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In the 1966 science-fiction movie One Million Years B. C., the movie characters had a time travel and arrived in an ancient landscape inhabited by dinosaurs and early humans. The movie was low on science and high on fiction: by then dinosaurs were long dead and modern humans were millions of years away.

A more accurate picture of Earth’s inhabitants at the time is now being revealed. In research published in Nature, a team of scientists led by Anders Gotherstrom at the University of Stockholm, and Love Dalen at the Centre for Palaeogenetics (古遗传学), also in Sweden, describe sequencing (测序) DNA samples from mammoths (猛犸象) that lived and died in north-eastern Siberia around a million years ago.

The team’s work represents a new record, for their mammoth DNA is, by some half a million years, the oldest ever successfully reconstructed. Extracted (提取) from horses, bears and even Neanderthals and Denisovans, two close cousins of modern humans, such ancient DNA has proved an invaluable tool for investigating the past. Although fossils preserve the basic physical features of extinct animals, they are silent about many crucial details that even an incomplete genome (基因组) can help to fill in.

The trouble with DNA is that it breaks down after death. The more broken down it is, the harder it is to sequence. Scientists think that, after about 6m years, all that would be left would be individual base pairs (碱基对), the equivalent of trying to reconstruct a book from several letters. Under the right conditions, however, such as the extreme cold of Arctic permafrost (冻土层) this decay can be slowed.

Dr. Dalen and his colleagues were interested in three mammoth molars (臼齿) extracted in the 1970s from Siberian geological layers that suggested great age. Samples from each were sent to Dr. Dalen’s laboratory in 2017. Having checked they had not been contaminated by bacteria or the shaking hands of Paleontologists, the DNA were extracted, sequenced, and dated. Whereas DNA samples from a living animal can run to several hundreds of thousands of letters, the ancient mammoth samples yielded merely dozens of letter long. This is close to the limit of what is scientifically usable, says a biologist named Ludovic Orlando.

【小题1】What does the underlined word “contaminated” probably mean?
【小题2】According to the passage, the challenges the research team face may include ________.
①the limited number of DNA in mammoth samples
②the break-down of mammoth’s DNA after death
③the wide spread of mammoth samples
④the damage done to the mammoth samples from external environment
⑤the difficulty in extraction of the mammoth’s DNA
【小题3】Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A.The fact that DNA can break down makes it easier to sequence.
B.The incomplete genome can’t give any details of the extinct animals.
C.Mammoths’ DNA samples are invaluable for their extremely long history.
D.The research team created a new record for reconstructing an ancient book.
【小题4】What is the passage mainly about?
A.The movie One Million Years B. C revealed the early human civilization.
B.Scientists have uncovered the secrets of life by studying mammoths’ DNA.
C.The mammoths’ DNA may give a clearer picture of ancient inhabitants on earth.
D.Discoveries of mammoths’ DNA samples help the development of DNA reconstruction technology.
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According to a new study from Cornell University, about one-fifth of the global population, of 2 billion people worldwide, will be forced to resettle or go deeper inland by 2100 due to the continuous rise in sea level.

The study, published in the journal Land Use Policy, showed that the growing global population could make the matter worse. The researchers expected that there are about 1.4 billon “climate change refugees(难民)” in the world by 2060 and by 2100 the number of the displaced people due to the rising sea level could reach up to two billion.

“We’re going to have more people on less land and sooner than we think,” said lead author Charles Geisler, professor at Cornell. “The future rise in global average sea level probably won’t be gradual. Yet few policy makers are observing the significant barriers that coastal climate refugees, like other refugees, will run into when they move to higher ground.”

For the study, the researchers reviewed(回顾) potential problems that climate change refugees may face if they go deeper inland. The researchers identified these land difficulties with relocation using three organizing groups. Including depletion(损耗) zones, win-lose zones and no-trespass(不得擅自进入) zones. By doing so, the researchers were able to provide primary estimates of their toll(损失) on inland resettlement space. The researchers found that some inland regions were unlikely to support new waves of climate change refugees due to the remains of war, road developments and rare natural resources.

Apart from the rising sea level, increasing storm weather and the booming global population are also having a huge influence on the number of climate change refugees. Storm can push seawater further inland. The increasing global population requires more land even as the ocean swallows up rich costal zones and river deltas(三角洲). These force people to search for new places to move to higher ground.

【小题1】What would happen if the sea level were to rise?
A.2 billion people would be “refugees” by 2060.
B.50% of the population would lose their homes.
C.Inland regions would become more crowded.
D.Coastal regions would be polluted seriously.
【小题2】What can be inferred from Charles Geisler’s words?
A.The sea level will go up in a little-by-little way.
B.Moving to higher land isn’t the key solution.
C.Land and population vary according to climate change.
D.Policy makers should think more for climate change refugees.
【小题3】Why do climate change refugees fail to move to some inland regions?
A.Because they can’t live a common life there.
B.Because they can’t adapt to the climate there.
C.Because they may consume more than expected.
D.Because they will destroy the natural resources.
【小题4】What does the author stress in the last paragraph?
A.Global warming is a double-edged sword.
B.In the future climate will become worse.
C.The earth will see more climate change refugees.
D.Sea will bring humans more disadvantages.

