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Sharks may be able to smell blood from miles away, but they probably don’t know how red it is. It is likely that they only see the world     in black and     white     according to     a study that is the first to investigate sharks’ visual system.

A team at the University of Western Australia studied the visual systems of many different species of sharks and what they have found is diversity in eye design that mirrors the ecological and behavioral diversity of the shark species. The team looked at the retinal cells of 17 species of sharks caught off Queensland and Western Australia and found out that the cells are responsible for sharks’ color blindness.

According to the study, these animals are color-blind due to the light receptors they have got in their eyes. There are two main types of light-sensitive cells to allow animals to see: rod cells help measure brightness because they are highly sensitive to light and allow night vision but cannot tell colors apart, while various types of cone cells help distinguish colors. They peeked at the structure of sharks’ rod and cone cells in the retina. Human eyes come with red, green and blue cone variations, while sharks appear to have just one kind of cone cells.

The study suggests that contrast against the background, rather than color itself, might be more important for object detection by sharks. Costumes that camouflage swimmers’ bodies in sea water are less likely to draw a shark’s attention than ones with bright, solid colors that emphasize their outline. “It’s the high contrast against the water rather than the color itself which is probably attractive to sharks,” said Professor Nathan Hart who led the study.

【小题1】What is paragraph 2 mainly about?
A.The importance of the research.
B.The features of sharks’ retinal cells.
C.The process and the result of the study.
D.The functions of sharks’ visual systems.
【小题2】What causes sharks’ blindness to color according to the study?
A.Their fragile rod cells.B.Their lack of various cone cells.
C.Their dark living environment.D.Their weak sensitivity to light.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “camouflage” in the last paragraph probably mean?
【小题4】What is the main purpose of the passage?
A.To clear up a wrong belief.B.To raise funds for a program.
C.To show a unique phenomenon.D.To present a scientific discovery.
知识点:动物说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Scientists are worried about the future of the axolotl (蝾螈), an unusual Mexican salamander(蜥蜴), and they’re asking for help. A new program lets people “adopt” an axolotl to raise money to support efforts to save the endangered animal.

If an axolotl loses a leg, or even part of its heart, brain, or lungs, it can regrow them. Scientists have long been interested in this. Some people think the information could help solve some human medical problems.

The Mexican axolotl is only found naturally in Lake Xochimilc o near Mexico City. This is not a big and open lake, but a collection of canals and smaller bodies of water. Sadly, axolotls are in trouble. The number of axolotls in Xochimilco has dropped 99.5% in less than 20 years. Scientists used to find thousands of axolotls in a fairly small area. Now, they’re only finding dozens.

There are a number of reasons for the drop in axolotls. One is that the water in the canals has become more and more polluted. Another is that there are invasive fish in the lake which are eating the axolotl’s food and even their babies.

Scientists at Mexico’s National Autonomous University(UNAM) have been working for years to try to protect the axolotls. Last year, the UNAM scientists started a program they called AdoptAxolotl. They asked people to donate money to help pay for efforts to save the axolotl. The program was a big hit, and raised more than $26,000. The money was used to help clean up some of Xochimilco’s canals and for a program to raise axolotls in a safe environment.

This year, the scientists are trying AdoptAxolotl again. The program offers several ways for people to support axolotls. For $30, you can virtually “adopt” one of the animals for a month. Smaller donations can help pay for food for an axolotl. Larger donations are aimed at improving areas where axolotls live, and include a visit to the protected area where UNAM is raising axolotls.

【小题1】What have the scientists had an interest in?
A.How axolotls cure themselves.B.Who can address medical problems.
C.How soon axolotls will go extinct.D.Why some people focus on axolotls.
【小题2】Why are the figures listed in paragraph 3?
A.To promote axolotl research.B.To blame the Mexican residents.
C.To show the severe conditions.D.To expand the habitat for axolotls.
【小题3】We can learn from the text that AdoptAxolotl ______.
A.collected enough moneyB.turned out very popular
C.helped to build new canalsD.moved students at UNAM
【小题4】Which of the following is the best title for the text?
A.New Projects Are Needed to Protect Axolotls
B.Amazing Axolotls Live in Hash Environment
C.Everyone Can Help to Stop Adopting Animals
D.Scientists Work to Save Mexico’s Axolotls

When was the last time you saw some dolphins at an aquarium? Was it fun to watch? Do you think the dolphins enjoyed it? A new film shows just exactly where some of these dolphins come from. And it isn't pleasant.

