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Don't brag(炫耀),but be proud of what you've done. These two pieces of advice were tough to balance before Facebook existed.【小题1】We are unable to draw a line between a humble bragging and a straight-up bragging. But we certainly know that oversharing doesn't do your friendship any favors.

Social media like Facebook bring us convenience.【小题2】Once upon a time, only your family and close friends would be there to see you eagerly open presents on Christmas morning. Now the photo you take on your iPhone will likely become a touch-up Instagram in about 15 seconds. Maybe you just post it subconsciously. But your sharing behavior could easily be considered annoying or even narcissistic(自恋的).

【小题3】Maybe we should all be asking ourselves the question before hitting the share button. As our personal fame grows alongside our social media presences, so does the number of people we could potentially impress or bother.

According to Therapist Jessica Michaels, providing "emotional context" may help prevent what might be seen as a bragging. Think about how you say something, not just what you say. Frame it in a way that makes it more of a sharing idea. For example, if you plan a party for Christmas, you could post "Hey friends of mine! Let's plan this together. Maybe we could all go." instead of saying "Oh I can't wait to enjoy my party." 【小题4】

Remember, the original intention behind social media is a connector, and your true best friends definitely do want to know when things are going good for you. Next time when you post a photo of your fantastic winter vacation, for example, make sure to tag your friends.【小题5】

A little bit of social media love goes a long way!

A.To post or not to post?
B.Will it make me a celebrity?
C.Tell them you wish they were by your side.
D.They are the most important friends in our life.
E.Meanwhile, they can put us in danger of oversharing.
F.It makes a big difference how you express your ideas.
G.Even today's share-it-all social media haven't made it any easier.
知识点:方法/策略社会关系 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

What a comedian can teach you about managing stress

We often accept stress as part of the cost of modern life, but it really doesn’t have to be. We all know that laughter is the best medicine. 【小题1】 People who can laugh at their own misfortunes bounce back faster and stronger. Here is what a comedian says about coping with stress.

You can try to find a different perspective. 【小题2】 Once a friend of mine fell asleep in the middle of a class. His teacher decided to make fun of him by inviting students to applaud, wondering whether my friend would applaud along when he woke up. He did and the whole class burst outlaughing. After learning everything, he was both embarrassed and ashamed of course but after a while, my friend laughed. “If this had happened to someone else, it would have been amusing. So it’s no less funny, just because it happened to me. “

【小题3】 There’s no doubt that we all experience great stress now and then. We’ve all been personally affected, in some way. You might not have felt like laughing at the time But now, looking back, you could consider all of the strange aspects of the experience and all of the things you did to keep active or simply stay sane (神志正常的) .

When you share stories with your friends, you can choose to share stories of trauma (创伤) and pain, or you can choose to lift their spirits with stories of hope and growth. 【小题4】 Take the exact same story and change the focus from “feel sorry for me” to “laugh with me”. Keep in mind that we’re all in this together, that we all share the same ridiculous experiences, and that we can laugh together at whatever life throws at us. 【小题5】

A.Always share a good story.
B.Why not do what comedians do?
C.You can also look again and laugh.
D.But laughter does more than cheer you up.
E.Then you are able to make a simple choice.
F.In this way. you will say goodbye to stress forever.
G.If you have trouble seeing the funny side, you may find the following inspiring.

Have you always been in such a dilemma in start your day? You want to enjoy a nice cheesy piece of pizza or a milkshake, but don’t want to deal with the aches and pains that come after. Actually this discomfort is commonly believed to be caused by lactose (乳糖) intolerance. It is estimated that 68 percent of the global human population is lactose intolerant.

While cutting out dairy products is a surefire way, yet this is like throwing the baby out with the bathwater. People with laclose intolerance will be happy to know there are plenty of solutions that’ll let them enjoy these foods without feeling uncomfortable.

When you take in lactose, sitting down or bending over may make you feel pain from gases compressing in your stomach. Adjust your posture to remove pressure from your stomach.

Meanwhile, diet assists. Choose lactose-free milk or milk alternatives like soy milk, coconut milk or oat milk to prevent pain. They taste the same as regular milk, so you can still enjoy the full

flavor without any discomfort. Dairy that’s already been processed can also be on your list because it has some of its inctose broken down so there isn’t as much for your body to digest. Sometimes taking lactase (乳糖酶) pills before you eat dairy products can have an immediate effect.

There is no cure for lactose intolerance and no permanent treatment that can increase your body’s lactuse production. But what we do know about the lactose intolerance, to some extent, reveals how wrong-headed one-size-fits-all nutritional guidance can be for milk-drinking has been presented as universally good. In reality, how milk becomes part of nutrition depends, at least in part, on how our bodies process it.

【小题1】How does the author introduce the topic?
A.By analyzing data.B.By telling a funny story
C.By presenting an argument.D.By relating to a person’s routine.
【小题2】Why is processed dairy recommended?
A.Because it tastes better.B.Because it has more nutrition.
C.Because it contains less lactose.D.Because it can produce some lactase.
【小题3】What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.1t’s unnecessary to avoid lactosc intolerance.
B.It is highly advisable to drink proccssed milk.
C.The disadvantage of drinking milk was overstated.
D.There should be a personalized guidance in drinking milk.
【小题4】Which can be a suitable tittle for the text?
A.New scientific findings:Milk saves your day
B.Daily hide-and-seek: A disease that goes unnoticed
C.From discomfort to delight: Proper ways for milk drinking
D.The once-for-all solution: Replace your milk with a cup of tea
