阅读理解-七选五 适中0.65 引用2 组卷73

When it comes to France, its amazing food and wine will naturally make your mouth water. But you are also concerned about putting on weight, eager to get a good workout. 【小题1】 Then the Medoc Wine and Marathon Festival might be your perfect choice.

Created in 1984, the festival takes its name from the Medoc wine-growing region, north of Bordeaux on France’s Atlantic coast. 【小题2】 The reason for this lies in its three biggest highlights.

It is a paradise for foodies. The annual festival, held each fall, involves thousands of runners going through a variety of splendid vineyards providing free wine. In the meanwhile water stations are also offered along the way so that runners don’t get too dehydrated(脱水的). 【小题3】However, better not drink it with abandon, for you can also try some of the local French delicacies, such as oysters, grapes and ice cream and so on, which will definitely tickle your taste buds!

【小题4】. Each year the marathon has a theme and this year it is ‘superheroes’ – something you just might have to be if you want to finish under the six-and-a-half hour time limit. However, if you simply rush to the finishing line desperately, then you are out, for it is most famous for its relaxing and flexible running time, allowing participants to enjoy the experience rather than try and reach their personal best time.

It is a feast for your eyes. The marathon also requires that runners dress up in colorful costume. You can be whatever character you like, such as knights, wizards, or queens. A winner is to be picked out at the end for the best costume.

What are you waiting for? 【小题5】 And enjoy the French culture to the fullest!

A.It is a competition for friendship.
B.Feel torn between the two ?
C.It is a match for experience.
D.Come and release your passion with your fellows!
E.So, you can refresh yourself with some water and wine.
F.Since then, it has gained increasing popularity year by year.
G.But who drinks water when having the option of drinking a nice glass of wine instead?
知识点:外国文化与节日 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

As the November cold begins to take control
in the UK, Bonfire Night (or Guy Fawkes Night) is a chance to wrap up in winter clothes and warm up by the fire.
Celebrated on November 5, Guy Fawkes Night has been part of British history since 1605, when Fawkes was found trying to blow up parliament (议会) with barrels of gunpowder. Now, it is traditional for Britons to make a fake (假的) “Guy” every year from old clothes and burn it on the fire.
If you visit a small town in the southwest of the country, you might see men from the village run through the crowded streets with huge wooden barrels on their backs, then fill them with tar (焦油) and set them on fire. And in Lewes, a town in the southern English county of Sussex, different groups of bonfire societies parade (游行) the streets, each wearing their own unique outfits and carrying a giant mascot (吉祥物), which they burn at their own bonfire party at the end of the evening.
Bonfire Night is also a time for “chili con carne”, a dish made from slow­cooked beef mince, tomatoes, kidney beans, onions, and spices. It is often served on top of a hot jacket potato with butter and cheese. It's not the most elegant dish in the world but it's sure to warm people up while they brave the cold for the festivities.
But for many Britons, the night is not complete without “bonfire treacle toffee (太妃糖)”, which is also known as “plot toffee”, named after Guy Fawkes' plot to blow up parliament. The toffee is rock hard and is often broken with a hammer and handed out to guests.
Whether it's the sound of fireworks making Britain sound like a war zone, the hearty winter food, or the excuse to light a huge fire, Bonfire Night has something for everyone. Just watch out for those rockets!
【小题1】What is Guy Fawkes Night?
A.A person to explode the parliament.
B.A guy to be controlled in the UK.
C.A symbol for Britons to enter winter.
D.A dish famous to British people.
【小题2】Why do people have “chili con carne”?
A.Because it's the most elegant.
B.Because it's full of energy.
C.Because it's on jacket potatoes.
D.Because it's slowly cooked.
【小题3】The underlined word “rockets” refers to “________”.
【小题4】What is the text mainly about?
A.The origin of Guy Fawkes Night.
B.The introduction of a traditional food.
C.A complete toffee on Bonfire Night.
D.Activities on the night of November 5 in Britain.

