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There was a time an event would not begin without a photographer.“I remember the days when event organizers would even delay a show if the photographer was running late,” says Balachandra Raju,a photographer of Sathyam studio,a still surviving photo studio in India’s southern city of Chennai.

Photo studios are facing extinction in the digital age.But as they struggle to continue doing the business,one research project is looking at ways to preserve their legacy(遗产) by digitizing archival(档案的) pictures.

The project,funded by the British Library,visited around 100 photo studios across the south Indian state of Tamil Nadu and digitized 10,000 prints.Many of the photos were taken between 1880-1980,and they ranged from pictures of families and famous stars to weddings and funerals.“The digital archive will be useful for those interested in history,” Said Zoe E Headley,one of the researchers.Ramesh Kumar,another researcher on the project,called it a “gold mine” for photographers.“The research we’ve done also highlights production techniques used before digital photography arrived in our cities and towns,” he said.

However, the researchers would often find old photos piled on top of one another in the storage room of a studio.“No one had bothered to clean them,” Kumar said,adding that many photos had been damaged due to the hot and wet weather in Tamil Nadu.

The owner of Nallapillai studio in central Tamil Nadu said he spends about 20,000 rupees (£230;$310) each month to run the studio that was founded by his great grandfather almost 150 years ago.To survive in this digital age has been a struggle.“Many customers don’t book us for special events anymore,” he said,adding that they had all got smartphones to do the job.“I’m not sure if photo studios will exist five years from now,” he said.But this is why,according to Mr Raju,this archival project is so important.

【小题1】What’s the main function of the research project?
A.Protect the legacy of photo studios.
B.Speed up the extinction of photo studios.
C.Search for better ways of taking photos.
D.Visit all the photo studios across the India.
【小题2】Which shows the effect of the project?
A.Photo studios can attract many visitors.
B.Photographers can have a good working place.
C.Photographers get to learn about old photography techniques.
D.Photo studios have the chance to take pictures of famous stars.
【小题3】What has the researchers found?
A.Some photo studios are doing well.
B.Photo studios are booked for special events.
C.Some photo studios suffer from bad weather.
D.Photo studios give old pictures little protection.
【小题4】What is Raju’s attitude towards the project?
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More than 10 million Chinese cultural relics have been lost overseas, lots of which were stolen and illegally shipped out of China during the times of war before 1949. About 1.67 million pieces are housed no more than 200 museums in 47 countries, which accounts for 10 percent of all lost Chinese cultural relics, and the rest are in the hands of private collectors.

Most of these treasures are owned by museums or private collectors in the United States, Europe, Japan and Southeast Asian countries. There are more than 23, 000 pieces in the British Museum, most of which were stolen or bought for pennies more than 100 years ago.

The major method to recover these national treasures was to buy them back. In some cases, private collectors donated the relics to the government. Also the government can turn to official channels to demand the return of relics.

In 2003, a priceless bronze pig’s head dating from the Qing Dynasty was returned to its home in Beijing after it was removed by the Anglo-French Allied Army over 140 years ago. Macao entrepreneur (企业家) Stanley Ho donated 6 million yuan to buy it back from a US art collector and then donated it to the Poly Art Museum in Beijing.

Although buying-back is the most feasible way to recover the lost treasures, limited funding is always a big headache.

In recent years, the Chinese government has improved efforts to recover the precious cultural relics lost overseas. It has started a national project on the recovery of the treasures and has set up a database (数据库) collecting relevant information. It has signed several international agreements with many countries on this matter, and is also looking for international cooperation to recover the relics by working closely with several international organizations.

【小题1】What is the passage mainly about?
A.The ways to recover cultural relics.
B.The efforts to recover Chinese cultural relics.
C.Stanley Ho donated a bronze pig’s head to Beijing.
D.Chinese cultural relics were stolen by the Anglo-French Allied Army.
【小题2】We can infer from the passage that _________.
A.China has enough money to buy all the cultural relics back
B.the Chinese government has done a lot to recover the lost cultural relics
C.many countries have returned the lost cultural relics to China for free
D.China is preparing to set up a database to collect information about the lost cultural relics
【小题3】Which of the following statements about the bronze pigs head is NOT true?
A.It was made in the Qing Dynasty.
B.It is now in the Poly Art Museum in Beijing.
C.It was donated by the French government to China.
D.It was removed by the Anglo-French Allied Army over 140 years ago.
【小题4】The underlined word “feasible” in Paragraph 5 can be replaced by “_______”.

At one time, about 300 native languages were spoken on the Australian continent. Only about 90 of them are still spoken today.

European settlers arrived in Australia in the late 1700s. Experts say that colonization had a harmful effect on native languages. Now, only about 60 of them are considered “alive” and in daily use. As older members of tribes die, other languages are likely to pass away.

In the central Australian desert, only 20 people are fluent in Pertame, a language native to the area. But now, children are being taught its ancient words in hope that it won't die out.

Bradshaw and Swan are among the native elders working to keep Pertame alive. Swan has published language books on Pertame. She is one of the last remaining fluent speakers of the language and founder of the Pertame School, opened two years ago.

Bradshaw is a teacher at the school. Children at the school not only learn the language, they also cook traditional food and learn history. “Our old people have all passed away. There are only a few of us left to teach our kids how our old people used to live. ” said Bradshaw.

