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Li Bai is regarded as the greatest romantic poet of the Tang Dynasty and a representative of the High Tang culture, combination of realistic Northern culture represented by Confucian philosophy and romantic Southern culture represented by Taoist philosophy. But he could neither realize his Confucian ideal to serve the country nor find spiritual freedom in Taoism, so he could only chant poetry and drink wine to drown his sorrow as described by Du Fu in Eight Immortal Drinkers. Here we see the tragedy of a genuine staying lonely on earth like an angel fallen from Heaven. His poetry is marked by male greatness in the Waterfall in Mount Lu Viewed from Afar, in which we see the mountain cloud from down below and the Silver River, Chinese name for the Milky Way, fall from on high, and heaven and earth seem to merge into one, that is the Chinese way of communion with nature. In his poetry, we can find his love of nature, of freedom, of the people, of his friends, in short, of truth, good and beauty.

Li Bai is best known for the extraordinary imagination and striking Taoist imagery in his poetry, as well as for his great love for liquor. Like Du Fu,   he spent much of his life travelling, although in his case it was because his wealth allowed him to, rather than because his poverty forced him. He is said to have drowned in the Yangtze River, having fallen from his boat while drunkenly trying to embrace the reflection of the moon.

【小题1】What is this passage mainly about?
A.The introduction to a famous poet in Tang Dynasty — Li Bai.
B.The differences between romantic and realistic culture.
C.The extraordinary characteristics of Li Bai’s poems.
D.The travelling experiences while Li Bai made poems.
【小题2】According to the passage the statements are about Li Bai EXCEPT ________.
A.he is a representative of the combination of realistic and romantic culture
B.he could not put his ability to good use in serving his country at that time
C.he had a depressed mental state and only drunk wine and chanted poetry
D.he made the poems in which complaints and dissatisfaction could be shown
【小题3】In his poetry Li Bai mainly described ________.
A.beautiful nature and feelingsB.criticism of social realism
C.relationship between different classesD.cruelty of the officialdom
【小题4】From the poem the Waterfall in Mount Lu Viewed from Afar we can see that ________.
A.the Silver River ran down from the high mountainB.Li Bai loved the beauty of nature badly
C.Li Bai’s poems were written down by a manD.the cloud was like waterfall from high heaven
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Dede Gardner was born in Chicago in 1967 and studied English at Columbia University. Seventeen years after her graduation, she worked as President of Plan B Entertainment, a production company started by Brad Grey.

At Plan B, Dede finds stories to make into films. Jeremy Kleiner, who is now co-president of Plan B, says Dede was his mentor (导师) before he joined her as a producing partner. “I’ve had the honor to work with her for almost 20 years,” he says. “She’s just a one-of-a-kind person in so many ways. She is very brave and views storytelling as the focus of her films.”

This year, Dede is the only woman to have won two Best Picture Oscars, for Moonlight and 12 Years a Slave. Before, together with Kleiner, she won seven films to Best Picture nominations (提名) including Selma in 2015, The Big Short in 2016 and Minari in 2021.

“Basically, whatever Dede does, it turns to gold,” says Jessie Buckley, one of the stars of Women Talking. “Dede has also changed the culture of making movies. She is always there to make the set feel comfortable when we are obviously coming across difficult things. She’s a great example to follow. She’s very careful with protecting the workers’ voice.”

Dede is actually exploring a much healthier and kinder way to make movies. She’s a producer who consciously thinks about creating a set where there is care. That includes making sure there are therapists (治疗专家) on set for all the workers in case there are emergencies happening.

【小题1】Who set up the company Plan B Entertainment?
A.Brad Grey.B.Dede Gardner.
C.Jessie Buckley.D.Jeremy Kleiner.
【小题2】What does Dede value most in her films?
【小题3】Which film made Dede get a nomination for Best Picture in 2015?
A.Moonlight.B.Selma.C.The Big Short.D.Minari.
【小题4】What impression has Dede left on those around her?
A.She is strict with her partners.B.She always avoids difficulties.
C.She is successful and thoughtful.D.She is a medical expert.

How can having a childlike view of the world help the environment? Danish eco-artist Thomas Dambo combines a talent for recycling with a fairy-tale imagination to bring people worldwide closer to nature.

For the “Guardians of the Seeds” exhibition, Danish eco-artist Thomas Dambo built five trolls from discarded wood materials, which were appointed by Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens (CMBG) for its splendid riverside woodland.

