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One of the most effective skills you can have in life is powerful and effective time management. 【小题1】 Here are vital time management tips for getting your goals.

Set goals the right way.

【小题2】 If you don’t set your goals the right way, then you’ll lack the proper targets, which will force you to fall off track. But when you set them the right way, the sky is the limit. Use proper goal setting method to help you see things through. And when you do set those goals, make sure you have powerful deep down meanings for wanting to achieve them.

Find a good time management system.

One of the tips for managing your time is to find the right system to actually do it. The quadrant(象限)time-management system is probably the most effective. 【小题3】 Things are either urgent or important, both, or neither.

Take frequent breaks when working.

One study suggests that you should work for 52 minutes and break for 17 minutes. You might not have enough time to do that. But you should take frequent breaks. If you’re a boss working for yourself, this is vital. It’s easy to run out of energy and not even know it. 【小题4】

Make to-do lists in the evening for the next day.

Every single evening before bed, make a list for the next day. Look at your goals and see what you can do to help move you closer. 【小题5】 It takes time. But by making to-do lists, you’re effectively setting goals for the day. Daily goals are easier to achieve while helping to move us towards the longer and bigger goals. But that happens by creating to-do lists.

A.This doesn’t happen overnight.
B.There’s a right or wrong way to set goals.
C.Use your time wisely by abandoning your bad habits.
D.You cannot reach your goals without managing your time well.
E.Find a good friend who can help you solve the problem of time management.
F.It divides your activities into four quadrants based on urgency and importance.
G.Keep your mental, emotional and physical states at peak levels by breaking frequently.
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Life isn't fair. Some people seem blessed with the ability to effortlessly charm others. How they do it? 【小题1】   However, there are a number of factors at work. So, can you learn to develop superhuman charm? The answer is: to a large extent, yes you can.

There's one incredibly simple tool: your smile. Professor Laura Padilla Walker says that people see a smiling face as “more trustworthy, warmer and sociable”. It sounds like common sense: doesn't it? 【小题2】

What other tricks might we have up our sleeves? When talking about how to influence people, the professor suggests, “Our brains are always surveying the environment for friend or foe signals.” 【小题3】 To raise our eyebrows quickly, tilt our heads slightly, and, once again, to smile.

【小题4】 Here she recommends that “the golden rule of friendship is that if you make people feel good about themselves, they're going to like you.” In other words, you need to show interest in them. Don't always talk about yourself and all your wonderful achievements.

Another way to form a connection? 【小题5】 Michael Strano, a professor of management with Seattle University, says that charming people are particularly skilled at seeking out shared interests or experiences to help them build good relationship. Simple things like asking where someone's from really can open up a discussion and allow you to find areas in common. And if all else fails, you can fall back on that most British of topics: the weather. Glorious day, isn't it?

A.Find common ground.
B.Talk about the weather.
C.It might seem like a magical power.
D.Smile and others will smile with you.
E.But of course what you say is hugely important too.
F.Three things we can do to signal that we are not a threat.
G.Remember to show interest by mirroring their physical positions.

With the news filled with frightening stories about the new corona virus, COVID-19, it’s easy to feel anxious. It’s natural to have some anxiety about any major disease outbreak,and you are not alone in feeling worried.【小题1】

Get your information from trustworthy sources.

You are probably seeing a lot of stories about the corona virus and some of them may contain inaccurate or outdated information. 【小题2】To ensure that you are getting accurate and reasonable information, stick to sources like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization.

Limit how often you check for news updates to once or twice a day.

【小题3】, constantly(频繁地) reading or watching news updates can quickly become overwhelming(压倒性的). Instead, decide on a specific time to check for updates so you’re not thinking about the virus all day. Don’t visit news sites or turn on the news outside of these times, and avoid social media if you are seeing too many updates there.

Focus on the fact that most cases are mild and most people recover.

Reports about the corona virus likely sound very scary, so it’s understandable that you’d be afraid. 【小题4】Additionally, most people who get very sick will get better, so try not to worry. Finally, some areas don’t have any confirmed cases, so you may not be at risk at all.


You can help yourself and others feel calmer about the corona virus outbreak by sharing any helpful information you find. If you see a useful update on the corona virus from a reputable news source or government website, post a link on social media or email it to any friend or family members who are worried about the virus.

A.Share helpful information with friends and family.
B.While it is good to stay informed
C.If you want to know the latest information
D.Fortunately, there are things you can do to put your fears at ease.
E.However, 80% of the cases are mild and some people don’t even realize they’re sick.
F.Additionally, you might encounter some myths on social media.
G.Firstly, it is vital to get rid of some unnecessary anxiety.

Gaining more independence and increasingly doing more things without parents is an important and natural part of growing up. There are lots of steps to promote self-reliance.

•Doing household chores

Kids should be able to handle age-appropriate household chores. 【小题1】. Chores give kids a sense of responsibility and can help increase their self-confidence as they see their work makes a valuable contribution to their family.


As kids get older, they naturally spend more time away from home doing things on their own. They’ll go to friends’ houses to play by themselves and work through any conflicts themselves. If your child is ready, arrange for play dates at your house and let them choose what activities they might want to suggest to their friends.


For very young children, everything is naturally about their own needs and wants. When kids help others, they learn to think outside themselves. 【小题3】. Another benefit of having kids volunteer is that your kid will be less likely to be spoiled and be more likely to be kind people as they grow.

•Organizing their own schedule

Give your child a calendar and get them into the habit of writing down important dates and appointments. As they get older, they’ll need to keep track of things like doctors’ appointments, play dates, friends’ birthday parties, games and more. 【小题4】.

•Learning to be independent thinkers

Talk about news events over dinner or while in the car. 【小题5】. When you really listen to them, you’re showing them their opinions matter to you and that their ideas and thoughts are valuable and worthwhile. When you disagree about an issue, it’s a great opportunity for kids to learn how to debate and speak their opinions respectfully.

A.Entertaining themselves
B.Having social outings alone
C.Even young children can help with them
D.This is an important step toward maturity
E.Encourage your child to tell you what they think about them
F.They’re also good opportunities for families to spend time together
G.Independent kids rely on themselves to know what they need to do