According to community leaders, for many years, they were forbidden to speak their native language. Bradshaw recalls one of her experiences as a child, “The teacher walked past saying, ‘Don’t speak that language at school.’ We promised ourselves we would talk it in secret to keep it going. People don’t understand how important it is for Aboriginal (土著人的) people.”

In some schools in northern Australia, students learn in both English and an Aboriginal language. Many communities speak what is called “Aboriginal English”. It keeps some structures of Standard English and includes words from Aboriginal languages.

【小题1】How many native languages are used in Australia nowadays?
【小题2】What do we know about native languages in Australia?
A.They disappeared in 1700s.
B.They are being saved by elders.
C.They have bad effects on the young.
D.They are of little importance for the locals.
【小题3】Why Pertame School was founded?
A.To respect the old people.
B.To teach children to cook.
C.To keep the language Pertame alive.
D.To combine Standard English with Pertame.
【小题4】Which can best describe “Aboriginal English”?
A.It is becoming more and more popular.
B.It is being spread throughout Australia.
C.It has replaced English in northern Australia.
D.It includes some words of the native language.

“WHAT IS CIVILIZATION?” asked Kenneth Clark 50 years ago in the BBC series on the subject. “I don’t know, and I can’t define it in abstract terms, yet. But I think I can recognize it when I see it, and I’m looking at it now.” And he turned to gesture behind him, at the soaring Gothic towers and flying buttresses of Notre Dame(巴黎圣母院).

It seems inhuman to care more about a building than about people. That the sight of Notre Dame going up in flames has attracted so much more attention than floods in southern Africa which killed over 1,000 arouses understandable feelings of guilt. Yet the widespread, intense grief at the sight of the cathedral’s collapsing tower is in fact profoundly human—and in a particularly 21st-century way.

It is not just the economy that is global today, it is culture too. People wander the world in search not just of jobs and security but also of beauty and history. Familiarity breeds affection. A building on whose sunny steps you have rested, in front of which you have taken a photo with your loved one, becomes a warm part of your memories and thus of yourself. That helps explain why China is in mourning—WeChat, young China’s principal means of talking to itself, has been throbbing with the story, and Xi Jinping, the country’s president, sent a message of condolence to Emmanuel Macron, his French counterpart—while India was largely indifferent. Tourism from India to the West is a trickle(细流) compared with the flood from China.

This visual age has endowed beauty with new power, and social media have turned great works of art into superstars. Only a few, though, have achieved this status. Just as there is only ever a handful of world-famous actors, so the pantheon(万神殿)of globally recognizable cultural symbols is tiny: the Mona Lisa, Michelangelo’s David, the Taj Mahal, the Great Pyramid—and Notre Dame. Disaster, too, is visual. In the 24 hours after the fire started videos on social media of the burning cathedral were viewed nearly a quarter of a billion times.

Yet the emotions the sight aroused were less about the building itself than about what losing it might mean. Notre Dame is an expression of humanity at its collective best. Nobody could look up into that ceiling without wondering at the genius of the thousands of anonymous craftsmen who, over a century and a half, realized a vision so grand in its structural ambition and so delicate in its   detail. Its survival through 850 years of political turbulence—through war, revolution and Nazi occupation—binds the present to the past.

The fire also binds people to each other. The outpouring of emotion it has brought forth is proof that, despite the dark forces of division now abroad, we are all in it together. When nationalism is a rising threat, shared sadness makes borders suddenly irrelevant. When politics is polarized, a love of culture has the power to unite. When extremism divides Muslim from Christian and religious people from atheists, those of all faiths and none are mourning together. An building built for the glory of God also represents the unity of the human spirit.

And it will be rebuilt. The morning after the fire, the many Parisians who went to the cathedral to mourn its destruction found comfort instead. Although the spire is gone, the towers are still standing and it seems likely that the whole building can be reconstructed. The effort to rebuild it, like the fire, will bring people together. Within 24 hours, €600m ($677m) had been raised from businesses and rich people, and a rash of crowd funding campaigns started. A high-resolution laser scan of the building, carried out recently, should help.

It will never be the same, but that is as it should be. As Victor Hugo wrote in “The Hunchback of Notre Dame”, a three-volume love-letter to the cathedral: “Great buildings, like great mountains, are the work of centuries. Art is often transformed as it is being made…Time is the architect, the nation is the builder.”

【小题1】The underlined word “condolence” in Paragraph 3 means __________.
【小题2】Why was India largely indifferent to the big fire of Notre Dame?
A.Because Indians care more about jobs and security.
B.Because Indians have no access to social media like WeChat.
C.Because Indians have less familiarity with Notre Dame.
D.Because Indians are not fond of travelling.
【小题3】What can we learn from Paragraph 5?
A.People’s sadness at the misfortune mainly lies in the building itself.
B.People wondered who contributed to such an artistic achievement.
C.Notre Dame is a witness to Nazi invasion and French revolution.
D.Fortunately we are blessed with countless splendid works of art.
【小题4】By saying “it will never be the same” in the last paragraph, the writer means that __________.
A.the high-resolution laser scan of the building helps but far from enough
B.it’s impossible to replicate (复制) it for lack of the genius of craftsmen
C.dark forces, nationalism and extremism are barriers to replicating it
D.time has changed and the rebuilding will change accordingly
【小题5】What might be the best title of the passage?
A.What is civilization?
B.Why do people care about Notre Dame?
C.What binds people together?
D.How should we rebuild Notre Dame?
