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When you hear the phrase cultural heritage, what comes to mind? Maybe you remember going to see folk dances with people wearing traditional costumes. Perhaps you were exposed to the music and arts of this culture. 【小题1】. It might begin with the memory of your mother’s cooking, or visiting grandma’s house and receiving a special treat as a reward for good behavior. As you close your eyes, can you picture your favorite dish? Is it a salad with a special dressing, or a delicious dessert?   【小题2】 Maybe you’re far away from home and eating your favorite soul food makes you feel closer to those you’re separated from.

Many of us have missed spending a holiday or two with our loved ones, only to find ourselves calling to ask what they had for dinner. It doesn’t matter if it’s the same thing that is served year after year. 【小题3】. These recipes, cherished family favorites, handed down from each generation to the next might experience subtle changes, but there still remains a sense of unity. It is this unity that constructs the bridge between families and generations. 【小题4】

Good food knows no boundaries. It makes a great bond between young and old. Here, in the kitchen the old master works hand in hand with younger family members and friends, passing on traditional skills used in the cooking arts. However, more is taking place than a mere transfer of information about ingredients and mixing instructions. 【小题5】 It becomes an opportunity for a parent to teach family values while passing the sugar and beating the eggs. Confidences can be exchanged along with the natural flow of conversation.

A.Nor does it matter whether it has changed a lot.
B.A magic moment is created between children and elder.
C.Food makes up our fondest memories of our childhood.
D.Can you smell the aroma flowing through the house?
E.There’s nothing like food to help us identify with our roots.
F.Most likely, however, what comes to mind will be the food.
G.Food can be described as the building blocks of this cultural bridge.
知识点:食物与饮料 饮食习俗 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Over the past few months, people in the United States have been watching some unusual television advertisements. They are weird because they advertise a product that no American uses now or is likely to use in the future.

The advertisements show that a product called golden rice will help prevent blindness in millions of children. None of these children live in the United States. They live in countries where white rice forms the main part of the diet. Too much white rice without other food causes lack of vitamin A. This can lead to blindness.

Golden rice has been developed to solve this problem through genetic (基因) engineering. As well as TV advertisements, most news media carried stories on this great scientific development that would help some of the poorest children in world.

It could also save the science of genetic engineering. People in Europe and America have learned more about genetically modified (转基因的) food over past few years. And the more they learn, the less they like what they hear. People like science. And people like to eat food. But they would like the two things kept separate.

The truth is that a child would have to eat 9 kilograms of golden rice every day to get enough vitamin A. And Gordon Conway of the Rockefeller Foundation, which helped the development of golden rice, says that the advertisements have gone too far.

Perhaps the main purpose of golden rice is to get people to accept genetically modified food. The TV advertisements sent a very clear message — if you don’t accept this technology then poor children will go blind. It cost US $50 million get that message across. That would buy a lot of food for poor children.

What do the people who are said to benefit from golden rice think of being part of this great scientific and social argument? Nobody knows. Nobody has asked them.

【小题1】What does the underlined word “weird” mean in the sentence?
【小题2】What is the main reason why golden rice is advertised in the USA?
A.Golden rice will prevent blindness in children.
B.People have not accepted genetically modified food.
C.People know little about genetically modified food.
D.Golden rice is the first genetically modified food.
【小题3】According to the text, what kind of food do people in Europe and America like best?
A.Food that is rich in vitamin A.
B.Food produced without help from science.
C.Food produced in the third countries.
D.Food produced through genetic engineering.
【小题4】What is the author’s opinion of the TV advertisements?
A.They are not that useful.
B.They need improvement.
C.They are unbelievably practical.
D.They are put in a wrong place.

Researchers at the University of British Columbia in Canada have found that humans grew cacao trees and used cacao starting around 5,300 years ago. But the new discovery shows people grew cacao trees about 1,500 years earlier than what was known before. The researchers found evidence of cacao’s use at an old village in the highlands of southeastern Ecuador. Time has had little influence on the village, so they were able to find a lot of evidence of the use of cacao after examining the remains of very old objects at the Santa Ana-La Florida archaeological site.

The researchers found very small pieces from the cacao tree in the remains of containers and other objects. They also found a substance in the cacao tree but not in is wild relatives. This suggests that humans grew the tree for food purposes.

