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If you're a hard-core traveler, you're likely always looking for the next big thing. Be it the newest hotel, the most luxurious suite, or climbing the highest mountain, you're down for all. And that makes this new hotel, located in the North Pole, the perfect fit for you.

This winter, guests will have the unbelievable opportunity to stay in the northernmost hotel in the world known as the North Pole Igloo Hotel. However, it does come with two rather large catches. The first is that it will only be available for an extremely limited amount of time. The second is that it will cost $100,000 for a three-night trip.

But, that $100,000 certainly comes with few perks(额外待遇).

“North Pole igloos hotel concept is movable, sustainable, but still a little extreme," the hotel explains on its site. “Depending on weather conditions we move the heated glass igloos to most safe places around the arctic glacier. You can join the group of very rare people who have spent a night at the North Pole's glacier.”

It further notes, the hotel is only open on request in the month of April, but guests can also stay at another location on other dates.

So,what do you get for the money? The hotel comes with a two-night stay in Svalbard before a two-hour helicopter ride to the North Pole ice camp. Guests are then transported to the glacier and to check into their igloo hotel.

“We provide all of the equipment,"Janne Honkanen,founder of Luxury Action."But you definitely need to have the spirit of an explorer or scientist.”

Guests are “almost guaranteed” to get a great viewing of the Northern Lights as they are still incredibly active in the area throughout the month of April. If you've got the money to burn and the spirit to match, book it now.

【小题1】What is the main function of paragraph 1?
A.To explain what a hard-core traveler is.
B.To lead in the topic of the text.
C.To make some comparisons.
D.To offer some discounts.
【小题2】What can we know about North Pole igloos hotel concept?
A.It's full of argument.
B.It's a waste of money.
C.It's environmentally friendly.
D.It's available to most visitors.
【小题3】What do we know about the guests to the Igloo Hotel?
A.They will spend more than $100,000.
B.They will stay in the glass igloos for 3 nights.
C.They can book the hotel in any month of a year.
D.They will be taken to the North Pole ice camp by air.
【小题4】Who is the text intended for?
A.Rich campers.B.Potential tourists.C.Curious scientists.D.Brave photographers.
知识点:广告/布告旅游观光应用文语意转化逻辑推理读者对象 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

China is one of the world’s ancient civilizations and has the earliest outstanding bronze casting (青铜冶铸) technology. Here we’ve created a list of 4 museums where you can gain an in-depth understanding of Chinese bronze.

Sanxingdui Museum

Address: Sanxingdui Ruin Site, 133 Xiangxin Road, Guanghan, Deyang, Sichuan province

Hours: Comprehensive Gallery (the first exhibition hall): 8: 30-18: 00;Bronze Gallery (the second exhibition hall): 8: 30-18: 30.(no entry after 17: 00). Closed Mondays

Ticket booking: 0838-5651526

General admission: Gallery ticket 80 yuan

Note: Children shorter than 1.2m (including 1.2m ) can visit the gallery free of charge. The ticket must be used on the day it is sold.

National Museum of China

Address: East side of Tian’ anmen Square, Dongcheng district, Beijing

Hours: 8: 30-17: 00(no entry after 16: 30)

General admission: Free (passport required for entry). Closed Mondays (except for national holidays)

E-mail: webmaster@chnmuseum.cn

Shanghai Museum

Address: 201 Renmin Avenue, Huangpu district, Shanghai

Hours: 9: 00-17: 00(no entry after 16: 00). Closed on the morning of Chinese New Year’s Eve

E-mail: webmaster@shanghai-museum.org

General admission: Free(a max of 8,000 admitted daily).

Hunan Museum

Address: 50 Dongfeng Road, Changsha, Hunan province

Hours: 9: 00-17: 00(no entry after 16: 00). Closed Mondays (except for national holidays) and the eve of Chinese New Year

Tel: (+86-731) 84415833,84475933

E-mail: web@hnmuseum.com

General admission: Free(passport required for entry).

