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Our suits have four layers: thermal underwear on the inside, followed by an electrically heated bodysuit, a thick wool coat, and a half-inch-thick layer of rubber outerwear. There're two layers of hoods, waterproof gloves and 35 pounds of weights. There are two batteries for the heated bodysuit, a backup gas container, and finally, my photography equipment. We look like astronauts minus the helmets.

When we finally dive into the freezing water, we're wearing 200 pounds each. The cold quickly numbs the few square inches of exposed skin on our cheeks, and as the dive goes on, it spreads into our suits and gloves, biting even harder. It’ s almost unbearable. Toward the end, as we're pausing on our way up to let the pressure drop, we search for anything to distract us from the pain. When we finally drag ourselves out of the freezing ocean, I lie face down on the ice, my brain dulled, my skin hard and wrinkled, my lips, hands, and feet swollen and unconscious—then, as my body warms and the blood starts to flow (again), the intense pain is at its worst.

What could possibly make this worthwhile? The sight! Only a few species of seals, penguins, and other birds live in East Antarctica, and no land mammals at all. Below, it’s a rich garden. Antarctic marine life has been largely isolated from the rest of the planet for millions of years, ever since the continent separated from the other continents and froze over. Since then the powerful Antarctic Circumpolar Current has surrounded Antarctica from west to east, creating a sharp change in temperature that prevents the spread of marine animals. The long isolation has allowed a surprising diversity of species, unique to the region, to evolve on the seafloor.

The waters under Antarctic ice are like Mount Qomolangma: magical, but extremely unfriendly. Nothing short of full commitment gets you anywhere. The demand is too great. But that's what makes the images you see here so breathtaking, and the experience of having photographed them and of having seen this place so unforgettable.

【小题1】What does the author intend to tell us in Paragraph 1?
A.How fully prepared the divers are.B.How entertaining a diver appears to be.
C.How advanced modern technologies are.D.How heavy the astronauts' equipment is.
【小题2】The divers suffer the greatest pain when they ______.
A.dive into the waterB.begin to resurface
C.reach the deepest spotD.regain consciousness
【小题3】What do we know about marine species in Antarctica?
A.They can be found elsewhere on the planet.B.They have unimpressive biological diversity.
C.They experience sharp changes in temperature.D.They live relatively independently geographically.
【小题4】What makes the diving experience in Antarctica so worthwhile?
A.The amazing scenery and pictures taken.B.The divers' devotion to the tough task.
C.The long-standing reputation of Antarctica.D.The challenging circumstances of the diving.
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Months ago, a 76-year-old woman named Marie Boyer fell in her house. For days, she was incapable of moving. Because her windows were closed, no one could hear her cry out.

On the fourth day, her regular mail carrier, Lisa Sweeney, returned from vacation and noticed something wrong. Though she and Marie hadn’t had much conversation over the years, Lisa knew her customer’s habits. The mails in the mailbox, untouched garbage cans in front of the house and the car in the driveway were clear warning signs. She knocked on the door next to Marie’s, but the man in the house had been away on vacation too and didn’t know anything. “I just had a feeling that Marie was inside,” Lisa says. She called the police and continued on her route, but kept circling back to Marie’s house until the police arrived.

Rescuers broke in through a back window to discover Marie unconscious (不省人事的). Learning that Marie was still alive, Lisa burst into tears, so glad that her customer of 11 years had been rescued.

Since that August day, Marie has moved into an assisted-living facility, but Lisa visits her regularly and still brings her mail. They even celebrated Marie’s 77th birthday at a restaurant across the street. Lisa’s son has been known to stop by to see Marie too. The close connection forged that summer day continues stronger than ever.

On Thanksgiving Day, Lisa’s home held extra guests: Marie and her son, daughter-in-law and daughter. It was their first Thanksgiving together as a family since Marie’s own mother passed away. Lisa brought Marie over early to watch the programme on TV together as well as one of the turkeys frying outside. Marie also got in some quality animal time with Lisa’s six cats and one dog.

Due to Lisa’s offer to step forward, Marie is fortunate to have a new life. “Actually, it’s lucky for me too. My life has become more colorful and happier because I have a new family member: Marie,” Lisa says.