The exhibition composed of the five trolls aims to give visitors an emotional connection with nature that will encourage them to become keepers of it. For the exhibition, Thomas came up with a story that a family of trolls hid 10 golden seeds to protect the old forest. Using a map that's provided, visitors follow clues to find where the seeds are hidden.

Besides using carefully selected recycling materials to produce his works, to challenge himself creatively, the artist allowed for a degree of production on-site. He gave a skinny troll named Birk a beard made from the roots of fallen trees. The fur of another troll Roskva is made from bark. Also, Gro, sitting with her eyes closed in a yoga pose, has a tongue made out of a nearby deserted planter.

“Thomas wants people to interact with them,” says Gretchen, president of CMBG. “He wants it to be a journey of discovery where you're walking along and all of a sudden this big magical being appears in front of you. These are friendly, happy trolls. They're not scary, mean trolls.”

Thomas hopes that “Guardians of the Seeds” gives viewers the same joy he gets from an occupation that he compares to a hobby. He says too many people lose their playfulness in their adult life. The key quality of his work is just its playfulness. One of his trolls sits on a real car on a hillside, appearing to cheerfully ride it. He wants to reactivate a childlike imagination in adults so they begin to see trash as objects that can be repurposed in practical and even picturesque ways. And he loves to entertain kids, too.

Nowadays, Mr. Dambo gets a kick out of seeking waste everywhere, hoping to find more stuff he could refashion into something amazing.

【小题1】What does the underlined word “discarded” mean in paragraph 2?
【小题2】What's the purpose of launching the exhibition?
A.To set off visitors' curiosity.B.To get back the 10 golden seeds.
C.To promote the popularity of CMBG.D.To boost the bond between visitors and nature.
【小题3】What do the examples in paragraph 4 mainly demonstrate about Thomas?
A.His environmental awareness.B.His creativity and artistic gift.
C.His working efficiency and skill.D.His sense of social responsibility.
【小题4】Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.Thomas' Massive Troll Sculptures
B.Let Us Turn Trashed Wood into Elegant Art
C.Artist Preserves Imagination and Nature with Huge Trolls
D.Welcome to the Magic “Guardians of the Seeds” Exhibition

Milan Kundera, one of the biggest names in European literature in recent decades, has died in Paris aged 94 after a lengthy illness.

Born in 1929 into a Czech(捷克) family, he studied music with his father, who was a piano teacher and a student of the composer Janacek, and ensured Kundera received musical training at an advanced level. Kundera studied in Prague, becoming a lecturer in world literature. He joined the ruling Communist Party and initially he was an enthusiastic member. But his writing soon got him into political trouble. His first novel The Joke-a black comedy published in 1967-led to a ban on his writing in Czechoslovakia. In 1970 he was asked to leave the party after expressing support for the Prague Spring movement, the period of political movement crushed by the 1968 Soviet attack. Kundera’s political action led to his dismissal from his teaching post and his novels were removed from public libraries, and the sale of his work was banned until the fall of the Communist government in 1989.

For a short time he performed as jazz trumpeter, before emigrating to France in 1975 with his wife Vera, settling first in Rennes then Paris. He became a French citizen in 1981, two years after he was robbed of his Czech nationality, and eventually wrote in French. He soon secured a reputation as a ground-breaking author with The Unbearable Lightness of Being. The book was adapted for the screen in 1987. “It seems to me that all over the world people nowadays prefer to judge rather than to understand, to answer rather than to ask,” he shared his impression of the adaptation with his friend and writer Philip Roth in The New York Times after watching it. “So that the voice of the novel can hardly be heard over the noisy foolishness of human certainties. ”

In 1985 he received the Jerusalem Prize-a prize given to writers whose works have dealt with themes of human freedom in society. And while he was a frequent competitor for the Nobel Prize for literature,the award remained distant.

【小题1】What can be learned from Paragraph 2 about Kundera?
A.He was born in a musical family.
B.He majored in music in Prague.
C.He led the Prague Spring movement.
D.The sale of his work was banned in 1989.
【小题2】When did Kundera start to write in French?
A.In the middle of 1970s.B.In the early 1980s.
C.At the end of 1970s.D.In the late 1960s.
【小题3】What did Kundera think of the adapted film?
【小题4】What’s the best title for this text?
A.Milan Kundera’s Novels and His Prizes
B.Milan Kundera Dies Aged Ninety-four
C.Congratulate the Jerusalem Prize Winner
D.A Review on The Unbearable Lightness of Being