For more information, click here.
【小题1】Which museum should you choose for your family to visit next Monday?
A.Shanghai Museum.B.Hunan Museum.
C.Sanxingdui Museum.D.National Museum of China.
【小题2】What do Hunan Museum and National Museum of China in this passage have in common?
A.They are free to children under 12.B.They close on national holidays.
C.They can be reserved through e-mail.D.They need a passport for entry.
【小题3】Where is the text probably come from?
A.A website.B.A newspaper.C.A travel journal.D.A history book.

3D TV, Without the Glasses

If you’re thinking about buying a 3D TV, you might want to wait a while. Researchers have developed new 3D technology that doesn’t need any special glasses to work its magic. The new technology could advance the development of 3D on mobile devices, too.

Bioethics Panel Gives Yellow Light to Anthrax Vaccine Trial in Children

A U.S. bioethics committee has said that the country may consider testing the anthrax vaccine in children. The panel advises that the vaccine be tested in progressively younger age groups and includes the caveat(警告) that testing should only take place if risks are “minimal.”

Evolution via Roadkill

We usually think of evolution happening over thousands or millions of years, but it can be surprisingly speedy-literally. In just 3 decades, highway-dwelling swallows(燕子)have evolved shorter wingspans(翼展) to better dodge oncoming cars.

Patients Should Get DNA Information, Report Recommends

Would you want to know if you were at risk for cancer? What about a fatal heart condition? A group of genetics experts, along with the influential American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics, have recommended that anyone whose genome is sequenced for any medical reason must be told about their genetic susceptibility to serious health problems, regardless of whether they want to know.

Congress Completes Work on 2013 Spending Bill

This week, the U.S. Congress passed a bill to fund the government until the end of the fiscal(财政的) year, and research agencies now know how much to spend in 2013. The so-called continuing resolution retains the sequester and its $85 billion cut in discretionary spending. The bill throws NASA’s planetary programs a lifeline and gives the National Science Foundation a bit of a boost, but the National Institutes of Health’s funding stays   flat at 2012 levels-bad news for biomedical research.

Making Moonshine Safe to Drink

Home-brew drinkers in developing countries often risk blindness or even death from methanol poisoning when they drink. Now, scientists have made a reusable wireless chip that can analyze a drink’s methanol content and warn users of any danger. In 2 years, they hope to develop a product that can send results directly to a cell phone.

【小题1】If you are concerned about your future health, you will probably be interested in .
A.3D TV, Without the Glasses
B.Patients Should Get DNA Information, Report Recommends
C.Congress Completes Work on 2013 Spending Bill
D.Making Moonshine Safe to Drink
【小题2】Which of the following can replace the underlined word dodge?
【小题3】Most probably, you will read the above information in .
A.a product introductionB.a tour guide
C.a web pageD.a newspaper

Save money, save time with Cheapflights. Easily search for cheap flights and compare deals from more than 700 airlines and travel providers in seconds with the new Cheapflights app. More than 96 million people find flights with us every year. Whether you’re looking for last-minute flights, domestic (国内的) flights or international flights, the perfect flight at the lowest price is just a click away. Search now to see which airline or travel provider is offering the best price today. With the Cheapflights flight search app you can:

●Find the cheapest and most direct flights to your chosen destination.

●Browse offers from hundreds of airlines and travel providers to find the right flights for you.

●Use price graphs (图表) and calendars to help you find the cheapest day to fly.

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Friendship tips: Cheapflight is not a travel agent and doesn’t sell tickets directly. We are a travel comparison website dedicated to bringing you the best deal. Once you have found what you are looking for, we direct you to the relevant company to make your booking.

【小题1】What’s the writer’s purpose by mentioning “Save money, save time with…” in Paragraph 1?
A.To tell readers how to save money and time.
B.To attract readers’ attention.
C.To help develop potential consumers.
D.To introduce a travel agent.
【小题2】What is Cheapflight?
A.It is the name of an airline company.
B.It’s the name of an airplane.
C.It is a travel agent booking tickets for customers.
D.It’s a search software for booking flight tickets.
【小题3】Which of the following statements is right according to the text?
A.Cheapflight is a paid software.
B.You can use a line chart for price comparison.
C.You can book landmark tickets from Cheapflight.
D.You can book domestic flights and private flights from Cheapflight.
