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At first glance, the snow that’s changed from white to bright pink in the Italian Alps seems like a stunning feat of nature. But scientists say it may actually be a warning sign of environmental trouble.

Algae (藻类) are to thank or blame for the pink layer that coats the Presena Glacier in northern Italy. Scientists say it’s not an uncommon phenomenon in the spring and summer, but they warn that it could become a problem if it starts occurring more frequently.

Biagio Di Mauro, director of the Institute of Polar Sciences (ISP) at Italy’s National Research Council, traveled to the glacier to investigate the mysterious algae. While the phenomenon is well-documented, “there is relatively little scientific literature on this phenomenon, which has the direct effect of accelerating the melting of snow and ice,” the institute said.

Photos from the trek show a massive algae bloom, turning large swaths of the glacier from white to pink. Di Mauro said on Twitter that the algae was likely Chlamydomonas nivalis (极地雪藻). According to a study published in the journal Nature, snow algae has influence on carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The algae is not dangerous; it is a natural phenomenon that occurs during the spring and summer periods in the middle latitudes but also at the Poles, Di Mauro said in a press release.

The algae could accelerate melting in the already fragile region. Climate change, contributing to 2020’s unseasonably warm temperatures and lack of snow, is exacerbating the issue. Typically ice reflects the majority of the sun’s radiation, but algae darken the ice, causing a decrease in reflectivity. This causes the snow to absorb more heat and melt more quickly. “Everything that darkens the snow causes it to melt because it accelerates the absorption of radiation,” said Di Mauro, In order to flourish, the organisms need an available supply of water. So, as the ice melt even more algae will appear.

In May, Antarctica saw green snow, also caused by microscopic algae. At the time, scientists said that as the planet warms and more of Antarctica’s snow melts, the algae will only continue to spread.

【小题1】What can we learn about snow’s changing from white to bright pink?
A.It is proved a masterpiece of nature.
B.It occurs mainly because of the algae.
C.It is a common phenomenon in the winter.
D.It has led to serious environmental problems.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “exacerbating” in Paragraph 5 mean?
【小题3】What effect does the algae have?
A.Speeding up the melt of snow and glacier.
B.Reflecting more radiation of the sun.
C.Causing unreasonable warm temperatures.
D.Causing lack of snow in the fragile region.
【小题4】In which section can we read the text in the newspaper?
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In many situations in our life, people take different methods to make up for their carbon footprints,such as paying a bit more when buying flights with certain airlines or planting trees. But have you ever wondered what a carbon footprint is? Where does it come from and how is it measured?

Originally a footprint was the print made by a foot, just as you might imagine In the 1960s, due to the development of space travel, the word gradually changed to mean the landing area for a spacecraft.It has continued to gain popularity in the field of technology, with people talking about the footprint of computers, printers and many other such machines. Small footprints are considered to be a positive thing, while large ones are generally bad.

When the term was associated with carbon dioxide, the meaning changed again. Now, it refers to the amount of carbon dioxide you produce with any action or activity. Today, everyone in the world has a carbon footprint, and it influences the environment directly, for carbon dioxide is known to result in the greenhouse effect. Your carbon footprint is closely related to your lifestyle. Small footprints mean that you re living a simpler, healthier and more sustainable life.

But what happens if it's big? Well, there are many ways to make up for it, some of which are mentioned in the beginning. To put it more specifically, you can balance the negative effects of your actions by using green fuels, recycling, reforestation(重新造林) and a number of other activities to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide.

So, before you print out this booklet, think about your carbon footprint and make the right choice1.

【小题1】What exactly is a carbon footprint?
A.It is a print made by a foot.
B.It is the landing area for a spacecraft.
C.It is the amount of carbon dioxide people produce with any action or activity.
D.It is about the footprint of computers, printers and many other such machines.
【小题2】Which of the following statements is true?
A.People should pay a bit more every time they buy flights to make up for their carbon footprints.
B.Carbon footprint can be measured on a lot of websites.
C.If a persons carbon footprint is big, he might lead a green lifestyle.
D.Before using a printer, one had better think about the necessity.
【小题3】Which of the following activities CANNOT make your carbon footprints smaller?
A.Printing documents out.B.Recycling.
C.Reforestation.D.Using green fuels.
【小题4】This passage is most probably taken from______.
A.a short story collectionB.a travel brochure
C.a booklet on environmental protectionD.a magazine about geographic features

We're often reminded of the importance of protecting the planet as we see it for future generations — and children at St Oswald's CE Primary School Chester certainly agree.

