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Is it better for our bodies to work out at certain times of the day? Scientists have known for some time that every tissue in our bodies contains a kind of biological clock that goes off in response to messages related to our daily exposure to light, food and sleep.

However, whether and how exercise timing might influence metabolic (新陈代谢的) health has been less clear, and the results of past experiments have not always agreed. A much-discussed 2019 study found that men with Type 2 diabetes (糖尿病) who completed a few minutes of high-intensity interval (间隔) sessions in the afternoon improved their blood-sugar control after two weeks. Patrick Schrauwen, a professor of nutrition and movement sciences read that 2019 study with interest. He had been studying exercise in people with Type 2 diabetes, but had not considered the possible role of timing. Now, seeing the varying impacts of the intense workouts, he wondered if the timing of workouts might similarly affect how the workouts changed people’s metabolisms.

Incidentally, he and his colleagues had a ready-made source of data in their own prior experiment. Several years earlier, they had asked adult men at high risk for Type 2 diabetes to ride stationary bicycles at the lab three times a week for 12 weeks, while the researchers tracked their metabolic health. They also had noted when the riders showed up for their workouts. The researchers pulled data for the 12 men who consistently had worked out between 8 and 10 a.m. and compared them with another 20 who always exercised between 3 and 6 p.m. They found that the benefits of afternoon workouts far outweighed those of morning exercise.

He says, “This study does suggest that afternoon exercise may be more beneficial for people with disturbed metabolisms than the same exercise done earlier. The particular and most effective exercise for each of us will line up with our daily routines and exercise tendencies because exercise is good for us at any time of day—but only if we choose to keep doing it.”

【小题1】What inspired Professor Schrauwen to carry out the research related to the timing of workouts?
【小题2】What did Schrauwen’s new study figure out?
【小题3】Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.
Professor Schrauwen and his colleagues carried out the research by using the newly-collected data and making comparisons between two different subject groups.
【小题4】When do you think is the best time for you to exercise? Why? (about 40 words)
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Have you ever been hungry and sleepy and wished you could solve both problems at once? If you were a reindeer (驯鹿) , it would be easy. According to a new research, these talented deer can have a snooze while they eat their food.

Reindeer live in the Arctic and other northern regions where the winters are extremely dark and cold. Food can be rare in winter, so during the warmer months the deer must eat as much as they possibly can.

Like cows, reindeer use a process called rumination (反刍) to break down the tough plant they eat. This process involves passing the food back and forth between their mouth and the four “stomachs”, chewing it repeatedly until all the nutrients (营养) have been absorbed. In summer, all that chewing seems to leave very little time for sleep.

To find out their secret to getting enough rest, scientists fitted four reindeer with devices that monitored their brain waves. While the reindeer were ruminating, their brain waves were similar to the patterns shown during sleep. The animals sat or stood quietly with their eyes closed, and they were less likely than usual to react to. the movements of a neighbouring deer. “They were in a very relaxed state, ” researcher Melanie Furrer said.

The chewing movement made it hard for the researchers to tell whether, the animals’ brain waves were truly in sleep mode. But when they tested the deer again after rumination, the animals' brain activity showed that they felt rested.

If reindeer are kept awake for too long, they need extra “recovery sleep” to catch up. After ruminating, however, the deer did not need as much recovery sleep. Study co-author Gabriela Wagner said that ruminating serves two different purposes at the same time —eating and sleeping.

【小题1】What does the underlined word “snooze” most probably mean?
A.Quick drink.B.Short walk.C.Light sleep.D.Bad dream.
【小题2】Why do reindeer eat so much in summer?
A.To keep awake.B.To practice chewing.
C.To taste better plants.D.To prepare for winter.
【小题3】How do reindeer get enough sleep they need?
A.They sleep when drinking.B.They sleep when ruminating.
C.They sleep when not moving.D.They sleep when not thinking.
【小题4】Where does this text probably come from?
A.A health magazine.B.A book review.
C.A science report.D.A research plan.