Ramadan is one of the most important festivals for Muslims. The name of the festival comes from the Arabic month‘in which it is celebrated. Ramadan is celebrated in countries all over the world, especially in Africa and the Middle East. The time for celebrating Ramadan varies each year. People celebrate it in the ninth month of the Arabic lunar calendar. During Ramadan, people must not eat during the day: from when the sun comes up to when the sun goes down, people celebrating Ramadan will not eat or smoke. When the sun has gone down, however, the celebration begins. People often stay up all night eating singing and dancing.

In late spring, many people around the world celebrate Easter. The festival is a celebration of spring and it is also a religious holiday. It is the time for Easter bunnies and egg hunts, and of course for eating lots of delicious foods. Easter is celebrated in late March or early April but the exact dates are different form year to year. People celebrate Easter in different ways: in some countries, the Easter Bunny—a big rabbit—will visit and children will go on egg hunts, looking for eggs and candy that have been hidden by their parents. In other countries, Easter is a time for children to dress up like witches and go from door to door asking for candy—much like Halloween in the US. The Easter Bunny and the Easter Egg are popular symbols of the festival.

【小题1】Ramadan and Easter are             .
A.festivals celebrated in Asia and Africa
B.festivals celebrated by people all over the world
C.two names of the year
D.the only festivals that people like to celebrate during the day.
【小题2】During Ramadan, people do not          during Easter.
【小题3】In some countries, children will go on           during the day.
B.egg hurts
【小题4】The two main popular symbols of Easter are the              and the           .
A.Easter Man, Easter egg
B.Easter Bunny, Easter tree
C.Easter Man, Easter tree
D.Easter Bunny, Easter egg
Carnival does not take place only in Louisiana. There are many celebrations around the world.
In Brazil, the celebration is supposed to go on from the Saturday before Mardi Gras(四旬斋前的最后一天)to Mardi Gras Day, but in some Brazilian cities the celebration can last seven or eight days. Just like New Orleans, not many important things are decided in Brazil from New Year’s Day to Mardi Gras Day because everyone is preparing for or celebrating carnival. Most Brazilian parades have a subject, which could be political and historical. The parades had to have a subject related to Brazil until 1996. Some cities in Brazil do not have a street carnival but they might have an indoor ball.
Bolivia has carnival parades for children and then more parades for adults. The children dress up in costumes and march in the streets. The adults make traditional dance groups and dance in the streets. But the main part of Bolivia’s carnival is getting wet. Almost everyone gets wet from water balloons and water buckets. In Oruru, Bolivia, their carnival is held in the last ten days of the carnival season. People there participate in crafts and dancing, but their main carnival event is a ceremonial parade that lasts for twenty hours and parades for four kilometers. Over 20,000 dancers are involved as well as 10,000 musicians. This parade attracts at least 400,000 people.
The carnival in Venice, Italy is often regarded as the most carefully prepared carnival and lasts the ten days before Lent (四旬斋). Many events are held in the canals including shows, concerts, dances, and water processions(队列). The official ending to the celebration is the ball held in St. Mark’s Square.
【小题1】What’s the best title of the passage?
A.Carnivals around the world.B.History of carnival.
C.Customs of carnival.D.Carnival parades.
【小题2】From the passage we learn that in Brazil        .
A.all urban residents celebrate carnival for a week
B.people prepare for or celebrate carnival after Mardi Gras Day
C.the parades should have a subject related to Brazil
D.not all cities have a street carnival
【小题3】The most important feature of the celebration of carnival in Bolivia is that        .
A.children wearing costumes march in the streets
B.adult dance groups dance in the streets
C.people participate in crafts and dancing
D.nearly all people are sprayed with water
【小题4】Which of the following statements shows that the author pays special attention to the carnival in Bolivia?
A.The time of celebrating carnival in Bolivia is mentioned.
B.There are details and numbers about carnival celebrations in Bolivia.
C.Events or performances for carnival celebrations in Bolivia are mentioned.
D.Participants in the carnival celebration in Bolivia are mentioned.
【小题5】Which of the following areas or countries prepares the most carefully for their carnival according to the passage?
