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When people think of threats facing the ocean, we often think of climate change, plastics, and overfishing. But research shows noise pollution is another essential thing we need to be monitoring. Scientists say the changes in the sounds of our oceans, seas, and other waterways affect many marine animals—from very small shrimps to huge whales.

Francis Juanes, an ecologist, explained, “For fish, sound is probably a better way to sense their environment than light.” Sounds help fish and other marine animals survive. They use sounds to communicate with each other. Sounds also help some ocean animals find food and avoid their hunters. Many ocean animals use sounds to find good places to mate (交配).

However, increased noise from humans is making it harder for these animals to hear each other. The noise is coming from shipping traffic, motorized fishing ships, underwater oil and gas exploration, offshore construction, and other noisy human activity. “For many marine species, their attempts to communicate are being masked by sounds that humans have introduced,” said Carlos Duarte, who co-wrote the paper with Juanes.

Experts at NOAA (the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) explain the term masking on its website. Masking happens when one or more noises in the water block sound important to a marine animal's existence. NOAA experts state that masking is most noticeable when “a noise is at the same frequency and loudness as biologically important sounds, such as mating calls.”

The stress from human noise might also affect the immune system—an animal's natural defense system—as well as reproductive (生殖的)health or behavior. “Imagine having to raise your kids in a place that's noisy all the time,” said Joe Roman. He is a marine ecologist at the University of Vermont and was not involved in the research. Roman added that it should come as no surprise that many marine animals are showing higher levels of stress due to noise.

【小题1】Why is it essential to monitor noise pollution in the ocean?
A.Noise pollution threatens the survival of marine animals.
B.Marine animals are less sensitive to light and plastic.
C.Marine pollution keeps changing the sounds of the ocean.
D.Noise pollution results directly from climate change.
【小题2】What do the experts mean by using the term “masking”?
A.Being unable to detect mate calls leads to decline of marine animals.
B.The noise only occurs when it is of the same frequency of animals' sounds.
C.The mixed noise prevents animals from detecting important sounds.
D.Human activities are involved in producing noise in the ocean.
【小题3】What does Joe Roman suggest in the last paragraph?
A.The immune system of marine animals is the same as kids'.
B.Raising kids in a noisy environment leads to more pressure.
C.Noise pollution is easier to deal with than other ocean threats.
D.Marine animals suffer from stress in a noisy environment.
【小题4】What is the suitable title for the passage?
A.The Sharp Decline of Marine Animals
B.Humans Are Making Oceans Too Noisy
C.Time to Clean Up the Polluted Ocean
D.Importance of Sounds for Ocean Animals
知识点:动物环境保护说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

A nation-wide honeybee crisis is under way in the United States. Lately bees have begun to rapidly disappear in24 states across the country. For reasons unknown, bees are flying off in search of nectar and pollen and simply never returning to their colonies.

Bees are extremely social insects; they never desert their young or bee queens. Researchers argue that bees are most probably dying during their search for nectar. A range of theories is also investigated, including a virus and poor bee nutrition. Researchers are looking into a group of pesticides that were banned in European countries to find out whether the chemical preparations(still used in the U. S.) are somehow causing damage to bees' born ability to find their way back home. According to yet another theory, the losses may have resulted from a massive attack by mites, which have repeatedly damaged bee colonies in the past.

The bees disappear as pressure has been building on the U. S. bee industry. The costs to maintain hives are continuously rising. The bee business becomes less profitable as a result. According to estimates by the Agriculture Department, the number of hives has dropped by a quarter over the last twenty years, and the number of beekeepers decreased by half. Beekeepers also have to deal with the problem of suburban spread as they search for areas where bees can hunt for nectar to stay healthy and feel good during the pollination season.

A terrible epidemic breaks out in The Plague, a novel by Albert Camus, shortly after hundreds of dead rats are discovered all over the town. The recent bee mystery, already nicknamed a "colony collapse disorder" by U. S researchers, seems to somewhat resemble the situation described in the novel. We can only hope that the "bee plague" will not take shape of a problem of global proportions.

【小题1】What does the text mainly tell us?
A.terrible epidemic breaks out in America.
B.The reason for honeybees' disappearance.
C.Measures should be taken to solve the problem.
D.The tragedy of mysterious disappearance of America's honeybees.
【小题2】According to the passage, which of the following is right?
A.Bees are not fond of living together.
B.The scientists have found out the reason for bees disappearance.
C.Probably, the losses may result from their colonies being damaged.
D.It is likely that the bees die while looking for nectar.
【小题3】What's the number of beekeepers if 480 people raised bees 20 years ago?
【小题4】Why do researchers worry about the loss of honeybees?
A.Because they think the bee plague will kill them.
B.Because they believe man will be defeated in the end.
C.Because they think the US bee industry is going to come to an end.
D.Because they fear the coming of the disaster described in the novel.

