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What's happening inside your bodies if you're drinking coffee every single day?


In addition to preventing diseases, coffee's caffeine content is directly linked with your brain. These effects are especially seen at low levels of consumption (about 75 mg). Caffeine has been associated with positive action on the brain. It improves mental alertness, mood and attention, and helps with concentration. A 2013 study found that those who drank two to three cups of caffeinated coffee a day felt less depressed, possibly because caffeine's stimulant (刺激性的)effect helps further people's moods.

It might improve memory preservation.

While caffeine's positive effect on alertness, attention, concentration, and mood is not such a surprise, its ability to improve memory preservation is based on a fairly new study. We conclude that caffeine strengthens preservation of long-term memories in humans. 【小题2】 Nor will it always prove to have a positive impact on productivity.

It might help you become a better athlete.

Coffee-loving athletes: you're in luck. 【小题3】 The all-natural caffeine in coffee has been associated with improved physical performance, especially in aerobic (有氧的)or endurance exercise. The recommended amount of caffeine is 2-6 milligrams per kilogram of body weight. 【小题4】

It might badly affect your daily routine if consumed too much.

【小题5】 If too much coffee is consumed, some individuals may experience side effects, such as anxiety, panic, restless sleep, and caffeine dependence. The most serious symptom is a headache. As with overdoing anything, death is also a possibility.

A.Now for the downsides.
B.It might improve your overall mood.
C.It might help prevent several kinds of diseases.
D.It is important to note that more caffeine is not necessarily better.
E.That's about 1 to 4 cups of regular brewed coffee for someone weighing 150 pounds.
F.It turns out that athletes benefit from both mentally and physically resulting from coffee.
G.As is known to all, many Olympic champions owe their success to drinking coffee regularly.
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Many people drink protein shakes (高蛋白饮品) regularly to lose weight, build muscle or both. Others, however, question the belief that protein shakes are better than normal, high-protein foods. So what is the truth?

What is in a protein shake?

Protein shakes are dietary supplements (膳食补充品) designed to help people consume more protein than they otherwise would. 【小题1】 Or people can mix their own shakes using protein powder and other ingredients. Protein powder can be made from plants or animals. Plant-based protein shakes can include soy, pea or rice protein. Animal-based protein powders are usually made from cow’s milk. Those who want to stay away from milk can also get protein powder made from egg whites.

Advantages of protein shakes

Studies indicate that consuming protein shakes is helpful if you want to build your muscle. They can also help to improve your performance while exercising and help you to recover from exercise. 【小题2】

Consuming protein shakes can also help you lose weight. Eating a high-protein diet helps you feel full, so it’s easier to resist eating too much. High-protein diets can also increase how quickly your body burns energy. When you use more energy than you take in through food, you lose weight. 【小题3】

Disadvantages of protein shakes

However, you don’t have to drink protein shakes to have a high-protein diet. Many wholefoods are rich in protein. As a matter of fact, the people in many high-protein diet studies didn’t drink protein shakes The studies proved the benefits of eating protein-rich foods. 【小题4】 In contrast, many protein shakes contain sugar or artificial sweeteners, which are not healthy.

To sum up

So yes, protein shakes are convenient, and they work. However, they are not your only choice for eating a high-protein diet.

A.And if you’re losing weight, protein shakes can help make sure that you don’t lose muscle.
B.Protein shakes can also help people to manage their figures, especially their weight.
C.Moreover, these foods contain other nutrients in addition to protein.
D.Therefore, it is unnecessary to take protein shakes unless it is a must.
E.Protein shakes can be ready-made drinks.
F.And high-protein diets have also been linked to the loss of fat.

Beijing Imperial Court Food(宫廷菜)

Imperial Court Food is a style of food with origins in the Imperial Palace and it is well-known for the original features of the raw materials and carefully selected ingredients. In addition, the dishes are decorated with different colored vegetables and fruits in various shapes. Each dish has a special name, such as Yu Feng Huan Chao. Today, Imperial Court Food has become an important school of Chinese cooking with several places offering this special taste. While expensive, it is worth trying.