The Cove is a documentary film with a lot of blood…dolphin blood. It's all about dolphin drive hunting, which is a method of hunting dolphins that fishermen use. They use boats to drive the dolphins into a bay or onto a beach. Once there, the dolphins are prevented from escaping and are then killed in the water with knives or spears.

The dolphins are mostly hunted for their meat, but some are captured and ended up in dolphinariums, including the world famous Sea World parks. This form of dolphin killing takes place in many places around the world. There are dolphin drive hunts in the Solomon Islands, Peru and the Faroe Islands.

The Cove focuses on a particular dolphin hunt near the town of Taiji in Japan.

Every year, more than 2,000 dolphins are driven into a cove near the town and killed. The documentary film is directed by former National Geographic photographer Louis Psihoyos, and was made secretly throughout 2007 using underwater microphones, and a hidden camera. Also appearing in the film is Ric O’ Barry, the director of saving Japan dolphins, and also a marine mammal expert. He trained dolphins for the popular 1960s TV series Flipper. He is praised for having started the dolphin entertainment industry but has spent most of his life fighting against it.

So what do the people of Taiji think about it? Many feel that they are being unfairly selected out. The town of Taiji has a 400-year history of whale and dolphin hunting and its fishermen only catch about 20% of Japan's yearly dolphin quota(份额).

Masashi Nishimura, manager of the Japan Fisheries Association's International section said,“ I don't think it's a big topic here,” he said, “as long as the killing is humane(人道的), dolphins are like other animals to us.”

But for many people, dolphins are special. They are clearly highly intelligent mammals and they often form strong bonds of friendship with humans. Primates such as chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans are all protected species. Should these levels of protection be extended to marine mammals too? Many believe they should.

【小题1】Which of the following is not TRUE according to the passage?
A.Fishermen use boats to drive the dolphins into a bay.
B.There are dolphin drive hunts in the Solomon Island.
C.Underwater microphones were used to make the film.
D.All the dolphins caught in Japan are sold for meat.
【小题2】What is Masashi Nishimura’s attitude towards the killings?
【小题3】What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage?
A.To introduce a documentary film The Cove.
B.To show how The Cove was made.
C.To encourage people to protect dolphins.
D.To describe what is happening to dolphins.

What is the number one favourite pet in the UK?If you think the answer is"dogs"-you are wrong.There are 8.6 million cats and 8.3 million dogs in Britain according to the recent figures.But experts predict that there will be more dogs than cats next year as dogs become more and more popular.

Dogs as accessories

We like to spend time with our pets.The Queen is famous for her corgis(柯吉犬)and is often photographed with them.Nowadays some dog owners are more extreme-a few TV celebrities even take their dogs to go shopping or to restaurants.Chihuahuas are especially popular as "handbag dogs"because they are so small.

Dog holidays

People are also giving their pets holidays.Many UK hotels and holiday parks now welcome dogs as guests.What about owners who go abroad?They can leave their dog pets at a dog hotel or dog spa while they're away.Some even provide their canine guests with a TV.

Dogs are for life

The British charity,Dogs Trust,finds homes for thousands of lost and abandoned dogs every year.Their famous slogan "“A dog is for life and not just for Christmas"was created in the 1970s to teach people about the responsibility for owning a dog.Dogs Trust told British people not to give dogs as gifts or treat them like toys.

Dogs on TV

Victoria Sitwell is the host of the popular TV programme called It's Me or the Dog.In the show Victoria helps dog owners with their pets' bad behavior.She tries to find solutions to the problems such as a Dalmatian(达尔马提亚狗)who thinks he owns the house and won't let the family sit on the sofa,dogs that will only eat ice cream and biscuits and even a bulldog who uses the owner's bed as a toilet.Yuck!

Fashion for dogs

You can shop online or on the high street for the latest in dog clothes and accessories.Specialist shops sell items such as dog boots,dog fancy dress costumes,dog coats,dog dresses and dog pants.

【小题1】Why does the author ask a question at the beginning of the passage?
A.To introduce the topic.
B.To test readers.
C.To remind readers to be kind to dogs.
D.To show that British people will give up cats.
【小题2】According to Paragraph 2,the underlined word probably refers to“______”.
A.a kind of popular bags
B.a kind of small wallets
C.a kind of small dogs
D.a kind of equipment for shopping
【小题3】Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.The author's purpose in writing this passage is to show the popularity of cats in the UK.
B.Many hotels now welcome dogs on holiday,with or without their owners.
C.It's Me or the Dog is a popular TV show about funny behavior of dogs.
D.An increasing number of celebrities are raising dogs as pets in the UK.
