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Recycling Electronic Waste

When Alex Lin was 11 years old, he read an alarming article in the newspaper which said that people were burying old computers in backyards, throwing TVs into streams, and dumping (丢弃) cell phones in the garbage. This was dangerous because e-waste contains harmful chemicals that can leak into the environment, getting into crops, animals, water supplies—and people.

Alex was really worried and decided to make it next project for WIN—the Westerly Innovations Network. Alex and six of his friends had formed this organization to help solve community problems two years before.

But what could they do about this project with e-waste? The team spent several weeks gathering information about the harmful chemicals in e-waste and their effects on humans. They learned how to dispose (处置) of e-waste properly and how it could be recycled. Then, they sent out a survey and found only one in eight knew what e-waste was, let alone how to properly dispose of it.

Alex and his friends went into action. They advertised in the local newspaper and distributed notices to students, asking residents to bring their unwanted electronics to the school parking lot. The drive lasted two days, and they collected over 9, 500 kilograms of e-waste.

The next step was to set up a long-term e-waste drop-off center for the town. After some research, they’d learned that reusing is the best way to deal with electronic devices and it is seven times more efficient than recycling. So, they began learning to refurbish (翻新) computers themselves and distributed them to students who didn’t have their own. In this way, they could help students in the area and protect the environment at the same time.

For a lasting solution to e-waste, the drop-off center wasn’t enough. Laws would have to be passed. In 2016, WIN helped push for an e-waste bill in their town, which required companies that manufactured or sold electronics to take back e-waste. The bill clearly forbids the dumping of e-waste.

Because of the work of WIN, more and more people, like Alex and his team, are getting the message about safe disposal of e-waste. As Alex says, “Today’s technology should not become tomorrow’s harmful garbage.”

【小题1】What was Alex’s worry after he read the article?
A.The littering of e-waste.B.The recycling of plastic.
C.The change of environment.D.The overuse of old computers.
【小题2】What did Alex do to start the project?
A.Set up WIN.B.Collect information.
C.Ask friends for help.D.Carry out a survey.
【小题3】Which can best describe the way Alex and his team did their work?
【小题4】What message does the story convey?
A.There is no end to perfection.
B.Success comes through failure.
C.Every positive attitude has a reward.
D.Young people can make a big difference.
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Mark Twain, as you know, was famous in his day as a public speaker. In his public speeches, he not only liked to tell funny stories, but also liked to play jokes on his friends.

One day, at a railway station, one of his friends lost his wallet and asked Mark Twain to pay the train fare for him.

“Sorry, I don’t have enough money to pay both your fare and mine,” Mark Twain said. The friend did not know what to do.

“We can do this,” Mark Twain said after a while. “You can get on the train and when the conductor comes to check the tickets, you can hide under my seat.”

Later, however, when the conductor came to check the tickets, Mark Twain gave him two tickets — one for his friend and the other for himself. Then he explained in a loud voice, “My friend here is a strange man. When he travels in the train, he does not like to sit on the seat, and he prefers to lie on the floor under the seat.” Of course, everyone in the compartment looked at the poor man under the seat and laughed at him loudly.

【小题1】This passage is about ___________.
A.why Mark Twain refused to buy a ticket for his friend
B.how Mark Twain and his friend travelled on the train
C.how Mark Twain’s friend lost his wallet
D.a joke Mark Twain played on one of his friends
【小题2】In this passage the underlined word “fare” means ___________.
A.the money Mark Twain’s friend lost
B.the money needed to buy a ticket
C.something with which one can enter the train without a ticket
D.the money which Mark Twain borrowed from the friend
【小题3】When his friend asked Mark Twain to buy him a ticket, Mark Twain said no because ___________.
A.he did not have enough money
B.his money was also lost
C.he wanted to play a joke on him
D.he wanted the friend to buy a ticket himself
【小题4】Where was the friend when the conductor came?
A.He was sitting on the seat.
B.He was standing beside Mark Twain.
C.He was lying under the seat.
D.He was lying on the seat.
【小题5】Mark Twain said in a loud voice because ___________.
A.he wanted his friend to know he had bought a ticket for him
B.he wanted to make himself heard by everyone in the compartment
C.the conductor was standing far away from him
D.the conductor had some trouble in hearing

Do you ever feel sick of your life? Then why not sell it? This is exactly what one man is attempting to do following the breakdown of his marriage.

