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After two years of circling Bennu, an ancient asteroid (小行星) hundreds of millions of kilometers away, a NASA spacecraft made its way to the rocky surface and collected samples.

NASA spacecraft OSIRIS-Rex was launched in 2016 with the goal of getting samples from the asteroid. On Oct 20, 2020, it was confirmed that 60 grams of rocks had been collected, marking the biggest haul (一次性收获) from beyond the moon.

The spacecraft dropped out of its 750 meter-high orbit and took about four hours to carefully and slowly make it to just above the surface. The OSIRIS -Rex’s 3.4 meter arm, which is responsible for collecting samples, reached out and touched Bennu for about 10 seconds. During the brief touch-down, the spacecraft blasted Bennu’s surface with nitrogen (氮) gas. This stirred up dirt and rock that could then be collected by the arm’s sampling head.

The work behind this process was much trickier than expected. Before OSIRIS-Rex’s launch, data from multiple telescopes showed the asteroid’s surface looked like a beach, full of tiny particles (颗粒) that could be easily collected. However, when OSIRIS-Rex got close enough to take a close-up of Bennu, scientists were surprised by how rough it was and how large the rocks were. The rocky terrain (地形) brought unexpected risks for the spacecraft, so they had to adjust the original plan. The scientists had to add extra software to the spacecraft. Also, they extended the mission time and spent extra time creating a 3D map for Bennu’s surface.

They didn’t have a lot of room for mistakes since OSIRIS -Rex only has three bottles of nitrogen gas. Luckily, after two drills, the spacecraft managed to successfully collect over 60 grams of material.

The sample seems like a small piece of Bennu, but it is a big step for mankind. Bennu was chosen for a reason. The big, black, round, carbon -rich asteroid, which was formed about 4.5 billion years ago, witnessed the solar system’s entire history. With the sample, scientists will explore deeply in labs to find out more secrets about our solar system.

【小题1】The 3rd paragraph is mainly developed _________.
A.by exampleB.by process
C.by comparisonD.by statistic
【小题2】What does the underlined word “trickier” in paragraph 4 probably mean?
A.more convenient.B.more necessary.
C.more challenging.D.more surprising.
【小题3】Which of the following is true according to this passage?
A.The rocky terrain brought risks for the spacecraft to adjust the original plan.
B.It is meaningful for the spacecraft to collect samples successfully from Bennu.
C.The carbon-rich asteroid must have witnessed the existence of ancient life.
D.We have found some secrets about our solar system by analyzing the sample.
【小题4】What would be the best title of this passage?
A.Asteroid InvestigationB.A Space Exploration
C.Making Our Way To BennuD.Secrets About The Solar System
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A new song by the famous band The Beatles has been released despite half of the band members no longer being alive, thanks to the help of AI.

The Beatles was a legendary British rock band that remained second to Elvis Presley from the 1960s. It was made up of four musicians—John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr. The new song, titled Now and Then, is unique because it combined the singing of McCartney and Starr with Lennon, who passed away in 1980, and the guitar skills of Harrison, who passed away in 2001.

The song was initially written and partly recorded by Lennon in the late 1970s and further developed by band mates years later but as technology then was limited, they didn’t release it due to the sound quality not being satisfying.

Peter Jackson, most famous for directing The Lord of the Rings, directed the music video for Norw and Then and it can be watched now online. It was thanks to new Al audio restoration (音频修复) technology that Peter Jackson allowed the four band members to “come together” one last time.

Since its release last week, the song has been well received in the UK. Beatles fans around the world favoured this historic musical event.

”Now and Then is an absolutely heart-warming piece of work, “posted Liam Gallagher, whose hits were affected by The Beatles’ musical style.

Of course, there are those who are not totally interested in the song. ”Now and Then is not terrible. But honestly, it’s kind of boring, “Geoff Edgers wrote in The Washington Post.

The Times in the UK said the song showed Al being used to its best advantage.

