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Tony Williams, 75 from Alton, East Hampshire, lost his wife Jo back in May, when, tragically, Jo, passed away from cancer just nine days after she was diagnosed.

And ever since, Tony has been completely alone, explaining the continuous loneliness is “like torture, with no family nearby”. Tony took finding a friend into his own hands, even putting two adverts in his local newspaper and handing out cards. Heartbreakingly, he received no responses.

But after a poster he placed in his window made headlines this week, the retired physicist has been overwhelmed with responses from people wanting to be his friend. In just a couple of days, he's had between 50 and 70 phone calls with strangers, and meanwhile he's received thousands of emails.

Tony said: “I just regret it's impossible for me to answer even a small part of calls and emails. If I could meet them all I would tell them how much I care for them and how much I'd like to reach out to them as they did to me. The love, kindness and compassion they've shown actually brought tears to my eyes.”

He has even had phone calls from as far as America and Canada!

Tony met his late wife Jo, who he describes as his “best friend and soul mate,” in a bar more than 35 years ago, and describes their marriage as a “perfect harmony”. The couple, who lived in Gloucestershire for 25 years, were unable to have any children, and so depended on each other heavily for company and support.

“For weeks and weeks, it looked as if I was pushing doors open and they were immediately slammed in my face. And then I was isolated and almost totally abandoned. And I thought, I've got to do something about that,"   he recalled.

Tony's determination has paid off, getting hundreds of people queuing up to be his friend. We're so pleased for you, Tony!

【小题1】Why did Tony advertise in the local newspaper?
A.To inform people of his wife's death.B.To draw attention to the old's loneliness.
C.To seek a second marriage.D.To find someone as a friend.
【小题2】What do we know about Tony?
A.He is working as a physicist.B.He is now in a sweet trouble.
C.He has a complete family.D.He lives in Gloucestershire.
【小题3】How did Tony feel when receiving people's responses?
【小题4】We can infer from the text that.
A.Tony loves his wife very muchB.Tony's children live far from him
C.Tony has become world-famousD.Tony used to have many friends
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Sugar was my go-to comfort, whether I was sad or happy, and its addictive nature along with the health issues it caused made me an abuser from as early as the age of five. For over twenty years after seven, every weight loss intervention failed me, leaving me feeling hopeless.

I was fourteen when I went to my first weight-loss camp. I knew that I would regain all the weight I’d lost when I went home. A little voice inside me whispered, “You should help people. You should make a program that really works.” That voice got louder with each failed diet. It sparked a need to help others who were struggling like me.

Eventually, I recognized that my issue was sugar. I broke up with sugar and dieting and found a way to heal my relationship with food. I finally created a program that would help people in the way that I had needed desperately all along.

That program took off. My clients discovered that their relationships with food could be loving and sustainable. As a result, I was often encouraged to take my message to a larger platform. But when I finally was committed to sharing my story with the world, I knew that I had to tell it all — leaving no stone unturned.

My friend Rumi said, “The wound is the place where the light enters you.” Finally, I was ready to tell my story, shining a big and bright light on all the wounds. With anxiety screaming in my ear, I made progress and wrote Breaking Up with Sugar. Now, I receive daily e-mails from readers telling me that they finally feel heard and understood. They’re hopeful for the first time in their lives. To me, this is the truest meaning of life — to be truly healthy and loving. The greatest lesson I’ve learned on this journey is that, by embracing my truth, loving and sharing it, I am able to become the best version of myself — someone whom I love and cherish.

【小题1】What did the author learn from her early relationship with sugar?
A.Sugar offered a temporary solution to her emotions.
B.Sugar was never a problem for the author’s health.
C.Sugar led to a lifelong struggle with weight loss.
D.Sugar’s effects were only negative from the beginning.
【小题2】What is the primary motivation behind the author’s desire to create a weight-loss program?
A.To cope with her dependency on sugar.
B.To make weight loss her lifelong career.
C.To strengthen the effect gained at camps.
D.To assist people having the same problem as her.
【小题3】What might be mentioned in the book Breaking Up with Sugar?
A.The author’s dependency on sugar.B.The author’s turning over all stones.
C.The mental harm of being overweight.D.The author’s changing attitude to anxiety.
【小题4】What lesson did the author learn through her writing?
A.Where there’s a will, there’s a way.B.Accept imperfection as part of life itself.
C.Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow.D.Failures are the stepping-stones to success.

A Wisconsin mom makes mini--me toys as unique as the children who embrace them.