The way Jason Momoa describes Hawaii’s beloved inactive volcano, Mauna Kea, makes you understand why it’s considered sacred(神圣的).

"It’s kind of the umbilical cord(脐带) to earth," the actor tells CNN. "You know, if you think about the Hawaiian islands, that’s the biggest mountain in the world, right? All the way up. So Mauna Kea is the most sacred. We call it the belly button, too. That’s like our birthplace. That’s how our islands were formed. So how can that not be sacred?"

He would know. Jason, a native of Hawaii, has had a near-constant presence there when he’s not working, fighting with local protestors to stop the construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope, or TMT, which would drill directly into the mountain and invade its precious water supply. So far, protestors have successfully blocked the only road crews seeking to go up the mountain in order to build the billion-dollar observatory.

"It started in 2015. What’s happening over there was just not right," Jason says. "And I went over there to meet with everyone to bring the point to the world." Jason joins the protests when he can. He cared so deeply about the preservation of the land that when he had spare time to lend his support, he was there. "You also have to remember, that’s our water source. So having an 18-story building built on top of the tallest mountain from the sea level on our water level is terrible."

The Game of Thrones star says he feels the movement is working and describing his part in it as a calling to do what he feels right in his soul. "There’s massive progress that’s bringing our people together," he says, adding, "I think there are a lot of problems in Hawaii. There are a lot of things that have happened in our history, a lot of injustice, and so we’re shining a light on it. People like myself or Dwayne Johnson, Bruno Mars are trying to spread the concern all around the world. For my soul I need to be there."

【小题1】Why is Mauna Kea sacred according to Jason?
A.It’s still growing upwards.B.It looks like the belly button.
C.It’s the birthplace of Humans.D.It brings the islands into being.
【小题2】What does “It” refer to in Paragraph 4?
A.The project of building TMT.B.The event of blocking the road crews.
C.The shooting of Game of Thrones.D.The movement of preserving the land.
【小题3】According to Jason,what’s the significance of their movement?
A.Bringing Hawaiian people together.B.Witnessing the history of Hawaii.
C.Bringing Hawaii problems into focus.D.Making Mauna Kea better-known.
【小题4】In which section might the text be read?

Wild animals are equipped with a variety of techniques to avoid becoming lunch for a bigger animal, also known as a predator (捕食者) in nature. The most well-known methods include the classic fight and flight as well as freeze.

A team of researchers wondered whether closeness to people might impact those survival strategies. “We often see that animals are more tolerant around us in urban areas, but we don’t really know why.” says evolutionary biologist Dan Blumstein. “Is it individual plasticity, meaning individuals change their fear of us and that leads to tolerance? Or can there be an evolutionary factor involved?”

To find out, Blumstein and his colleagues combined information from 173 studies of over 100 species, including mammals, birds, fish and even mollusks. It turns out that regardless of evolutionary ancestry, the animals react in a similar way to life among humans: they lose their anti-predator characteristics. That pattern is especially pronounced for plant-eating animals and for social species. This behavioral change is perhaps unsurprising when it’s intentional, the result of domestication or controlled breeding. But it turns out that urbanization alone results in a similar change, though around three times more slowly.

The main point is: we’re essentially domesticating animals by urbanization. We’re selecting for the same sorts of characteristics that we would if we were actually trying to domesticate them. If the urbanization process helps animals better co-exist with people, it could be to their benefit. But if it makes them more defenseless to their nonhuman predators, it could be a real problem. Either way, these results mean that city living has enough of an influence on wild animals that evolutionary processes kick in. Those reductions in anti-predator characteristics become encoded in their genes. We’re changing the population genetics one way or another.

What the researchers now wonder is whether the mere presence of tourists in less urbanized areas can cause similar changes in wild animals. If so, serious questions exist for the idea of ethical, welfare-oriented eco-tourism. If we wish to help animals keep their anti-predator defenses, the researchers say, we might have to intentionally expose animals to predators. It’s just yet one other way that we’re changing the world around us.

【小题1】The research led by Blumstein is aimed at ________.
A.determining how animals’ survival is impacted by individual plasticity
B.studying how living among humans affects animals’ survival strategies
C.comparing the effectiveness of different survival techniques
D.finding out which evolutionary factor impacts animals’ survival methods
【小题2】Which of the following practices may contribute to animals losing anti-predator characteristics?
A.Controlled breeding of animals.B.Banning the operation of eco-tourism.
C.Planned selection of favorable genes.D.Eliminating domestication.
【小题3】Which of the following statements is Blumstein likely to agree with?
A.Urbanization has made wild animals more alert.
B.Urbanization has brought concrete benefits to animals.
C.City living has led to animals’ genetic variations.
D.City living has helped to preserve animal species.
【小题4】The animal rescue center spotted an injured fox a year ago and has since nursed it back to health. Before releasing it back to the wild, the center should probably ________.
A.expose the fox to the urban environment repeatedly
B.train the fox to co-exist with the less aggressive predators
C.intentionally get the fox accustomed to the presence of humans
D.purposefully adapt the fox to predator related environment