But thousands of years ago, cacao was used to make drinks. The objects on which cacao was found suggest a lot about how people used the substance at that time. They clearly drank it. There is no decided history of indigenous populations in South or Central America using cacao to make chocolate the way people do now. By the time Spanish explorers arrived in Central America in the late 1400s, people were using it to make hot and cold chocolate drinks with spices. By the 1580s, Spain began buying cacao from abroad and spreading it to other European countries. By the 1800s, technology developed in the Netherlands made it possible to turn cacao into a solid chocolate product.

Laiskonis, who teaches chocolate-making classes at the Institute of Culinary Education, introduces his students to the history of chocolate. He tells his students, for example, about a recipe from the 1600s that mixed Mayan and Aztec types of cacao drinks with European influences. Laiskonis said chocolate is “something that’s always been changing.”

【小题1】What does paragraph 1 mainly talk about?
A.Great changes in the village.B.Remains of the use of cacao.
C.Cacao trees about 5,300 years ago.D.Cacao’s story older than once thought.
【小题2】Why did humans grow cacao trees?
A.To make containers.B.To do a research.
C.To satisfy the needs of life.D.To spread cacao abroad.
【小题3】What do we know about the history of chocolate drinks?
A.Spain spread them to all over the world.
B.Europeans made chocolate drinks with spices.
C.Native Americans used chocolate as it is today.
D.The Netherlands developed the solid chocolate.
【小题4】What is Laiskonis’ idea about chocolate?
A.It has been improving.B.It remains the same style.
C.It influences Europe greatly.D.It interests college students.

The first mouthful of “cultivated” meat is both remarkable and dull. In a homely kitchen at the California headquarters of Eat Just, a startup, a-card-sized slice of meat, served with a sweet-potato puree, mushrooms and some pickled peppers, has been grilled. The meal is remarkable because the meat was grown in a lab. It is ordinary because the texture, taste, look and smell of the meat is almost identical to that of chicken.

Broadly speaking, there are two ways to make cultivated meat. One option is to put the cells in a stainless-steel tank, called a “bioreactor,” which is filled with a nutrient-rich liquid that is often from cow embryos (胚胎). The cells multiply, and after a month or so a meaty slurry can be harvested and turned into minced-meat products such as chicken nuggets (鸡块).The alternative is to place the cells on a frame. That encourages them to grow into a certain shape, and is used to create more fibrous meat, such as steaks.

The cultivated-meat business hopes that this experience will become more common. In June, Eat Just and Upside Foods, became the first two companies to win regulatory approval to sell cultivated meat in America. A handful of firms already do so in Singapore. In total, around 160 firms are trying to bring cultivated meats to market.

But doing so will be challenging. In America, diners without the benefit of a press card can find cultivated meat in just two restaurants. Years ago the industry was bullish. McKinsey guessed it might grow to $25 billion worldwide by the end of the decade. But that hope is fading. Most companies are now more focused on producing hybrid meats, which combine cultivated animal protein with protein from plants such as soya or wheat because of stubbornly high costs and troubles with mass production.

In some rich countries, plenty of people say they want to reduce their consumption, ether for ethical reasons or environmental ones. Lab-grown meat may, for some consumers, be less ethically worrisome than eating animals. And the early success of plant-based meat alternatives gave investors hope. Earlier this year, Vow Food, an Australian start-up, created a “mammoth meatball”, mixing ancient DNA recovered from frozen mammoth remains with that of modern-day elephants.

【小题1】Which kind of lab-grown meat does Eat Just serve?
A.Beef steak.B.Chicken nuggets.C.Mammoth meatball.D.A chicken-like meat dish.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “bullish” in paragraph 4 mean?
【小题3】Why do companies explore hybrid me as combining plant and animal proteins?
A.Because of the much easier way to cook hybrid meats.
B.Because of the remarkably enhanced flavor and texture.
C.Because of the fierce competition with traditional meat companies.
D.Because of high costs and production challenges of cultivated meat.
【小题4】Which is the most suitable title for the text?
A.A new cuisine will take the place of traditional dishes,
B.A debate about moral issues is aroused by lab-grown meat.
C.Will lab-grown meat ever make it on to supermarket shelves?
D.How is the lab-grown meat made to cater for people’s demand?