As a social worker using play therapy in the 1990s to help children through their cancer treatment, Amy Jandrisevits wished she could comfort her patients with dolls that bore their all-too-familiar hair loss and surgery scars. ''I would clear up Goodwill for bald Cabbage Patch Kids because that was the closest thing I could find. ''she says. ''I thought these kids need something that looks like they do. ''The idea stuck with Jandrisevits after she left social work in 2001 to start a family. Then in 2015, a mom whose daughter lost a leg to amputation(截肢)asked Jandrisevits, handy with a sewing machine, if she could craft a mini-me doll for the girl.

After Jandrisevits posted a photo of the legless doll on Facebook, orders poured in for likeness with everything from albinism(白化病)to birthmarks. ''Differences make kids feel isolated and judged, '' she says, ''with a doll, a child sees I am not the only one who looks this way...and beautiful enough to be a doll. '' Jandrisevits, 46, has since crafted nearly 400 custom dolls with her New Berlin, Wis, dining room table, with donors often covering the $ 100 cost through Jandrisevits' nonprofit A Doll Like Me. The mom of three insisted on making each doll herself with help from her mother and a friend.

For Keagan Cameron, 2, whose rare skin condition has him covered in birthmarks, Jandrisevits matched the doll's spot exactly. ''That was the most amazing thing, '' says Keagan's mom, Joy.

Brian Grassi of Coventry, R. I., says she wept like a baby when a doll came in the mail for his daughter Emma, born three months later in October without her lower left arm. ''Seeing my daughter with her doll, it makes me think about her future, not her limitations. ''

【小题1】What inspired Jandrisevits to make Mini-me toys?
A.Her working experience as a social worker.B.Her own family condition.
C.Her hair loss and surgery scars.D.Her daughter's losing a leg to amputation.
【小题2】According to the passage, we can infer that_____________.
A.a Doll Like Me is an organization to raise fund for children in need
B.Jandrisevits made the Mini-me toys all by herself
C.mini-me toys have won great popularity.
D.making Mini-me toys cost a lot.
【小题3】How would you describe Jandrisevits?
A.Helpful and cautious.B.Responsible and grateful.
C.Warmhearted and determined.D.Ambitious and tough.
【小题4】What is the passage mainly about?
A.A mom likes making dolls.B.Dolls make kids happy.
C.Children enjoy dolls' company.D.Mini-me toys comfort kids.

It was hard not to notice the 8-year-old boy across the street who stormed in and out of his own house. He did it often enough that a neighbor, William Dunn, wondered what was going on in his life. So Dunn asked him. “He told me that he didn’t have a father,” said Dunn, now 58,“and I realized there might be something I could do for him.”

That something was fishing, a passion Dunn’s father had shared with him.“ Fishing always brought me peace and patience. When you’re on the water, you can forget about your problems and just appreciate the moment!”   Dun n then got permission from the boy’s mother to take him fishing.

During the past 16 years, Dunn has taken groups of kids out almost every weekend to fish. Most didn’t have father figures in their lives and had never fished before.   “They’d been through a lot, and their lives were difficult,” Dunn said. “But when they were fishing, all of that faded away. Out on the boat, they’d be laughing and smiling and making new friends. I knew I was on to something.”

In the beginning, Dunn spent a good chunk of his paycheck to rent boats for the kids. Then, in2018, he started the nonprofit Take a Kid Fishing Inc. He and some volunteers have introduced more than 2,500 kids most without fathers around —to the calming peace found on the water. One of those kids was Jayden Pryor, who struggled emotionally when his father died in a car accident in   January, 2020.

Jayden, now 13, has become a devoted fisherman and credits Dun n with helping him mature. “I hope he knows I mean it when I say thank you,” he said.

Dunn became fatherless too as his own father passed away this past December. As a result, the fishing trips have taken on new meaning for him.   “There’s nothing like feeling that first tug on the line and seeing a kid light up with a smile,”   Dunn said. “I feel lucky to witness that every weekend!”

【小题1】Why would Dunn have a chat with the 8-year-old boy?
A.Because he wanted to take the boy fishing.
B.Because he learnt that the boy was fatherless.
C.Because he was confused by the boy’s behavior.
D.Because he wanted to do something for the boy.
【小题2】What can be inferred about the kids following Dunn to fish?
A.They all lead a miserable life.B.They missed their fathers very much.
C.They’re all abandoned by their fathers.D.They forget about sufferings temporarily while fishing.
【小题3】Which words can best describe William Dunn?
A.Tolerant and patient.B.Considerate and generous.
C.Responsible and creative.D.Honest and modest.
【小题4】What’s the main idea of the text?
A.Thousands of kids fell in love with fishing.
B.Fishing brings happiness to fatherless children.
C.A good neighbor becomes the father of thousands of children.
D.A nonprofit organization is established to teach kids fishing.
