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The first typewriters were big heavy metal machines that worked a bit like a piano. Have you ever seen the inside of a real piano? You press a key and some levers( 杠杆) make a small tool inside hit just the right piano string to make a note. Early typewriters were similar.They had all these levers with a metal letter at the end of each of them.You had to press a letter key quite hard to make the metal lever fly across and hit the paper.

The first machine did have the letter keys in the order of the letters we learn. But the trouble was that if you hit two keys quickly the levers would jam(卡住). Jams were most likely when the two keys were close together on the keyboard.

Christopher Sholes, an American inventor, succeeded in dealing with the problem.He tried many ways to avoid the need to type two keys that were close together. The best way he could find was similar to the QWERTY keyboard we all use today.

Sholes also made the name of his machine easy to type. He placed on the same line all the letters of the words"type"and "writer".He sold his invention to the Remington Company which built and sold the first successful typewriters.Later, many other kinds of the letter keys have been tried. Some are said to be easier to learn or faster to use. But none has proved good enough to beat QWERTY.

QWERTY was developed for the English language. The keyboard slightly differs around the world. For example AZERTY is commonly used for French, QWERTZ for German,and QZERTY for Italian. Perhaps you can find someone from India, Japan or Korea. Ask them to show you the keyboard they use in their language.

【小题1】What is the author’s purpose in writing the first paragraph?
A.To explain the difference between the typewriter and the piano.
B.To show how the piano influenced the typewriter.
C.To tell why the typewriter was invented.
D.To explain how the early typewriter worked.
【小题2】Why did Christopher Sholes change the order of the letters on the keyboard?
A.To make people type quickly.
B.To solve the jam problem.
C.To help people remember it easily.
D.To put frequently used letters together.
【小题3】What do we know about the QWERTY keyboard from Paragraph 4?
A.It was doubted at first.
B.It still needs to be improved.
C.It's better than other keyboards.
D.It made the Remington Company successful.
【小题4】What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
A.The keyboard is changing over time.
B.The word "QWERTY"is out of date.
C.The QWERTY keyboard is very popular.
D.The keyboard changes with some languages.
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Do you know there are apps that make it easy to help others, our planet, and ourselves so we lead more giving and meaningful lives? Check out four of the best ones and spring into action!

Be My Eyes

This app connects visually-challenged people in need of some help with sighted people with a few minutes of spare time to offer through video calls. The help needed may be something like finding a missing object in the home. This app is available in over 150 countries and in more than 150 languages. Volunteers register and detail which languages they speak. When someone needs help, a message reminder appears on their device.


Want to help with cutting edge global research? Zooniverse is an app with millions of registered volunteers that lets you become a citizen researcher! Help professional scientific researchers through your mobile device or the companion website. Global volunteers don’t have a scientific background but their contribution is highly valued.

My Selfless Act

This is a social networking site and app promoting the idea of giving back to the community through volunteering. It offers information on local volunteering opportunities globally and encourages the sharing of ideas and activities.

Aloe Bud

Created by someone who struggles with his mental illness, routine and remembering daily self- care, Aloe Bud is a welcoming and simple self-care pocket companion app. It gently reminds users about self-care activities in physical, mental and emotional needs. These reminders relate to anything from drinking enough water to taking screen breaks to maintaining connections.

【小题1】What is Be My Eyes intended to do?
A.To help people with visual barrier.
B.To participate in the sourcing project.
C.To provide digital sourcing to research.
D.To contribute to the companion website.
【小题2】Which one is not related to Aloe Bud?
A.Mental wellness.B.Daily routine.
C.Self-care activities.D.Emotional reminder.
【小题3】What do the four apps have in common?
A.Promoting the quality of people’s lives.
B.Reminding users about self-care activities.
C.Helping professional scientific researches.
D.Encouraging the sharing of ideas and activities.

As technology develops, school students who are off class may have no fear of too much absence from class. A small robot may help those children recovering from a long-term illnesses in the hospital or at home. These children may feel isolated from their friends and classmates. The robot takes their place at school. Through the robot, the children can hear their teachers and friends. They also can take part in class from wherever they are recovering.

Anyone who has had a long term illness knows that recovering at home can be lonely. This can be especially true of children. They may feel left out. Now these children may have a high-tech friend to feel less alone. And that friend is a robot. The robot is called AV1. AV1 goes to school for a child who is at home while recovering from a long-term illness. And the child’s school friends must help. They carry the robot between classes and place the robot on the child’s desk.

A Norwegian company called No isolation created the robot. The co-founders of No Isolation are Karen Dolva and Marius Aabel. Dolva explains how the robot AV1 works. She says, from home, the child uses a tablet or phone to start the robot. Then they use the same device(设备)to control the robot’s movements. At school, the robot becomes the eyes, ears and voice of the child. The child can take part in classroom activities from wherever she/he is recovering-whether at home or from a hospital bed. The robot is equipped with speakers, microphones and cameras make communicating easy.

【小题1】What’s the meaning of the underlined word “isolated”?
A.to be difficult to deal withB.to be away from
C.to be unhappy or feel sorrowD.to be hopeful
【小题2】What can we know about AV1?
A.It can go to school on its own.B.It is small and looks like a kid.
C.It can replace children to attend classes.D.It was created by Dolva and Aabel.
【小题3】How are the movements of AV1 controlled?
A.By using a tablet or phone.B.By joining in classroom activities.
C.Through a small speaker.D.Through a small camera.

Engineers have put a huge garbage collector to gather plastic material in the Pacific Ocean between California and Hawaii, the world's largest spread of garbage, twice the size of the state of Texas.

The Ocean Cleanup organization created the collector. The group's founder, Boyan Slat, an inventor born in 1994, was just 16 when he was moved to clean up the oceans when he was on a dive and saw more plastic bags than fish

Last Saturday, a ship pulling the pipe-shaped floating barrier left San Francisco. Attached to it is a screening skirt that hangs three meters down in the water. The screen is designed to collect the plastic as it moves through the water. Sea animals can safely swim under the barrier

The cleanup system also comes with lights powered by the sun, cameras, and other special devices, so the system can communicate its position at all times. That way a support ship can find it every few months to remove the plastic that has been collected.

Shipping containers will hold all the plastic gathered , including bottles and fishing equipment and are expected to be back on land within a year. Then the plastic will be recycled. The free-floating barriers are made to survive extreme weather conditions and damage from continual use. They will stay in the water for twenty years , thus collecting 90% ofthe garbage in the area.

The Ocean Cleanup has received $ 35 million in donations to pay for the project, hoping to put 60 free-floating barriers in the Pacific Ocean by 2020. "It's important to turn off the taps on plastic entering the ocean, but I also think people can do more than one thing at a time to deal with this problem," Slat said.

【小题1】What drove Slat to invent the collector?
A.The interest in invention.
B.His failure to dive due to rubbish.
C.The sight of too many plastic bags.
D.His knowledge ofgarbage in the Pacific Ocean.
【小题2】How does the floating barrier work?
A.It reaches into the water to collect the plastic.
B.It has large containers to produce power.
C.It forms barriers to protect sea animals.
D.A ship drags it along in the ocean.
【小题3】Which does the underlined word "it" in paragraph 4 refer to?
A.The support ship.
B.The floating barrier.
C.The plastic to be recycled.
D.The position of special devices.
【小题4】What is important for protecting the ocean according to Slat?
A.Sending more collectors into the ocean.
B.Inventing more ocean cleanup devices.
C.Stopping plastic from entering the ocean.
D.Banning the use ofplastic bags in boats.
