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One of the most important things in the world is friendship. In order to have friends, you have to be a friend. But how can you be a good friend at school?

Listen—Listen when they are talking. Don't say anything unless they ask you a question. Sometimes it's not necessary for you to have anything to say; they just need someone to talk to about their feelings.

Help them—If your friends are ever in need of something, be there to help them. You should try to consider them first, but you needn't do everything they want you to do. Try to take an extra pencil or pen with you to classes in case they forget one. Have a little extra money in your pocket because they may forget something they need.

________—Try to make plans with your friends. Go shopping, go for ice cream, have a party, go to a movie and so on. Take time to know each other even better by doing something you both enjoy. By planning things together, you can both have a good time. And you'll remember these things when you're all old!

【小题1】While your friend is talking to you about his or her feelings, you should________.
A.give him or her some adviceB.just listen unless asked
C.calm him or her downD.share your feelings as well
【小题2】When we provide help for our friends, we should ________.
A.try to do everything for themB.consider them before ourselves
C.change their bad habits firstD.ignore their faults
【小题3】Which of the following can be put in the blank of the last paragraph?
A.Make plans.B.Enjoy yourself.
C.Understand your friends.D.Play with your friends.
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It’s becoming more and more common for people to live to 100 or longer. In fact, researchers say that more than a third of all babies now born in wealthy nations are likely to reach their 100th birthdays, thanks to advanced medical technology and treatment. Here are some of the best strategies for becoming a centenarian.

Eat vegetables and nuts. A study found that those who ate mainly vegetables gained an extra year and a half over meat-eaters; those who ate nuts regularly lived two years longer.

Make friends. Another study found that people with strong social networks were 50 percent less likely to die over a certain period. If you don’t have many friends or relatives in your local community, you can join in the voluntary activities or take part in a hobby group. You will stay happy and healthy through building the connections.

Don’t smoke. This is important: With occasional exceptions, smokers die younger than non-smokers. Even if you have had the habit for decades, quitting will help with your health greatly. It’s important to get your loved ones to stop it, too. People who breathed in secondhand smoke were 26 percent more likely to get heart disease than those who rarely stayed with smokers.

Improve your lifestyle. Along with healthy eating, you should focus on stress management, regular exercise, and building healthy relationships. When you eat more healthily, manage stress, exercise and love more, your brain actually gets more blood flow and more oxygen.

Have a sense of purpose. A study found that the common feature in communities with many people who are 100 or older was that older people still took part in daily life, through tasks such as cooking, cleaning and gardening. They feel the motivation(动机) to stay active, to get out of bed in the morning and live for a purpose.

【小题1】What does the text mainly talk about? (No more than 8 words.)
【小题2】Please explain the underlined word “centenarian” in English? (No more than 8 words.)
【小题3】Why is secondhand smoke harmful to people according to the passage? (15 words.)
【小题4】How can we make friends if we don’t have many friends or relatives nearby in the author’s opinion? (No more than 10 words)
【小题5】If you want to live longer, which of the strategies do you think is the best and why?(No more than 25 words.)

For the last couple of weeks, I had been stuck in front of my computer working on a project that was very important to me. My every waking hour was consumed by the project and although I imagined that I would feel happy after completing parts of the project, I was confused to find that instead, I was feeling rather depressed.   I tried a range of methods to help cheer myself up.   I had a relaxing bath, cooked a delicious meal to enjoy with my family and even watched a light­hearted movie, but to_no_avail. It was only when I turned to meditation (沉思) for a solution that the answer came to me: turn to nature!

The very next day, I grabbed my camera and a bottle of water and set off to spend a few hours walking in a nature reserve, even though it was pouring with rain. Within a couple of minutes I felt alive again. To be honest, I felt like a young school girl again and had to stop myself from hopping along the path singing Im singing in the rain, a song I used to sing when I was a child. I think as adults we often try too hard to control our inner children and as a result we restrain our own spirits, which only leads to depression and stress.

Interestingly, it has been shown that people who spend 40 minutes walking in a nature reserve have a drop in their blood pressure levels, but this does not happen when they spend a similar amount of time walking in a busy city centre.

If you feel a little low in spirits and know that you have spent too much time indoors, relax completely, remove your shoes and let your inner child come out and play.

【小题1】The underlined part “to no avail” in Paragraph 1 probably means “________”.
【小题2】In the author’s opinion, ________.
A.a bath can make people relaxed
B.depression is usually caused by hard work
C.walking in a busy city centre harms people’s health
D.it’s good for adults to wake up their inner children when they are in low spirits
【小题3】The last paragraph mainly serves as a(n) ________.

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How did a Venice Beach T-shirt vendor become television’s most successful producer? How did an entrepreneur who started in a garage create the most iconic product launches in business history, and how did a shy man overcome a paralyzing fear of public speaking to captivate sold-out crowds at Yankee Stadium?——They told brilliant stories.

The Psychology of Persuasion by Peter Daniel Andrei

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Why do some people effortlessly make people convinced while others can’t? Why do some people easily speak with confidence, fluency, influence, and impact, while others struggle to speak well? Why do some presentations build support, generate consensus, and motivate positive action, while others don’t? — Decades of leading scientific studies present an answer.

The Elements of Style by William Strunk Jr. & E. B.White

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This is The Elements of Style, the classic style manual, now in a fourth edition. A new foreword by Roger Angell reminds readers that the advice of Strunk & White is as valuable today as when it was first offered. The book has grown to become the American English writing style guide often required in U.S. high school and university composition classes.

Eliminate Negative Thinking by Derick Howell

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Do you find it hard to fall asleep because your brain won’t stop worrying? Do you feel stuck in an endless loop of uncontrollable negative thoughts? You’re not alone. Around 18% of the population suffer from anxiety. This book offers actionable strategies that will help you eliminate the deep-seated causes of your anxiety and manage your day-to-day worries.

【小题1】What is Peter Daniel Andrei’s book based on?
A.Scientific research.B.Experts’ suggestions.
C.Celebrities’ speeches.D.Personal experience.
【小题2】What does Derick Howell mainly offer in his book?
A.Some brilliant stores.B.Some typical examples.
C.Some advanced theories.D.Some practical techniques.
【小题3】Which would be the best choice to help improve our writing skills?
A.The Storyteller’s Secret.
B.The Psychology of Persuasion.
C.The Elements of Style.
D.Eliminate Negative Thinking.