Ian Usher, a 44-year-old British man living in Australia, is using the online auction site eBay to sell not only his belongings, but his entire life. Up for grabs (供选购的) are his house and everything that’s in it: his car, his jetski (水上摩托车 ), his parachuting gear, even his pots and pans. But what makes the auction unique is that the package also includes a two-week trial run(试验)at his job as an assistant in a drug store, and even an introduction to his friends in the local area.

The lovelorn Mr Usher said he no longer wanted to be reminded of the life he shared with his ex-wife, and hopes the sale will raise money for a life-changing adventure. He said that once the sale has gone through, he plans to “walk out of his front door with his wallet in one pocket and his passport in the other,” and see where the next plane takes him.

Bidding(竞标)opened on Sunday, and by Monday morning had already reached the staggering figure (高额数字) of 13 million yuan (2 million Australian dollars). Unfortunately for Mr Usher most of the high bids turned out to be fake, as he had not activated a registration system (登记系统) that would have only let genuine (真的) bids through. After removing the bogus bids the value of his “life” stood at 2 million yuan, though he hopes the final figure will be over 3 million yuan.

Whatever the final price he receives, he is by no means the first person to try to sell something unusual online. A fighter jet, a piece of Britney Spears’ chewing gum, and even some toenail clippings have all been sold on eBay.

【小题1】What caused Ian Usher to sell his belongings and his life online?
A.His running out of money.
B.His intention of exploring something unusual.
C.His intention of making more friends.
D.His breaking up with his wife.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “bogus” (in the fourth paragraph) probably mean?
【小题3】A fighter jet, a piece of Britney Spears’ chewing gum, and some toenail clippings are mentioned in the passage to ________.
A.attract more people to sell things on eBay
B.convince readers that people do sell something unusual online
C.help Ian Usher get higher bids online
D.help Ian Usher raise more money
【小题4】Which can be the best title of the passage?
A.Ian Usher and His Belongings
B.Online Auction
C.Sold on eBay
D.For Sale: One Life

In 1997, a group of twenty British women made history. Working in five teams with four women in each team, they walked to the North Pole. Apart from one experienced female guide, the other women were all ordinary people who had never done anything like this in their lives before. They managed to survive in an environment which had defeated several very experienced men during the same period.

Once on the ice, each woman had to ski along while dragging a sledge(雪橇) weighing over 50 kilos. This would not have been too bad on a smooth surface, but for long stretches (一片地域), the Arctic ice is pushed up into huge piles two or three meters high and the sledges had to be pulled up on side and carefully let down the other so that they didn't crash. The temperature was always below freezing point and sometimes strong winds made walking while pulling so much weight almost impossible. It was also very difficult to put up their tents when they stopped each night.

In such conditions the women were making good progress if they covered fourteen or fifteen kilometers a day. But there was another problem. Part of the journey was across a frozen sea with moving water underneath the ice and at some points the team would drift (漂流) back more than five kilometers during the night. That meant that after walking in these very terrible conditions for ten hours on one day, they had to spend part of the next day covering the same ground again. Furthermore, each day it would take three hours from waking up to setting off and another three hours every evening to set up the camp and prepare the evening meal.

So, how did they manage to succeed? They realized that they were part of a team. If anyone of them didn't pull her sledge or get her job done, she would endanger the success of the whole expedition (远征探险).Any form of selfishness could result in the efforts of everyone else being completely wasted, so personal feelings had to be put to one side. At the end of their journey, the women agreed that it was mental effort far more than physical fitness that got them to the North Pole.

【小题1】During the expedition, the women had to be careful to avoid ________.
A.being left behindB.damaging the sledges
C.falling over on the iceD.breaking the ice
【小题2】It was difficult for the women to cover 15 kilometers a day because ________.
A.they got too tiredB.they kept getting lost
C.the ice was moving backwardsD.the temperatures were very low
【小题3】Which of the following can best describe the women in the text?
A.Strict but caring.B.Proud but patient.
C.Honest and devoted.D.Determined and strong-willed.
【小题4】What can we infer from the text?
A.Experience must be bought.
B.Facts speak louder than words.
C.He who risks nothing gains nothing.
D.Motivation and teamwork achieve goals.
