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Believe it or not, 43,000,000 Americans are gardening. That is about one in six. Gardeners, of course, come in many varieties.

Abhi Arora used to be in the tech field. Like so many people, he sat at a desk all day, staring at a screen. Due to the stress of always staying indoors and in front of a computer, he started getting anxiety issues. To recharge and refresh, he visited a local garden in California. He noticed the shift in his mood, emotions, and improvement in his mental health overall during each visit.

Arora became friends and later business partners with the garden’s owner, farmer Rishi Kumar. Kumar studied computer science in college but became obsessed with plants and gardening. He now runs Sarvodaya Farms in Pomona, California. “Rishi and I met an old man who was healing himself and his son through the power of gardens. It was then that I realized that we could help others feel the same connection to the healing power of gardens,” Arora says. The two co-founded Healing Gardens, an online marketplace where people can rent their organic urban gardens or farms for use by the hour.

“I’ve always had a love for plants and wildlife, so with Healing Gardens we want to bring easy access to the wellness benefits of nature to our community and at the same time do our part in regenerating our planet,” Arora says.

Healing Gardens is based on the simple idea that most people enjoy being surrounded by plants and animals. A healing garden is a restorative outdoor space that has been specifically designed to steer the restless mind away from circling thoughts and towards the presence of the senses.

In addition to offering private time for visitors to just spend time alone in the garden or at the farm, individual hosts may also offer events and activities like yoga classes, mediation sessions, and goat petting for kids. Beautiful imagery, luscious smells, birdsongs, and more, gently invite the guest at a Healing Garden to presence.

【小题1】How did Arora feel after he visited local gardens?
A.More stressed.B.More anxious.
C.More emotional.D.More relaxed.
【小题2】What’s the purpose of founding the Healing Gardens?
A.To earn more money.B.To offer leisure places.
C.To promote the produce.D.To bring the benefits of nature to people.
【小题3】What do we know about the Healing Gardens?
A.Recovery rooms are available.
B.People can spend time alone for free.
C.A wide variety of activities are provided.
D.People can enjoy performances by trained animals.
【小题4】Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.Emotion: Key to Success.B.Anxiety: Harm to Health.
C.Wildlife: Benefits of Nature.D.Gardening: Power of Refreshment.
知识点:人与动植物说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

To improve road safety and raise awareness among Russia’s notoriously (臭名昭著地) careless drivers, Russian police have tried to get drivers to slow down at zebra (斑马) crossings by having painted horses as zebras walk across on the busiest streets in some of the big cities.

The light grey horses, painted with black stripes (条纹), carried signs on their backs reading: “Careful, children are on their way to school.” The police sent the “zebras” to several different locations in the Russian capital, where officials in orange vests walked them over zebra crossings and handed out leaflets (传单) to passing drivers.

Some held up rainbow-coloured umbrellas over the painted animals to protect them from the rain. Russian roads are notoriously dangerous and drivers still rarely take steps to avoid pedestrians (行人). Nearly half of all traffic accidents in the country’s big cities are caused by cars hitting pedestrians, and a third of those occur on crossings, according to traffic police figures published last month.

In the first six months of this year, 378 people were killed and more than 6, 600 injured on pedestrian crossings in Russia, according to police. In Moscow alone, 43 people were killed, including two children.

Though police officials said that only safe paint would be used on the animals, animal rights activists still disagreed with the idea, accusing the police of “treating animals like garbage”.

“Children understand that paints are bad for animals,” the Interfax news agency quoted (引用) president of Vita animal rights group Irina Novozhilova as saying.

Let’s hope this part of the campaign is over and animals are left out of future attempts to raise pedestrians’ awareness.

【小题1】Why do Moscow police have “zebras” walk across on the busiest streets?
A.To make a call on protecting animals.
B.To raise drivers’ awareness of road safety.
C.To tell people it is dangerous to cross streets.
D.To remind people zebras are in danger of extinction.
【小题2】From the text we can learn that ______.
A.the driving skills of Russian drivers are bad.
B.Russian drivers often ignore traffic lights.
C.Russian drivers seldom give way to pedestrians
D.most Russian drivers have realized the seriousness of the problem.
【小题3】What do animal rights activists think of the new attempt?
A.Drivers must slow down at pedestrian crossings.
B.Road safety should be improved.
C.The paints used on the horses are safe.
D.These animals are ill-treated by the police.
【小题4】Which word can best describe the author’s attitude towards the campaign?