【小题1】Why did Lisa knock on the door of Marie’s neighbor?
A.To ask about Marie’s habits.B.To tell him to call the police.
C.To remind him to collect his mails.D.To know what had happened to Marie.
【小题2】Why did Lisa cry on that August day?
A.She was ashamed of her mistake.B.She was worried about the late mails.
C.She was scared of rescuers’ rude behaviour.D.She was too happy for Marie’s being saved.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “forged” in paragraph 4 probably mean?
【小题4】What do Lisa’s words in the last paragraph show?
A.She feels grateful for having Marie as her family.
B.Marie’s family treated her well after the accident.
C.It’s a little difficult for Marie to start a new life.
D.Family members should always support each other.

Diana Nyad was a professional swimmer. She was in her twenties when she decided to swim around Manhattan. The first time she tried, she didn’t succeed. But she didn’t give up. She tried again and swam the twenty-eight miles in less than eight hours. Then she had another goal: to swim from Cuba to Florida, a distance of 110 miles. She didn’t stop to sleep. But she didn’t finish. Jellyfish attacked her, and the weather threw her off course. Did she try again? Yes, but not until thirty-three years later.

Nyad retired from competitive swimming in her twenties. For the next thirty years, she didn’t swim at all. She became a sportscaster (体育比赛解说员) and a journalist. But she didn’t stop all physical activities. She always kept in shape. Every Friday she took a one-hundred-mile bike ride.

In 2007, when Nyad was sixty years old, her mother died. She started to think about her own life. In the thirty years when she didn’t swim, she always thought about the possibility of trying again. She didn’t want to die without achieving her goal. She started to train again. By the summer of 2011, she tried again — and failed again — after twenty-nine hours in the water. She tried two more times and failed to reach Florida each time. What kinds of problems did she face? There were attacks by jellyfish, bad weather, and breathing problems from asthma (哮喘). How did she solve the problem of jellyfish? For her fifth attempt, she wore a bodysuit and mask to protect against jellyfish stings. On August 31, 2013, after fifty-three hours of swimming, she reached the Florida shore, thirty-five years after her first attempt. Nyad achieved what younger and stronger swimmers could not.

Nyad always tells people, “Never give up.”

【小题1】What is the right order of the following events about Diana Nyad?
①Nyad decided to swim around Manhattan.
②She reached Florida after fifty-three-hour swimming.
③Nyad’s mother passed away.
④She retired from her swimming career.
【小题2】How many failures has Nyad experienced since 2007?
【小题3】Which of the following can best describe Diana Nyad?
A.Determined and persistent.B.Professional and interesting.
C.Honest and generous.D.Dynamic and selfless.
【小题4】What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.If at First You Don’t Succeed
B.Swimming Cures Asthma
C.How to Swim around Manhattan
D.Getting Rid of Being Stung by Jellyfish
Well I decided to cut my front lawn (草坪)today, especially since I live on a main street downtown with lots of traffic. Anyway, I finished mine and decided to cut my neighbor—Jean’s grass while I was at it. She is a sweet person who has gone through some trying times in the last year. Her brother passed away of cancer last year; her sister (who lives with her) is mentally challenged—yet so sweet!
It was a difficult time with physical and mental challenges that led her employer in our local hospital to let her go after 25 years of service! Lastly, my neighbor Jean, who is a nurse in our local hospital, was diagnosed with esophageal (食道) cancer in December. She went through radiation and a long recovery—but thankful she is in remission(缓解).
Anyway, in short I was leaving my house this afternoon and she stopped me to thank me for cutting her grass. She told me her dad passed away on Friday and she just arrived home from the funeral service, so she didn’t know when I would have time to cut her grass. So, when she arrived home and saw it cut she was more than happy and grateful! I said to her “You are welcome, just a small act of kindness for a neighbor.”
I did it for exercise and shared pleasure not knowing it meant more to her than just doing a neighbor a favor!
【小题1】Although a lot of unfortunate matters happened to Jean, she is still _____.
【小题2】What’s the meaning of the underlined word “trying” in the first paragraph?
【小题3】What can we learn from the first three paragraphs?
A.Jean is unlucky.
B.Jean lives happily.
C.Jean has retired.
D.Jean’s employer doesn’t like her.
【小题4】How does Jean feel about the author helping her cutting grass?
A.She feels sad.
B.She feels only happy.
C.She feels very happy and thankful.
D.She feels easy.
