,and try to push your hips back - imagine there is a chair behind you that you are about to sit on.Don't go too low if it causes your back to bend.【小题5】Then drive up through your feet,back to standing.

A.Strength training
B.Balance improving
C.Hold for a couple of seconds.
D.So how can we avoid losing control of it?
E.Sitting on a stability ball challenges your balance.
F.Step down and repeat,keeping changing leading legs.
G.Ageing often leads to a loss of strength and balance,leading to falls.

Generally speaking, if you can see lightning or hear thunder, you are already at the risk of storms. While most people choose to stay in their home, it is important to know what else to do to stay safe. 【小题1】.

Stop outdoor activities whenever you see lightning or hear thunder. Avoid dangerous things in open areas, such as tall trees and advertising boards. 【小题2】. Large buildings might be much safer than smaller or open structures.

If you are driving, safely pull over and park your car. 【小题3】. Do not touch any metal part of the vehicle. Leave the overhead light on when the engine is running so that you can be seen. Then stay in the vehicle and wait for help.

【小题4】. Avoid using the telephone, taking a shower, washing your hands, doing dishes and watching TV. Stay away from windows and doors and stay off balconies (露台). Listen to a local radio for the latest weather information.

Most thunderstorms produce heavy rain for a brief period. 【小题5】. Keep away from broken power lines and avoid storm-damaged areas. Because the lightning threat can exist even when it is cloudy and not raining.

A.Make sure its windows are closed
B.So, here are some additional tips for you
C.And immediately find your shelter in a firm building
D.You also need to help people who may require special support
E.Most of the U.S. will experience thunderstorms from time to time
F.When indoors, turn off your gas and electricity at the main switch or valve
G.Besides, storms bring lightning, flood, wind and dust that can cause power failure
