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The 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry 【小题1】(award)to Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer A. Doudna recently. The two female scientists won the prize 【小题2】 the development of a method of genome (基因组) editing.

Gene editing has a wide 【小题3】(apply) across the world. It can 【小题4】 (direct) change the DNA of a lifeform and has the potential of leading to 【小题5】(benefit) results.

One of the most convenient methods of gene editing is called CRISPR/Cas9, 【小题6】 was discovered by the two Nobel winners. The method enables scientists to cut a sequence of DNA into two pieces, 【小题7】(allow) nature to “repair” it. During the repair process, errors will be introduced to create a different sequence of DNA, thus resulting in an 【小题8】(edit) gene.

In simple words, CRISPR/Cas9 is the “scissors” of genes. The greatness of CRISPR/Cas9 lies in extreme accuracy. It also enables humans to breed (孕有) more plant varieties and develop better treatment of cancer.

In the future, the discovery 【小题9】(expect) to have a revolutionary impact on the life science and make the dream of curing some diseases come true.

There will be no traditional Nobel Awarding Ceremony in Stockholm this year due to the COVID-19, 【小题10】 an online version will be held instead.

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Directions: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Are User-friendly Passwords on the Horizon?

Imagine a whole new type of password----one that lets you no longer use all those numbers, letters and symbols, but is still unavailable to attackers.

Researchers 【小题1】 (create) a new password system that can one day allow users to access their bank accounts, phones or favorite websites simply by picking out a familiar face from a grid (网络)of nine faces, four times in a row.

They call the system Facelock, 【小题2】 , according to a new study, is full of benefits.

Facial recognition

【小题3】 Facelock, the images in the system are always changing ----even the image of the familiar face.

The research team explains that people do not recognize all faces equally. We have no trouble 【小题4】(identify) a familiar face across a series of different images that range in quality. On the other hand, when a face is not familiar to us, we are 【小题5】(likely) to think that different images of the same person are actually images of different people.

The well-studied psychological phenomenon can be frustrating to police when they ask a witness to identify a person 【小题6】 (catch) in an unclear security camera tape, but in the case of Facelock, the researchers were able to exploit it for the good of frustrated password users.

The Success Rate

The researchers looked at 【小题7】 vulnerable(易受攻击的)the Facelock system is to attack by strangers, as well as people who are close to the users, such as a spouse or other family members.

Facial Recognition System is hard 【小题8】 ( break) by people who don’t know the users. Even people who were very close to the users were only able to get through all four grids successfully 6.6percent of the time.

【小题9】 (take ) into account the success rates of account holders (97.5 per cent ), random zero-acquaintance attackers (less than 1 per cent), and nominated high-acquaintance attackers(6.6 per cent), we hold a firm belief 【小题10】 it is a promising stating point”, the researcher wrote.


The first creature to orbit our planet was just three years old, saved from the streets of Moscow only more than a week 【小题1】 her historic travel. Her name was Laika. Her 1957 flight paved the way for space exploration at the time 【小题2】 scientists didn’t know if a space flight was deadly for living creatures.

Man is a born explorer. Since before the dawn of civilization, we’ve been trying 【小题3】 (go)over the horizon to find food or more space, or just to see what’s beyond those trees or mountains or oceans. Our 【小题4】 (able)to explore has reached new heights in the last hundred years. Airplanes could 【小题5】 (simple)our travel, shorten distances and show us Earth from a new angle. By the middle of the last century, we aimed even 【小题6】 (high).

Laika 【小题7】 (follow)into orbit three years later by the first human, Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. It was our first step into space. Then we turned our sights to the moon and the solar system. Manned space stations began shining brightly in the sky.

Space travel is 【小题8】 like that in the movies .Getting from planet to planet(or moon)across the solar system requires complex calculations 【小题9】 (involve)inertia(惯性)and gravity-literally, rocket science. Space is also 【小题10】 (safe). More than 20 astronauts have died, doing their job. However, that hasn’t stopped people from singing up and going into space.


ChatGPT is high-tech progress, not a revolution

ChatGPT is a powerful chatbot developed by OpenAI and launched in November 2022. 【小题1】 (build) on top of OpenAI’s GPT-3 family of large language models, it engages in human-like dialogue egged by prompting. It 【小题2】 (design) to respond in a natural, intuitive way and has numerous potential uses.

From a scientific point of view, there is a need to closely watch the development of such 【小题3】(technology) before reaching a conclusion about their efficacy and helpful nature. Technology progresses step by step. So we should not panic thinking ChatGPT will take up jobs 【小题4】 till now need humans to fulfill.

ChatGPT is an example of high-tech progress, not a revolution.

First, ChatGTP 【小题5】 (make) quite some progress in natural language processing, yet it still has a long way to go to completely understand the human mind and language faculty, because when it comes to professional writing, ChatGPT at times writes plausible-sounding but 【小题6】 (correct) or nonsensical answers. It might give some good answers to most of the general questions, 【小题7】 it is no substitute for professional advice, such as medical prognosis and prescriptions, or legal advice.

Second, ChatGPT is still a product 【小题8】 very limited application. It has the potential to be used for enhancing search engine functionality but, as a pre-trained language model, it will have limited use.

Due to these limitations, investors should not 【小题9】(blind) invest huge amounts to further develop ChatGPT and should not expect quick returns on investment. Yet as a 【小题10】(promise) AI development, ChatGPT is likely to advance in the medium, if not the short term.