Here’s a new reason to be an optimist. 【小题1】 Pessimists, of course, might have suspected this all along-but now there’s actual research behind it.

Boston-area scientists found the most optimistic people live an average of 11 to 15 percent longer than their more pessimistic peers.

In previous studies, researchers have found that more optimistic people tend to have lower risk of diseases and early death, said Lewina Lee, the lead researcher and a psychiatry professor at Boston University School of Medicine. “【小题2】

Optimists generally expect good things to happen in the future and feel like they can control important outcomes. They tend to stay positive whatever comes their way.

【小题3】 There’s good news: The mind-set is about 25 percent hereditary (遗传的). Lee said, meaning people have some control over their level of good thoughts. She said people can become more optimistic by imagining a future in which their goals have been reached.

To conduct their research. Lee and the other scientists compared results from two independently conducted studies-one that followed nearly 70,000 women for a decade and another that followed about 1,400 men for 30 years. 【小题4】 They ranked themselves on statements including in uncertain times, “I usually expect the best” or “I'm always optimistic about my future.”

The conclusion that optimistic people tend to live longer holds true regardless of other factors, Lee said.

The study leaves one question unanswered: 【小题5】 Although it's unclear, the researchers believe optimists may be better at regulating stressors and bouncing (反弹) back I from upsetting events. Optimists also generally have healthier habits, like exercising more and smoking less.

A.Not a natural optimist?
B.Our study took it one step further.
C.Why are optimists likely to live longer?
D.Why do women generally live longer than men?
E.An optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.
F.People self-reported their optimism on questionnaires.
G.Those who see the glass as half full, according to a new study, live longer.

Memory loss is a common part of aging. A decade-long study of older adults in China has found that a healthy lifestyle is linked to slower memory loss even when people carry a risky gene for Alzheimer’s(阿尔茨海默氏症). Researchers from China’s National Center for Neurological Disorders and other medical organizations followed 29,000 people aged at least 60 years for up to 10 years. Forty-nine percent of the participants were women.

At the beginning of the study in 2009, the researchers tested the participants memory function with the Auditory Verbal Learning Test(AVLT 听觉词语学习测验). They were also tested for the APOE gene, the most common gene linked with Alzheimer’s. Around 20 percent of the participants were carriers of the risk gene. The participants received tests in 2012, 2014, 2016 and 2019. In the follow-ups, six healthy lifestyle factors were analyzed: a healthy diet, regular physical exercise, active social contact, active cognitive activity, non-smoking and never drinking alcohol.

The results showed that the AVLT scores continuously decreased over the 10 years. But the highest test scores were in the favorable group and the lowest in the group where people usually have an unhealthy lifestyle. The participants with favorable and average lifestyles, even when they were APOE carriers, had a slower rate of memory loss than the participants with unhealthy lifestyles.

The researchers said that they studied the contribution of each lifestyle factor and their combined effects in a large sample size over an entire 10 years and offered important information to protect older adults against memory loss.

The results about the APOE carriers also provide a positive outlook that healthy lifestyle risks are related to a slower rate of memory loss, regardless of the genetic risk.

【小题1】How many women participants participated in the study?
A.About 14000.B.About 13000.C.About 15000.D.About 12000.
【小题2】According to the study, the following are all lifestyles linked to slower memory loss EXCEPT________.
A.Regular physical exerciseB.Active cognitive activity
C.Smoking and drinking alcoholD.Active social contact
【小题3】What do the underlined words “favorable group” in paragraph 3 refer to?
A.The group of people with healthy lifestyle.B.The group of people with unhealthy lifestyle.
C.The group of people carrying APOE gene.D.The group of people without APOE gene.
【小题4】What is the text mainly about?
A.An unbelievable study.
B.The importance of healthy lifestyle.
C.Memory loss is a common part of aging.
D.The healthier your lifestyle, the slower your memory loss.