【小题1】Why was the song “Now and Then” not released at first?
A.The song was not completed.B.The sound quality was not good enough.
C.The band members did not like the song.D.The song was let out before its official release.
【小题2】How did Peter Jackson contribute to the song?
A.He wrote and recorded the song.
B.He invented new audio restoration technology.
C.He restored the band members’ sound using AI.
D.He played the guitar on the recording.
【小题3】What is the attitude of The Times towards the release of Now and Then?
【小题4】What is the best title of the text?
A.The Beatles Remains Second to Elvis Presley
B.Beatles Fans Welcome the New Song of The Beatles
C.Peter Jnckson Directed the Music Video for The Beatles
D.The Beatles Released a New Song with the Help of Al

In 2017, AlphaGo defeated Chinese player Ke Jie to become the world’s No 1, ending thousands of years of human dominance(控制)in the game. AlphaGo is an artificial intelligence(AI)Go-playing program.【小题1】

Artificial intelligence(AI)is usually defined as the science of marking computers do things that require intelligence when done by humans.【小题2】These include learning, reasoning, problem-solving, perception, and language-understanding.

【小题3】In fact we are increasingly depending. upon computer-based artificial intelligence. As Charlie Qrtiz said, head of AL at the Massachusetts-based software company Nuance Communication, “It has opened a window for us.”Smartphones, self-driving cars, intelligent robots,etc. are constantly coming into our life. According to a recent survey, half of the world’s AI experts believe human level machine intelligence will be achieved by 2040. This will open up huge possibilities for the enrichment of mankind, from tackling climate change and treating disease to labour- saving devices.

【小题4】Physicist Stephen Hawking last year warned that unless we take care, board games might be the least of it. “The development of full artificial intelligence could mean the end of the human race.”【小题5】They believe AlphaGo’s victory is a reminder of how fast the world is overcoming the obstacles in the way of AI, and its distribution in the world about us. Although there may yet be no evidence that computers will ever shake off their human masters, we should still treat these development with the humility and caution they deserve.

A.Other scientists have also expressed the concern.
B.Artificial intelligence has both advantages and disadvantages.
C.Defeating a human Go master is not the only thing AI can do.
D.Artificial intelligence will bring us disasters instead of benefits.
E.It was designed by an American Artificial intelligence company.
F.Not all experts hold the optimistic attitudes to the development of AI.
G.Research in AI has so far focused on some special fields of intelligence.

However exciting space exploration sounds, there’s a necessary and important point about it that needs to be considered: food supplies. Right now, astronauts typically rely on dry food in airtight bags and cans,since there are strict weight limits on items taken into space. Foods that we take for granted, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, are out of the question for space explorers.

For those who’ve made an effort to try to grow food during space flights, they’ve faced many difficulties, including the absence of gravity, and a lack of soil, air and humidity (湿度). However, growing food to add and minimize (最小化) the food that must be carried to space will be increasingly important on long-duration flights into space. Great efforts have been made to explore the concept (idea) of space farming. Recently, a team led by Federico Maggi at the University of Sydney in Australia have worked out how plants can absorb nutrients from human urine (尿), as was reported by New Scientist on March 27.

After over 20 years of experiments, the results suggested that human urine could supply three to four out of the six nutrients that plants need. The researchers also found out that urine-fertilized plants produce no harmful by-products, such as carbon dioxide or ammonia.

According to New Scientist, human urine is 95 percent water, with the other 5 percent made from nutrients which are harmful to the human body but not to plants. The advantage of this urine-fueled life support system is obvious: By recycling liquid waste and producing food, an efficient cycle will be created.

And most importantly, said New Scientist,the duration of space flights will be greatly extended to “20 years of flight”, meaning we may be soon sending astronauts on flights to Mars, or even beyond.

【小题1】The underlined part out of the question in the first paragraph means ________.
【小题2】What can we learn from the University of Sydney research?
A.Human urine is harmless to plants.
B.Human urine provides six necessary nutrients for plants.
C.Urine fertilizer is safer and more productive than chemical fertilizer.
D.Urine-fertilized plants only release a small amount of carbon dioxide.
【小题3】What is the biggest advantage of using human urine for space farming, according to New Scientist?
A.It does little harm to the environment in space.
B.It could create conditions for long-term space flights.
C.It will greatly reduce the cost of farming in space.
D.Urine-fertilized plants are healthier and taste better.
【小题4】What’s the text mainly about?
A.The significance of space farming.
B.Problems facing astronauts on long-term space flights.
C.How to use human urine to produce food in space.
D.A possible new way to grow food in space.
