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Widespread descriptions of animals in pop culture could actually be hurting the animals’ survival chances in the wild, new research suggests.

Franck Courchamp of the University of Paris-Sud was interested in the idea of “appeal”in animals. He wanted to know: What species do people consider appealing? And what are the influences of being appealing on populations in the wild?

In a research published this month, Courchamp and other researchers list the top 20 appealing species. Most of the animals identified as appealing are large mammals living on land. Coming in first place were tigers, followed by lions, elephants, giraffes, panthers, pandas, cheetahs, polar bears, wolves, and gorillas. However, at least half of the interviewees didn’t realize that five of the top ten most appealing species are threatened. It is paradoxical that we haven’t been able to protect the species we care about the most.

The study also found that we are flooded with images of these creatures, even as they are becoming fewer in the wild. The study suggests that too much of imagination might be creating a “virtual(虚拟的) population” of the animals in peoples’ minds, making them believe there are far more individuals in the wild than is exact.

The study authors suggest that companies who benefit from the use of these images should set aside a small percentage of their profits for protection efforts and informational campaigns. “That would be not only something fair, but that would be something that could bring a win-win situation for them,” Courchamp says. It could bring them positive public relation, for example. Besides, if a company’s mascot(吉祥物) goes extinct, that could hurt them from a marketing point, Courchamp says. But not enough companies are “truly concerned about the protection of the species that they work on,” he adds.

【小题1】It can be inferred that the widespread images of animals in pop culture ________.
A.leads people to forget the less appealing animals
B.makes a false impression of the animals’ real situation
C.raises people’s wildlife protection attention and efforts
D.brings a win-win situation for both animals and companies
【小题2】What does the writer mean by saying the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3?
A.It is important to protect these endangered species.
B.It is natural to regard the large mammals as attractive.
C.It is terrible that the species are dying out at an alarming speed.
D.It is strange that people’s thoughts contrast with their behaviors.
【小题3】Courchamp lists the companies’ responsibilities and their advantages by ________.
A.giving examplesB.making definition
C.making comparisonsD.using numbers
【小题4】What’s Courchamp’s attitude to the companies benefiting from animal images?
知识点:动物社会问题与社会现象说明文逻辑推理观点态度论证方式句意猜测 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Please do not feed native animals

The native animals in this park have enough natural food to survive.

You might think that you are being kind to the native birds and animals by giving them your food, but feeding them or leaving rubbish around that they might eat is cruel, not kind!


Feeding animals can make them sick because sometimes our food contains something that native animals cannot easily digest. They can become weak and more likely to catch a disease.

When the animals become accustomed to being fed by people or finding food in rubbish, they can easily lose the ability to hunt and find food for themselves when they need to.

Animals that rely on being fed by humans may become aggressive. They gather near areas of high human activity such as campsites and walking tracks. Animals have been known to fight over food and bother people in the area.

Feeding animals can encourage them to look for food in residential areas or nearby farms, which is dangerous for both the animals and residents.

Please be a friend to our native birds and animals.

Take your remaining food and rubbish with you.

Feeding animals is an offence under By-law 457 and can result in a$250 fine.

【小题1】What harm does feeding animals cause?
A.It may threaten their lives.B.It may weaken their hunting ability.
C.It may limit their freedom and growth.D.It may lead to environmental pollution.
【小题2】What might you face if you feed animals?
A.An oral warning.B.An economic loss.
C.A cleanup punishment.D.A ban on entering the park.
【小题3】What type of writing is this text?
A.A research paper.B.A nonprofit’s notice.
C.A travel guide.D.A park’s announcement.

For years, it has been generally accepted that “dog years” are roughly human years times seven—that a 1-year-old puppy is like a 7-year-old child, and an 11-year-old elderly dog is like a 77-year-old senior citizen. But experts say it’s actually much more complicated.

Part of the problem is that while humans have clear measurements for healthy aging, little is known about “normal aging” for our four-legged friends. Big dogs tend to age the fastest—maybe 10 times faster than humans—while little breeds (品种) may live to be 20 years old, with “dog years” about five times human years.

The Dog Aging Project (DAP), founded in 2018, is by far the most ambitious project handling the question of canine longevity (犬类寿命) and studying tens of thousands of dogs of all sizes, breeds and backgrounds to develop a thorough understanding of canine aging. Their open-source dataset will give scientists the tools to assess how well a specific dog is aging and will set the stage for further research into healthy aging—in both dogs and people.

The DAP expects to run for at least 10 years. To date, more than 32,000 dogs have join the “DAP Pack” as the researchers call their canine citizen scientists. “Within a few month the team plans to open their enormous dataset to share with scientists around the world. Researchers from many different fields will have the opportunity to contribute to the study countless different ways, based on their interests. It is an honor to share our work with to scientific community,” said Kate Creevy, lead author on the paper and DAP’s chief veterinary (兽医) officer. “The DAP is creating a resource with the power to transform veterinary medicine, aging research, and many scientific and non-scientific fields of exploration.”

【小题1】Why is it difficult to determine a dog’s aging?
A.There is no clear standard.B.There is no time to observe it.
C.There is no enough proof.D.There is no organization caring for it.
【小题2】What is the main goal of the DAP?
A.To collect different kinds of dogs.B.To open their study results to scientists.
C.To better study people and dogs.D.To thoroughly figure out canine aging.
【小题3】What does Kate Creevy think of their work?
A.Possibly unsuccessful.B.Beneficial to different fields.
C.Impossible to control.D.Difficult to predict.
【小题4】What is the main idea of the text?
A.Why a dog dies early.B.Why we study a dog’s life.
C.How long a dog’s life is.D.What the DAP is.

Many of us enjoy watching animals in the wild. They usually make us pleased, cheer us up and, sometimes, even make us frightened. But do you know what they can teach us? Wild geese (鹅), for example, teach a very good lesson about teamwork.

In fall, Canada wild geese fly south to get away from Canada’s cold winter weather. They lift off in no order. Yet very quickly they form a V-shape, with one bird leading the flock (鸟群). Scientists have discovered that wild geese flying in a V-shape can help them to save energy. In this way, they can fly 70 percent farther without rest than those flying alone.

What can human learn from this?

Be cooperative. We have found that wild geese make sound in flight to encourage those that have fallen behind to keep up with the speed. Team members should regularly communicate with each other while working towards a common goal.

Set a good example. When wild geese are on the ground, if something frightens the leader, it might fly off. So does the flock. But if the leader stays calm, the flock will do the same. Wild geese and people usually emulate their leaders. When leading, we must remember that our actions and feelings will be passed on to our followers.

Whether it is in our personal lives or our work, we need other people. We are encouraged by their enthusiasm and energy. If we face the difficulties alone, the risks are greater. Like wild geese, when we work together, our burdens are lighter.

【小题1】Why do Canada wild geese form a V-shape?
A.To fight against coldness.B.To promote cooperation.
C.To maintain the team’s order.D.To reduce their strength.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “emulate” mean in paragraph 5?
【小题3】What is the passage mainly about?
A.Art of leadership.B.Life of Wild Geese.
C.Lessons from Wild Geese.D.Secrets of Geese Flight.
