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Last summer, Maria and her mother moved from their house in the countryside to a flat building in Chicago.Maria really liked some things about the city, but she missed her house and yard in the countryside.

One day, Maria was in her flat building when she noticed her neighbor, Mrs.Garcia, carrying a gardening tool and a bag of soil.Maria wondered how Mrs.Garcia was able to garden in the city.

“My mom used to grow the most delicious vegetables, and I know she misses her garden now that we don't have a yard, ”said Maria.

Mrs.Garcia laughed.“I'll show you, ”she said.

Maria thought that Mrs.Garcia would take her to the park, but she took her to the roof (屋顶). When the door opened, Maria was surprised to see rows of flowers and vegetables on the roof.

“What a wonderful garden!”said Maria.

Mrs.Garcia told Maria that for a long time the roof was just an empty space.Then some of the people in the building asked the owners to turn it into a community garden.The building owners liked the idea because the plants not only helped to keep the air clean, but they also helped to keep the building cooler during warmer weather.

“I plant flowers in my own place, ”Mrs.Garcia said, “but you would be surprised by how different the plants are up here.Some people grow vegetables just like your mom.You can do some of the same things in the city as in the countryside.You just have to be creative!”

【小题1】When did Maria and her mother move to a flat building in Chicago?
A.Last month.B.Last winter.
C.Last summer.D.Last week.
【小题2】Where did Mrs.Garcia take Maria to one day?
A.The park.
B.The roof.
C.The garden in front of her house.
D.The countryside.
【小题3】Which of the following is NOT the advantage of the community garden?
A.It used the empty space well.
B.It helped keep the air clean.
C.It helped keep the building cooler.
D.It made the building stronger.
【小题4】What is the best title for this passage?
A.A Creative LadyB.A Rooftop Garden
C.An Empty RoofD.A Special Building
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My color television has given me nothing but a headache. I was able to buy it a little over a year ago because I had my relatives give me money for my birthday instead of a lot of clothes that wouldn’t fit. I let a salesclerk fool me into buying a discontinued model. I realized this a day later, when I saw newspaper advertisements for the set at seventy-five dollars less than I had paid. The set worked so beautifully when I first got it home that I would keep it on until stations signed off for the night. Fortunately, I didn’t get any channels showing all-night movies or I would never have gotten to bed.

Then I started developing a problem with the set that involved static(静电) noise. For some reason, when certain shows switched into a commercial, a loud noise would sound for a few seconds. Gradually, this noise began to appear during a show, and to get rid of it, I had to change to another channel and then change it back. Sometimes this technique would not work, and I had to pick up the set and shake it to remove the sound. I actually began to build up my arm muscles(肌肉) shaking my set.

When neither of these methods removed the static noise, I would sit helplessly and wait for the noise to go away. At last I ended up hitting the set with my fist, and it stopped working altogether. My trip to the repair shop cost me $62, and the set is working well now, but I keep expecting more trouble.

【小题1】Why did the author say he was fooled into buying the TV set?
A.He got an older model than he had expected.
B.He couldn’t return it when it was broken.
C.He could have bought it at a lower price.
D.He failed to find any movie shows on it.
【小题2】How did the author finally get his TV set working again?
A.By shaking and hitting it.B.By turning it on and off.
C.By switching channels.D.By having it repaired.
【小题3】How does the author sound when telling the story?

A month after Hurricane Katrina, I returned home in New Orleans. There lay my house, reduced to waist-high ruins, smelly and dirty.

Before the trip, I’d had my car fixed. When the office employee of the garage was writing up the bill, she noticed my Louisiana license plate. “You from New Orleans?” she asked. I said I was, “No charge,” she said, and firmly shook her head when I reached for my wallet. The next day I went for a haircut, and the same thing happened.

As my wife was studying in Florida, we decided to move there and tried to find a rental house that we could afford while also paying off a mortgage (抵押贷款) on our ruined house. We looked at many places, but none was satisfactory. We’d begun to accept that we’d have to live in extremely reduced circumstances for a while, when I got a very curious e-mail from a James Kennedy in California. He’d read some pieces I’d written about our sufferings for Slate, the online magazine, and wanted to give us (“no conditions attached”) a new house across the lake from New Orleans.

It sounded too good to be true, but I replied, thanking him for his exceptional generosity, that we had no plans to go back. Then a poet at the University of Florida offered to let his house to me while he went to England on his one-year paid leave. The rent was rather reasonable. I mentioned the poet’s offer to James Kennedy, and the next day he sent a check covering our entire rent for eight months.

Throughout this painful experience, the kindness of strangers has done much to bring back my faith in humanity. It’s almost worth losing your worldly possessions to be reminded that people are really nice when given half a chance.

【小题1】What do we know about James Kennedy?
A.He was a writer of an online magazine.
B.He was a poet at the University of Florida.
C.He offered the author a new house free of charge.
D.He learned about the author’s sufferings via e-mail
【小题2】It can be inferred from the text that ______.
A.the author’s family was in financial difficulty
B.rents were comparatively reasonable despite the disaster
C.houses were difficult to find in the hurricane-stricken area
D.the mortgage on the ruined house was paid off by the bank
【小题3】The author learned from his experience that ______.
A.worldly possessions can be given up when necessary
B.generosity should be encouraged in some cases
C.people benefit from their sad stories
D.human beings are kind after all

An 8-year-old therapy dog(治疗犬) named Moose was among the graduates at this year's virtual graduation ceremony at Virginia Tech — and this good boy has a lot to celebrate.

Moose, who came to Virginia Tech in 2014, received an honorary doctor's degree in vet medicine, the university said.He is one of four dogs who work at the school's Cook Counseling Center, serving as working therapy animals and ambassadors for merrtal health awareness.

The Labrador retriever has aided in more than 7,500 counseling sessions(心理治疗课程) and over 500 outreach events in his six years at Virginia Tech, according to his owner Trent Davis, the coordinator of animal-assisted therapy and a counselor at the center.

Recently, Moose has faced a challenging few months after he was diagnosed with prostate cancer just a week after his birthday in February.The pup began radiation, chemotherapy and other therapies and has been given a positive result.

In 2019, the cute pup was honored with the Virginia Veterinary Medical Association's Animal Hero Award, an honor given to an animal that has performed “a heroic act of service or provides daily outstanding service for humans.”

“Moose loves you if you're super smart, and he loves you if you got an F.He loves you if you've been in the hospital, and he loves you if you're a sports star,” Davis said of the honor.“Moose doesn't care if you have a mental health concern.He doesn't care if you got an A or a B or if you didn't get into college…That's got a magic to it.”

When Moose isn't working, he enjoys swimming, playing a classic game of tug of war, and most of all, eating.

【小题1】When did Moose receive an honorary degree?
A.In 2014.B.When he was eight years old.
C.In 2019.D.When he was six years old.
【小题2】What is a therapy dog's job according to the text?
A.Getting all kinds of therapies.B.Assisting in therapy for mental health.
C.Working as an ambassador.D.Receiving honors for outstanding service.
【小题3】What can we know about Moose?
A.Moose is a dog with magic powerB.Moose got cancer because of challenging work.
C.Moose likes eating while working.D.Moose loves you even if you didn't go to college:
【小题4】What is the text mainly about?
A.The importance of therapy dogs.B.The amazing work done by a therapy dog.
C.The comfortable life of therapy dogs.D.The story of a therapy dog.