The latest in cat research reveals that the lovely animal seems to have a basic grasp on both the laws of physics and the ins and outs of cause and effect.

According to a newly published study, cats seem to be able to predict the location of hiding prey (猎物) using both their ears and an inborn (天生的) understanding of how the physical world works.

In a recent experiment, Japanese researchers taped 30 domestic cats reacting to a container that a team member shook. Some containers rattled (发出响声); others did not. When the container was tipped over, sometimes an object fell out and sometimes it didn’t.

It turns out that the cats were remarkably smart about what would happen when a container was tipped over. When an object did not drop out of the bottom of a rattling container, they looked at it for a longer time than they did when the container behaved as expected.

“Cats use a causal-logical understanding of noise or sounds to predict the appearance of invisible objects,” lead researcher Saho Takagi says in a press release. The researchers conclude that cats’ hunting style may have developed based on their common-sense abilities to infer where prey is, using their hearing.

Scientists have explored this idea with other lovely creatures: babies. Like cats, babies appear to engage in what’s called “preferential looking”—looking longer at things that are interesting or unusual than things they perceive as normal.

When babies’ expectations are not met in experiments like the ones performed with the cats, they react much like their animal friends. Psychologists have shown that babies apparently expect their world to obey the laws of physics and cause and effect as early as two months of age.

Does the study mean that cats will soon grasp the ins and outs of cause and effect? Maybe, Okay, so cats may not be the next physics faculty members at America’s most important research universities. But by demonstrating their common sense, they’ve shown that the divide between cats and humans may not be that great after all.

【小题1】What do we learn from a newly published study about cats?
A.They can be trained to understand the physical world.
B.They know what kind of prey might be easier to hunt.
C.They have a natural ability to locate animals they hunt.
D.They are capable of telling which way their prey flees.
【小题2】What may account for the cats’ response to the noise from the containers?
A.Their inborn sensitivity (敏感) to noise.B.Their unusual sense of direction.
C.Their special ability to perceive.D.Their understanding of cause and effect.
【小题3】In what way do babies behave like cats?
A.They focus on what appears strange.B.They view the world as normal.
C.They do what they prefer to doD.They are curious about everything.
【小题4】What can we conclude about cats from the passage?
A.They rely on their instincts (本能) to hunt.
B.They interact with the physical world much like humans.
C.They display extraordinarily high intelligence in hunting.
D.They can aid physics professors in their research work.

Conventionally butterflies were regarded not as fascinating subjects for close observation but as symbols of shallowness. But Eleanor Granville treated them with scientific seriousness.

In her thirties, though suffering from a marriage where the husband was violent and even turned her family against her, Granville sought comfort by studying moths and butterflies. She travelled around the countryside with local girls, beating bushes to catch falling larvae (幼虫), and recruited her servants as assistants to collect specimens (样本). Because of unusual generosity in paying for a fine specimen, she soon accumulated a substantial collection of butterflies. After bringing larvae home, she meticulously logged their growth, providing some of the earliest detailed accounts of insect life cycles.

However, wandering the countryside with a collecting net was considered weird behavior for anyone back then, let alone a woman, and she was accused of going out dressed like a “gypsy”.

Besides her own extensive research, Granville exchanged letters and butterflies with other collectors. Another enthusiast William Vernon reported that she had owned “the noblest collections of butterflies, all English, which has shamed us”. She sent 100 examples to the Royal Society and also sent James Petiver, England’s most celebrated butterfly expert, boxes of carefully pinned butterflies, including several that had been previously unknown, and notably the one later named the Granville fritillary whose wings carry striking brown and yellow patterns, a species of special concern due to the decline of the total number under the influence of food loss and hotter weather.

Eleanor Granville remains the only British naturalist to have left their name to a native butterfly species. A pioneer in the study of entomology (昆虫学), Cranville helped make it an academic subject. Regretfully, only two moths and a butterfly of Granville’s precious specimens are still preserved in London’s Natural History Museum. Her name lives on the butterflies she loved.

【小题1】What do we know about Granville?
A.She paid generously for every specimen.
B.She was accused of deserting her family.
C.Studying butterflies provided an escape from her life.
D.Working with local girls earned her a good reputation.
【小题2】What can we learn from Paragraph 4?
A.James Petiver greatly influenced Granville.B.Granville’s efforts shamed the Royal Society.
C.The Granville fritillary is an endangered species.D.Granville’s work was academically recognized.
【小题3】How did Granville contribute to the field of entomology?
A.By naming butterflies and moths.B.By studying rare butterfly specimens.
C.By offering up her collections for research.D.By introducing entomology into universities.
【小题4】Which is the most suitable title for the text?
A.A Battle Against Social ConventionsB.A Woman Who Collected Butterflies
C.An Adventurer Trapped in a WomanD.An Undertaking That Changed History
