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Emperor penguins(企鹅)are【小题1】(large)penguins on Earth. Each adult is over a meter tall and weighs up to 40 kilos. Every year in May, mother penguins lay eggs on the coast. Then they will go back to the ocean【小题2】(find)food while the father penguins stay and look after the eggs for the next two months. During this time, 【小题3】eating any food, a father penguin can lose half of his body weight. By August, the mothers return just in time to see their babies come out of eggs.

知识点:动物 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Dragons, a famous 【小题1】 (imagine) beast, are often present in stories in the west and east. In both cultures, dragons are generally recognized as massive creatures capable of flight. They have great power and are often associated with magical 【小题2】 (ability).

However, due to their different cultural roots and images, there 【小题3】 (be) significant differences in the way dragons are regarded in the west and east, 【小题4】 (particular) in China. Chinese dragons look like snakes, and have four claws (爪) and no wings. They often have features of other animals, 【小题5】 (include) carp (鲤鱼), tigers, and eagles. In the contrast, Western dragons look like huge lizards (蜥蜴) with big claws and large bat-like wings, and are often shown with spines or rough scales.

In traditional Chinese culture, a dragon is 【小题6】 symbol of luck, power and high status. They can cause weather changes and bring rainfall to the fields to ensure rich harvests. They are considered divine (神圣的) creatures, 【小题7】 hold an important position as the head of the four spirits. Therefore, to symbolize their power, ancient Chinese emperors decorated their clothes with dragon patterns. These clothes are known as dragon robes.

Many Chinese view the dragon as a national symbol, proudly referring to 【小题8】 (they) as “descendants (后裔) of the dragon”. In the west, however, a dragon symbolizes an evil creature that spreads violence and terror throughout the land. They 【小题9】 (believe) to be transformed by the devil, with the ability 【小题10】 (breathe) fire or spit poison. Many western tales show dragons being defeated and killed to protect people from danger.


On the coastal wetlands by the Yellow Sea in Eastern China, you’ll notice a strange-looking Milu deer 【小题1】 (walk) around. It has a head shaped like a horse, giant antlers (角) like a deer, hooves (蹄子) like a cow, 【小题2】 the tail of a donkey. The fact 【小题3】 they have now returned to China is the result of a remarkable century-old animal protection cooperation between two countries.

Studies have found that the Milu deer were once common in eastern China, but by the nineteenth century, their numbers 【小题4】 (drop) sharply. Most of the Milu deer were raised in the Emperor’s hunting grounds outside Beijing. The Europeans 【小题5】 came to China at the time believed the species to be very rare and many were taken back to Europe. When the Emperor’s hunting grounds were destroyed by 【小题6】 heavy flooding, the Milu deer were lost, never to be seen in the area again. Luckily, a Duke in Britain gave shelter to 18 of these fortunate Milu deer, where they were well taken care of. During the mid-1980s, the Chinese government hoped the species could 【小题7】 (restore) in China once again. In 1986, there were 39 of the Milu deer 【小题8】 (fly) to China from Britain to their ancestral home in Dafeng County in Jiangsu province. After two decades, the Milu deer population in China has 【小题9】 (dramatic) increased to over 5000. Today, there is no longer any fears for their 【小题10】 (survive) in their homeland.
