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I recall when I was a young girl back in Canada, I was sitting and watching a baseball game on TV with my father and we started to debate the importance of sports. Different from my father, I argued with all the overconfidence of a teenager that sports is more than just a hobby to keep us physically healthy and went as far as claiming that" There would be more wars if we didn't have sports!"

As an adult, my teenage tendencies of exaggeration(夸张) may have faded but I still firmly believe that sports is more than just a hobby for both participants and audience. The challenging times we are all living through right now with coronavirus is proof to this. The effect of cancelling all sports from professional leagues right down to amateur budding athletic programs, can be felt by millions of people worldwide. To many the social emotional impact is stronger than the physical. The loss of the sense of community, of belonging, and of an extended family is real for many girls, boys, men and women everywhere. Others are feeling physical challenges as well as they are struggling to stay active during these times.

But the human race is incredible and adaptable in tough situations, and sports once again is playing a role. Sports teams are staying in touch online and are a source of much needed support, love and laughter in these times. So many professional athletes are playing vital roles through this crisis by sharing their messages of support and at times, making valuable monetary donations to the cause. Even in areas of isolation(隔离), people are coming out on their balconies and leading their neighbours through a workout programme to help them stay active. Others are turning to online workout programmes to follow. Once again, sports is finding its way.

So, in challenging times such as now, people are still empowered to continue their sports journey and stay strong and healthy.

【小题1】What may the author's father agree about sports?
A.It is a personal hobby.B.It boosts confidence.
C.It affects social relations.D.It helps avoid wars.
【小题2】How does life without sports affect people?
A.They lack family connection.B.They have lost their hobbies.
C.They feel bored more than lonely.D.They suffer both in body and mind.
【小题3】How do isolated people respond to the tough situations?
A.Struggle to be athletes.B.Try to stay physically active.
C.Make donations to good causes.D.Design new sports programmes.
【小题4】What is the best title?
A.Sports reduces risks in our livesB.Sports continues to offer strength
C.Sports makes the impossible possibleD.Sports has new functions in the pandemic
知识点:体育健身 说明文语意转化观点态度标题判断 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

A recent study conducted by Gavin Sandercock at the University of Essex in the UK and his colleagues shows just one in 20 people aged 18 to 64 in England are meeting England’s strictest weekly strength training guidelines. Strength training is defined as any activities that strengthens muscles or bone, says Sandercock. This can include lifting weights, body weight exercises and fitness plans.

The teams looked at survey data from over 275,000 adults in this age group. Between 2015 and 2017, these people were asked to estimate how much time they spend doing physical activity each week. They wanted to find out what proportion of these adults in England met the UK’s weekly health guidelines, which recommend 150 minutes of moderate activity a week.

The researchers found that on average just 5 percent of these adults in England met the full recommendation, including strength training. They also found that men were more likely to meet all the guidelines as well as younger age groups. “But the strongest effect that we found when we looked at the variables was education,” Sandercock says.

“There are two main reasons why this could be the case,” Sandercock says. “ People who are more educated may be more likely to know what the UK’s recommended health advice is. On the other hand, it could be that strength training——especially lifting weights——often requires access to a gym which costs money. Higher levels of education have been linked to greater wealth,” he says.

“To encourage greater participation in strength training, I believe we need to raise awareness about its multiple benefits. And we need to stress that strength training is relevant to health and fitness across all age groups and not just for young males. Anyway, there’s still a long way to go.” says Anne Tidedmann at the University of Sydney.

【小题1】What does the study show about the adults in England?
A.They lack strength training.B.They attach importance to diet.
C.They watch their weight.D.They have strict fitness plans.
【小题2】What do we know about the UK’s weekly health guidelines?
A.They are aimed at male athletes.B.They have a standard for exercise time.
C.They include some mental activities.D.They only apply to healthy people.
【小题3】Why does Sandercock talk about education?
A.It enriches knowledge on health.B.It makes a person become wealthy.
C.It affects strength training greatly.D.It contributes to one’s wisdom.
【小题4】What can we infer about the work of popularizing strength training?
A.It takes less time.B.It needs great efforts.
C.It makes mo difference.D.It gets wide support.