Restaurants of Imperial Court Food
Fangshan Restaurant

Fangshan Restaurant is the most famous one offering the first-class Imperial Court Food. The restaurant is made up of three parts and it can hold 500 people eating at the time. It is decorated in imperial style with the design of dragon and phoenix. Here is the best place to experience the life of the Chinese emperors in former days, Now, it serves nearly 800 kinds of Imperial Court Dishes. Among them, Man-Han Banquet is the most famous.

Yushan Restaurant

The layout(布局)of the restaurant follows the imperial palace. When eating in there restaurant, diners are served by waitresses in traditional imperial clothes.

Da Zhai Men

The dishes and snacks cooked in this restaurant are worthy to be tried. And, the traditional performances at night is one of the restaurant's attractions.

Royal Palace

Both of the food and services of this restaurant are so good. You can also enjoy some wonderful performances in this large courtyard.

【小题1】Imperial Court Food stands out because of the following EXCEPT         .
A.pleasant namesB.selective materials
C.reasonable pricesD.pretty decorations
【小题2】If you'd like to try Man-Han Banquet, which restaurant should you go to?
A.Da Zhai Men.B.Royal Palace.
C.Yushan Restaurant.D.Fangshan Restaurant.
【小题3】In which restaurant can you enjoy Chinese traditional performances?
A.Da Zhai Men.B.Yushan Restaurant.
C.Fangshan Restaurant.D.Royal Palace.

Jianbing guozi(煎饼果子)has long been one of the most popular street snacks in China – many people enjoy eating it for breakfast with a cup of warm soy milk. But according to a new set of standards, we may not have been eating “real” jianbing guozi at all.

On May 26, the Tianjin Catering Industry Association introduced a set of standards that say how jianbing guozi should be made. Tianjin is believed to be the birthplace of the snack.

The new standards say that the snack should be made with mung bean flour, eggs and scallions (). And it should be between 38 and 45 centimeters in diameter. They also state that its packaging should show the snack’s expiry date (有效期) and the name, address and phone number of its maker.

Jianbing guozi is a traditional food that’s sold all over China, and it’s even started to become popular in other countries. However, the way the snack is prepared in different regions varies. While traditional jianbing guozi often consists of a pancake and eggs, sea cucumber, hotdog sausage or even squid (鱿鱼) are sometimes added in some places.

“Different street sellers all have various ways to cook jianbing guozi, but they don’t care about how to develop it better for the future. They just focus on making money,” Song Guanming, chairman of the Tianjin Catering Industry Association’s jianbing guozi branch, told The Telegraph. Song believes that the new standards will preserve the traditional flavor of the snack.

However, the introduction of the standards has raised heated debate among Chinese internet users. Some believe that part of the fun of eating jianbing guozi is that its flavor varies by seller, but the rules will destroy its variety, according to The New York Times.

In response, Song explained that the standards would not be strictly carried out. “It’s not our aim to make it standard like KFC fast food,” Song told China Daily. “We just aim to better regulate the cooking process, techniques and safety of this time-honored Tianjin snack in its hometown.”

【小题1】What’s the right understanding of the underlined sentence in Paragraph One?
A.The jianbing guozi most people eat is fake, not authentic(地道)at all.
B.The jianbing guozi most people eat is not made in Tianjing, so it’s not authentic.
C.The jianbing guozi most people eat isn’t made according to the newly introduced standards.
D.The jianbing guozi most people eat is something else. The seller uses the name, because jianbing guozi sells well.
【小题2】Why are some people against the new standards?
A.It’s too complicated for jianbing guozi makers to follow.
B.The new standards will rob the traditional flavor of the traditional Tianjin snack.
C.The new standards will make it impossible for people to eat jianbing guozi outside Tianjin.
D.The new standards will rob the fun of choosing jianbing guozi whose flavors vary.
【小题3】What’s the writer’s attitude towards the new standards?
A.Neutral.(中立的)B.criticalC.For the standards.D.Against the standards.
