阅读理解-七选五 适中0.65 引用2 组卷95

When you prepare to go mountain biking, there are a few things to keep in mind.

【小题1】Work out whether you plan on taking exciting trips far off the beaten path or riding on more standard trails, and whether you want to complete long-distance mountain journeys or shorter ones.

The next step is to make sure you have a good understanding of the International Mountain Bicycling Association’s Rules of the Trail.【小题2】 First, make sure to only ride on open trails. This means staying away from private property, closed roads, and especially wilderness areas. Be considerate of others who are using the same paths as you, be they mountain bikers, horseback riders, or mountain climbers. If the path is narrow, slow your bike or walk it to give your fellow travelers room.

The third step is to make sure you have a bike that is appropriate for the type of riding you plan to do. 【小题3】 Don’t be afraid to shop around quite a bit—after all, this is something you’ll be spending quite some time on, and a bad fit can make for a lot of suffering down the trail. The type of bike you choose is entirely dependent on the style of mountain biking you wish to pursue, so think it through carefully.

Finally, get gear together for your trip and choose some trails. Always make sure you are entirely self-sufficient on the trail. 【小题4】 It is also important to carry a sturdy helmet, and any tools or supplies you’ll need to do quick repairs or changes if the weather turns.【小题5】

Just remember, this isn’t a competition—unless of course you’re racing—so just stick to what you find fun, and take it all at your own pace. Happy trails!

A.Be careful of animals on the path.
B.Make sure to carry enough water and food.
C.Test riding different bikes to find the right one for you.
D.Choose short runs that can help you get used to the sport.
E.The first step is to decide what sort of riding you plan to do.
F.In a word, don’t get yourself in trouble and burden others.
G.Make sure you look after your environment and get on with others along the way.
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Your Life Is Better Than You Think

The undeniable popularity of self-help books, wellness podcasts, and happiness workshops reflects the constant human desire to make life better. 【小题1】     

While we may have a loving family, a good place to live, and a decent job, we often fail to notice those things. It’s not because we are ungrateful or stupid, but it’s because of a basic feature of our brain, known as habituation.

Habituation is the tendency of neurons to fire less and less in response to things that are constant. You enter a room filled with roses and after a short while, you cannot detect their scent any longer; and just as you get used to the smell of fresh flowers, you also get used to a loving relationship, to a promotion, to a nice home, to a wonderful work of art. Like the front page of a daily newspaper, your brain cares about what recently changed, not about what remained the same. 【小题2】 You habituate to it—you fail to notice and respond to elements of your life which you previously found amazing.

【小题3】 That is, you can suddenly start perceiving and responding to things to which you have become desensitized.

The key is taking small breaks from your daily life. For example, when people return home from a long business trip, they often find their old life has “reshined.” Ordinary things suddenly seem amazing. If something is constant, we often assume (perhaps unconsciously) that it is there to stay, and as a result, we focus our attention and effort on the next thing on our list. 【小题4】 If it is good at its core, it may just reshine. This is why time away, however short, will enable you to perceive your life with fresh eyes—and to break up reality.

A.And so, what once took your breath away becomes part of life’s furniture.
B.But could it be that many of our lives are already better than we recognize?
C.Habituation to the good drives you to move forward and progress.
D.But if we can make the constant less so, our attention will naturally turn back to it.
E.Rather than focus on how to see our life better, we need to learn to better our life.
F.The good news is that you can dishabituate.

Challenges are regular visitors in our life, and nobody is immune (不受影响) to them. 【小题1】 However, we can use these challenges to make positive changes in our life. For instance:

Develop your passion. 【小题2】 When you are setting your goals, you always want to be passionate about those goals, because if you love what you do, you will be driven by the desire to achieve success.

【小题3】 When you have doubts about yourself, you are doing damage to your progress. Therefore, you are supposed to see yourself as a winner, and trust yourself. Feeding your mind with positives will reinforce your beliefs and sweep any doubts out of your system.

Track your progress. It is important that you take note of every improvement you make. 【小题4】 Every step forward will give you a boost, and accelerate your efforts to the achievement of your ultimate goal.

Learn how to control your emotions. It is important that you use your emotional intelligence when you encounter problems in your life. You are a product of your thoughts and feelings. Any negative emotions that show up can negate (否定) the positive forward movement you enjoyed earlier. So approach any challenge with a positive attitude. 【小题5】 Instead, strongly believe that you have all the tools you need in order to make positive changes in your life. It is in your hands to make the changes necessary and to take your life to new heights.

A.Practice makes perfect.
B.Consider confidence as a must for Success.
C.This will motivate you to work even harder.
D.They can make us lose hope and even give up.
E.Don’t feel negative when you meet with difficulties.
F.There is nothing to be gained from delaying decisions and thoughts.
G.Having an enthusiasm for something will inspire you to achieve your goals.

If you think your life is too boring to be funny, the joke’s on you: Humor is all around us. Creating more humor in your everyday life is “one of the fastest and most powerful ways to increase overall health and wellbeing,” says Steven M. Sultanoff, a clinical psychologist. 【小题1】.

Figure out what makes you laugh.

Think about what kind of humor appeals to you most, then seek it out as often as possible. Go to comedy shows, spend more time with people who make you laugh, and watch a funny movie. 【小题2】: Create a folder on Instagram where you can save the most amusing videos, and then return to them when you need to.

Identify at least one funny thing a day.

【小题3】, so set a daily intention to look for humor. When you wake up in the morning, say, “I’m going to find one thing today that I can at least smile about.” You’ll likely find the funny in unexpected places.


Next time you feel down, consider this instruction from Sultanoff. “Tell me about three times you laughed so hard you fell down.” Visualizing a favorite funny moment is like a form of meditation (冥想). You can do it anywhere, and it’s almost guaranteed to boost your mood.

Train yourself to be quick-witted (机灵的).

Sultanoff issued a challenge in his psychotherapy (心理疗法) practice: If a man could go back to his awkward moments, what might he say? The funnier, the better. Sultanoff was always delighted by what his clients came up with. It’s an easy exercise to repeat after uncomfortable experiences. 【小题5】.

A.Take a comedy class
B.Social media can also be useful
C.Relive your favorite funny moment
D.We’re often unaware of what’s in front of us until we start looking for it
E.Below are what Sultanoff suggests about his favorite ways to lighten up everyday life
F.Many of us love to make others laugh, and doing so doesn’t require great comedic skill
G.Brainstorm witty remarks and you’ll train yourself to be able to use them when awkwardness happens
