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Books have a beginning, a middle and an end. 【小题1】 To properly read a book, you should pay attention to its importance. For non-fiction books, it is important to read text in its entirety but think about only the major points the author is trying to express.

Choose a well-lit and quiet place to read your book. 【小题2】 You are more likely to concentrate on the words on the page if you are not affected by noises or other things.

Decide how much time you want to devote to the reading. You may want to adjust this time allotment according to how long and difficult the reading material is. 【小题3】

【小题4】 If you own your book, use note-taking symbols in the paragraphs. For example, if you find something that is important, put a star or a few words next to it. If you are unsure of something and it needs more research, put a question mark next to it.

Write answers to questions at the end of your reading and give definitions of important terms. For every 100 pages of text you should have at least three to five pages of written notes. 【小题5】 If you are using a computer to take notes, don’t copy and paste text from your reading.

A.Write in your book.
B.Make a detailed plan.
C.Use your own words to answer your questions.
D.As such they should be read from start to finish.
E.Turn off your cell phone and television so that your attention won’t be disturbed.
F.Therefore, stop every now and then to think about the structure and main content.
G.For example, spend 4 hours on detailed reading of a 250-page book and 1 hour on note-taking.
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While self-development is a lifelong process, you can start becoming the best possible version of yourself right now. 【小题1】 First, build a strong foundation for the future by establishing good habits. Then, work on dealing with setbacks (挫折) constructively. And lastly, get to know how to grow as a person. In this article I will only cover the first point.

Prioritize (优先顺序). 【小题2】 Consider which values, activities,and people matter to you the most. Commit to spending your time and energy on your biggest priorities, and avoid wasting time on things that don’t really matter to you.

Identify harmful habits. 【小题3】 In order to be the best version of yourself, you need to identify any bad habits that you do have, and get rid of them. There are some bad habits that are more obvious than others, such as smoking or drinking. However, there are other bad habits that are not so obvious.

【小题4】 Taking care of your physical and mental health is a key component of self-development. Stay physically healthy by eating a varied, nutritious diet, getting some exercise every day, and sleeping eight hours every night. 【小题5】

Set goals. Think about what you want to achieve, both in your personal life and at work or school. Then find ways to make it happen. As you achieve your goals, set new ones to work towards.

A.Practice healthy habits.
B.Then, how can you achieve the goal?
C.Carry out self-determination for good habits.
D.Ask yourself what is most important to you in life.
E.Are there many ways of setting goals to keep healthy?
F.Learn to manage your stress in a positive way to keep good mental health.
G.As humans, it is normal for people to be imperfect and to have poor habits.

Doctors say anger can be an extremely damaging emotion, unless you learn how to deal with it. So what exactly do you know about anger? 【小题1】 Some people express anger openly in a calm, reasonable way. Others burst with anger, and scream and yell.

But other people keep their anger inside. They cannot or will not express it. This is called repressing anger. For years many doctors thought that repressing anger was more dangerous to a person’s health than expressing it. They said that when a person is angry, the brain releases some hormones (荷尔蒙). They speed the heart rate, raise blood pressure, or sugar into the blood, etc. 【小题2】 So is there any solution?【小题3】 They say the first step is to admit that you are angry and to recognize the real cause of the anger, then decide if the cause is serious enough to get angry about. If it is, they say, “【小题4】 Wait until your anger has cooled down and you are able to express yourself calmly and reasonably.” Doctors say that a good way to deal with anger is to find humour in the situation that has made you angry. 【小题5】

A.Thus, the person feels excited and ready to act.
B.Humour can help you deal with anger better and bring you laughter.
C.Do not express your anger while angry.
D.Anger is a normal emotion that we all feel from time to time.
E.Doctors say the solution is learning how to deal with anger.
F.Anger may cause you a cancer.
G.Expressing anger violently is more harmful than repressing it.

What’s top of your list of new year resolutions for 2016? Do more exercise? Eat better? Spend more time with your children? Find a fulfilling career? How about ticking all your boxes and simply be happy?【小题1】Happiness is often an indirect consequence of our actions and the way we think. However, the good news is that making even the smallest adjustments can help us attain that kind of state we all want to achieve. Rachel Kelly, author of Walking on Sunshine, offers some simple changes we can all make to our lives to improve our state of mind.

◆Be mindful.【小题2】It can be any routine activity you perform during the rush of the day, like hand washing. Slow down and give the task your full attention. You’ll soon start appreciating these small moments of stillness.

◆Follow the 60% rule. Perfectionism is an illusion, but the pursuit of it is real and can have damaging consequences.【小题3】If a friendship, relationship, work project is 60% right, then you’re doing well.

◆Breathe when things get too much, try the one-finger-on-the-nose breathing trick.【小题4】Then just breathe through the other nostril. By halving the rate at which you breathe, you lower your blood pressure and trigger (引发) the body’s relaxation response.

◆Exercise. Breaking a sweat, ideally the first thing in the morning, releases a chemical in the brain to reduce pain, and which in large amounts can make you feel relaxed and energetic and sets you up for the day.【小题5】

A.So readjust your thinking.
B.So, if you can, start your day right.
C.Build a “mindful” activity into your day.
D.Sadly, you can’t simply “become” happy.
E.Press a finger against one side of your nose.
F.With so many external pressures can any of us be truly happy?
G.It’s all about creating the right conditions for your body to feel relaxed.