Throughout history, humans have played some kind of kicking game. What the world now calls football, or soccer in the US, began as far back as 2500 B. C. with the Chinese game of tsu chu. The sport we know today originated in Britain. By the 1840s, England’s Football Association established a set of rules, and the modern game was born. Today, more than 120 million players all over the globe participate in the game, truly making soccer the world’s sport.

So, why is soccer so popular? Maybe it’s the game’s camaraderie: the feeling that the team on the field is your team; their win is your victory, and their loss is your defeat. Or maybe it’s the game’s international quality. In countries like France, England, Spain, and Brazil, major teams have players from many different nations, and these clubs now have fans all over the world. Or perhaps it’s the promise of great wealth. A number of professional soccer players, including Cameroon’s Samuel Eto’o and Portugal’s Cristiano Ronaldo, come from poor families. Today, both of these players make millions of euros every year.

Soccer is popular for all of these reasons, but ultimately, the main reason for its universal appeal may be this: It’s a simple game. It can be played anywhere with anything—a ball, a can, or even some bags tied together. And anyone can play it. “You don’t need to be rich...to play soccer, ” says historian Peter Alegi. “Your just need a flat space and a ball.

But joining a professional team and making a lot of money isn’t the main reason that soccer is so popular all over Africa, say Abubakari Abdul-Ganiyu, a teacher who works with youth clubs in Tamale, Ghana. “Soccer is the passion of everyone here,” he says, “It unifies us. “ In fact, more than once, the game has helped to bring people together. In Ivory Coast, for example, immigrants and Muslims faced discrimination for years. Yet many of the country’s best soccer players are from Muslim and immigrant families. As a result, the national team has become a symbol of unity and has helped to promote peace throughout the world.

【小题1】What is this text mainly about?
A.The history of soccer.B.Soccer clubs.
C.The popularity of soccer.D.How African soccer began.
【小题2】Which is not a possible reason for soccer’s popularity according to paragraph 2?
A.The team spirit among players.
B.Famous players from many different countries.
C.The number of soccer games played all over the world.
D.The possibility of making a lot of money.
【小题3】Which of the following statements about the Ivory Coast national team is not true?
A.Many of its best players are from immigrant families.
B.One of its teachers is Abubakari Abdul-Ganiyu.
C.There are Muslim players on the team.
D.It has helped to promote peace in the country.

Many campuses have intramural (校内的) sports teams — teams that aren’t as competitive as other sports teams on campus.【小题1】But you can benefit greatly by taking part in intramural sports.

Intramural sport are an amazing stress reliever.

You’ll have no shortage of stress in college: exams, group projects, computer problems, etc. 【小题2】 Intramural competitions have a set schedule, so you’re practically forced to set aside time to run around with your friends. A little friendly competition will be a nice change of pace from the classroom.


While most students would like to go to the gym regularly, few actually do. With a predetermined time already in your schedule, your workout is more likely to happen. In addition, you’ll be more excited when you work out in a team. Thus you won’t want to cut the gym session short. Team sports are a great way to push you.

They’re a great way to meet people.

You may be getting used to seeing people of the same major. Intramural sports teams can be a great way to meet students you may not otherwise run into. In fact, you don’t necessarily need to know anyone to join an intramural team. 【小题4】

It’s one of the few things you’ll do just for fun.

Many things you do in college have specific goals and purposes. 【小题5】 But you don’t need to assign a purpose to intramural sports. After all, you’re not making a profession out of it.

A.They provide great exercise.
B.Having purposes is possible.
C.And singing up can quickly expand your social circle.
D.They improve sports skills.
E.Joining an intramural team can take lots of time and energy.
F.For example, you work to pay for your school fee.
G.Thus it can be hard to fit fun into your busy life.