Nine-year-old Isohel Kelleher from the school's Hummingbirds class thinks adults need to take notes. "Sometimes they can be busy and I don't think they think they can make a difference, but if everyone does a little bit it all adds up," she tells Huff Post UK. "We started looking at plastic pollution in our oceans and the things like plastic bags that are polluting them, " she says. "Fish can eat the plastic and they can die, or we might even eat the fish ourselves. ”

Mr Timms, Isohel's teacher, has been leading a new project at the school which lets children loose creatively to raise the awareness of the need to be more environmentally friendly. The entire Hummingbirds class, which is made up of nine-year-old and ten-year-old pupils, has been busy writing poems and creating online videos to warn adults about the serious situation of our oceans and wildlife.

Mr Timms thinks children play an important role in teaching us how to take care of the things around us. "We sometimes overlook how much we can really learn from children," he says. "It is really hard to believe having parents come in saying that their children have been asking them to stop using plastic and to recycle more, and even stopping them using plastic straws. ”

Mr Timms is proud of his Hummingbirds class. "The message that they would like to send to the world is simple: stopping this isn't someone else's job, and it won't be OK if we just leave it."

【小题1】What does Isobel Kelleher mean in paragraph 2?
A.People shouldn't eat fish any more.
B.Adults have done their part pretty well.
C.Everyone can do something to stop pollution.
D.Plastic pollution is already too serious to be solved.
【小题2】How does the Hummingbirds class deal with the pollution?
A.By preventing people using plastic bags.
B.By picking up waste plastic in oceans in person.
C.By teaching students to write poems creatively.
D.By warning adults about the pollution with poems and videos.
【小题3】What can be inferred from Mr Timms' words in paragraph 4?
A.The project has already proved effective.
B.Some parents are angry with the project.
C.Children are good at looking after parents.
D.Adults ought to learn little from their kids.
【小题4】What does the underlined word "this" in the last paragraph refer to?
A.Using plastic straws.B.Plastic pollution.
C.Protecting the planet.D.The Hummingbirds class.

Introduced species have a bad reputation. It has been believed that the species mix in a particular place should remain as unchanged as possible. But this is just an opinion. Other opinions are possible. A study published recently by Dov Sax of Brown University, thus asks how the benefits of introduced species might be better assessed, so that opinions can be more informed. Specifically, he identifies several aspects for that.

Initially, whether introduced species provide direct human advantage is taken into account. Dr. Sax and his colleagues ignored crops, since their benefits are obvious. But they included transplanted grass species that have gone wild,yet provide grazing(牧草)for domestic animals, and introduced forest trees that produce wood for construction.

Another factor is their possible benefit to the ecosystem into which the introduction has happened. Such introduction is sometimes made to reduce the risk of a localised species becoming extinct. Pyne’s ground plum(李子),native to a handful of sites in the central basins of Tennessee but now transplanted to others, falls into this category.

The last value is experienced on an emotional rather than a practical level. Lots of people feel good about native wildlife, which is generally the main motive for its conservation. But that feel-good factor can extend to introduced species as well. Such value can cut both ways, however. For example, ring-necked parakeets, an Asian and African species, have been spreading through Britain for several decades. Some find them a colourful addition to the local wildlife, others a noisy competitor for native birds.

In light of their analysis, Dr. Sax and his team therefore suggest that researchers studying introduced species should in future create a clear distinction in their studies between changes that have happened and judgments about the value of those changes. In addition, when making those judgments, they should acknowledge all types of values, rather than focusing narrowly on one or two of them.

That done, many species will surely still be accused of possible damage. But others, badly thought of in the past, may not.

【小题1】What is Dr. Sax’s study aimed to do?
A.Kecp track of introduced species.
B.Get introduced species fully understood.
C.Compare opinions on introduced species.
D.Identify consequences of introducing species.
【小题2】Why was Pyne’s ground plum transplanted to other places?
A.To provide graze for local animals.
B.To produce wood for construction.
C.To build a new local ecosystem.
D.To save local species from dying out.
【小题3】How do local people react to the introduction of ring-necked parakeets?
A.They don’t care about it.
B.They consider it acceptable.
C.They can’t put up with it.
D.They hold divided opinions on it.
【小题4】What does Dr. Sax suggest to the future researchers?
A.Focusing on main values.
B.Evaluating evident changes.
C.Analyzing previous researches.
D.Presenting all-round assessments.