People and animals often enjoy loving relationships with each other. When people adopt domesticated(家养的) animals into their families as pets, animals give humans the blessings of companionship and fun in return. In the wild, animals sometimes carry out dramatic rescues of people in dangerous situations, miraculously(奇迹般地) sensing human needs and jumping in without fear to help.

In 2000, a 6-year-old boy named Elian Conzalez left Cuba on a boat bound for Florida in the United States, but the boat sank and everyone aboard drowned except for Elian and two adults. Elian and the other two survivors held onto inner tuber for 48 hours to try to stay afloat in the sea. After a while, however, Elian began to lose strength, slipping under the water and then grabbing the tube again as he fought to stay alive.

A small group of dolphins noticed Elian struggling and swan over to him to help. The dolphins formed a circle around the inner tube and took turns using their noses to lift Elian until fishermen working in the area discovered and rescued Elian and the two adults who floated nearby. The fishermen reported that, when they discovered Elian, he was repeating a prayer that his mother had taught him before drowning, asking guardian angels to protect him.

Miraculously, the dolphins knew that a child would need more help than adults, so they focused on Elian —and they figured out exactly what needed to be done and cooperated carry out that plan successfully. They made it!

【小题1】Why did Elian slip off the tube?
A.He was tired out.
B.The dolphins helped him.
C.The two adults pushed him.
D.The tube was too smooth to grab.
【小题2】How did the dolphins save Elian Conzalez?
A.They informed the fishermen.
B.They formed a circle around him.
C.They supported the inner tube by turns.
D.They stopped Elian slipping under the water.
【小题3】Which of the following words can be used to describe Elian Gonzalez?
A.Confident and strong.
B.Determined and lucky.
C.Friendly and optimistic.
D.Adaptable and aggressive.
【小题4】Which could be the best title?
A.Prayer Doing Wonder
B.Elian’s Narrow Escape
C.The Dolphins Who Rescued Elian
D.Animals: Human Being’s Angels

I woke at 4 am to a pitch-black hostel room, my eight roommates all still sound asleep at the early hour. I tiptoed out to change, stuffed a cheese roll in my mouth, and dragged the suitcase holding a year of my life to the Kaikoura dolphin-watching tour office. With just a few hours of sleep and more adrenaline (肾上腺素) than I had jumping out of a plane, I double-checked my diving equipment in a rush.

The moment we dove off the water, I was shocked awake. No amount of coffee, tea, or sugar has ever given me such an intense wake-up. It turns out, the ocean is freezing at 5 am, before the sun has risen and in early-spring. Don’t be scared off by the temperature, though, because 5 am is when the dolphins are most playful! For five seconds, I struggled to breathe through the cold. Then, the wetsuit flooded with water and I was warm.

A moment later, I was face to face with a wild dusky dolphin, one of the smallest species of dolphin in the world! As I swam alongside it awkwardly, the dolphin gracefully spun on the surface while creating elegant spirals beneath me. I made strange Dory-esque whale noises to draw the attention of more members, including a tiny baby dolphin no bigger than my calf. He seemed most interested in the strange-looking thing that kept getting trapped in her own “flippers (鳍) ”.

The sun rose, warming my back as I continued to struggle among the most elegant animals in the ocean. The practice of swimming with wild dolphins is banned in the North Island, where the species of Hector’s dolphins are in decline. But in Kaikoura, the practice is thriving and actually helping to restore the dolphin populations. By supporting this adventurous experience, you’re supporting dolphin conservation.

【小题1】How did the author feel when she headed for the tour office?
【小题2】Why did the author become wide awake suddenly?
A.Because the diving was scary.B.Because the water was bitterly cold.
C.Because the dolphins were most playful.D.Because the coffee and tea were strong enough.
【小题3】What do we know about the wild dusky dolphin?
A.They are strange-looking.B.They are difficult to approach.
C.They are keen on the whale noises.D.They are the smallest dolphins on earth.
【小题4】What’s the passage mainly about?
A.A dolphin-watching tour in North Island.B.A tough decision on dolphin conservation.
C.A wild dolphin species threatened by humans.D.An adventurous encounter with wild dolphins.
