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If you find yourself checking your phone first thing in the morning, if you find you're text-messaging while walking, checking your phone instead of working on an important assignment—you are addicted.

Don't worry. The new NoPhone might be just the thing you need, It looks and feels exactly like a smart phone, but it does nothing. It's just a piece of plastic that you can carry around in your hand to fool yourself.

Nophone is currently a prototype (手机模型) that will cost only $12 once it hits the market. Its makers are trying to raise $30,000 in order to cover the production and marketing costs.

Dutch designer Ingmar Larsen, who helped create the NoPhone, said that he had the idea as a joke along with his friends Van Gould and Ben Langveld. To their great surprise, the idea received a lot of attention online and people from all over the world started placing requests for NoPhone of their own, so that's when the three friends decided to raise money for mass production.

David H said, “I used to sleep with my phone in my hand, but my night terrors would cause me to throw it across the room in an unconscious panic. With the NoPhone, I can still enjoy the comfort of holding a phone in my sleep, without waking up to a broken screen. Thanks, NoPhone.”

If you're interested in NoPhone, but concerned about not being able to take selfies anymore, don't worry. The makers do have an update at no extra charge—the mirror sticker. That way, they say, you can enjoy “Yreal-time” selfies with your friends when they're standing right behind you.

【小题1】From the third paragraph we can infer that ________.
A.the users can stay away from the real world
B.NoPhone is a device made of high technology
C.NoPhone has not been on the market at present
D.the makers are raising money to improve their technology
【小题2】What made the designers surprised was that ________.
A.people worldwide were interested in NoPhone
B.many people thought of the idea as a joke at first
C.people worldwide began to fund mass production
D.people in Dutch began to make NoPhone of their own
【小题3】How can you take selfies with NoPhone?
A.By updating at an extra charge.B.By standing with your friends.
C.By taking a photo of yourself with an APP.D.By catching sight of yourself in a pasted mirror.
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For people who are unable to speak, signals of what they’d like to say hide in their brains. No one has been able to understand those signals directly. But researchers recently made progress in turning data from electrodes (电极) surgically placed on the brain into computer-made speech. Using computer models known as neural (神经) networks (NN), they reconstructed words and sentences that were, in some cases, understandable to human listeners.

People who have lost the ability to speak after a disease can use their eyes or make other small movements to select on-screen letters just like what Stephen Hawking did, but that was extremely inconvenient. But if NN could re-create their speech directly, they might regain much more: for example, the ability to cut in a fast-moving conversation.

The hurdles are high. “We are trying to work out the pattern of neurons that turn on and off at different time points, and infer the speech sounds,” says Nima Mesgarani, a computer scientist at Columbia University. “The mapping from one to the other is not straightforward at all.” How these signals translate to speech sounds varies from person to person, so computer models must be “trained” on each single patient. So you can imagine the work!

The network of Mesgarani’s team analyzed data from five patients who heard recordings of stories and people naming numbers from zero to nine. The computer then reconstructed spoken numbers from neural data alone; when the computer “spoke” the numbers, a group of listeners named them with 75% accuracy. Neurosurgeon Edward Chang reconstructed entire sentences from brain activity caught from speech and motor areas while three patients raised their voice and read. In an online test, 166 people heard one of the sentences and had to select it from among 10 written choices. Some sentences were correctly identified more than 80% of the time. The researchers also pushed the model further: They used it to re-create sentences from data recorded while people silently mouthed words. “That’s an important result—one step closer to the speech prosthesis (假肢) that we all have in mind,” one of the researchers said.

【小题1】What did researchers rely on to understand the patients’ speech better?
A.Eye movements.B.On-screen letters.
C.NN computer models.D.Patient-computer conversations.
【小题2】What does the underlined part in Paragraph 3 mean?
A.The job to build patients’ NN models is hard.
B.Every patient has different speaking situations.
C.Translating patients’ speech sounds is fruitful.
D.It needs much time to learn computer models.
【小题3】When did Edward Chang record the patients’ words?
A.When they repeated the stories.B.When they counted numbers.
C.When they mouthed words.D.When they spoke aloud.
【小题4】In which section does the text appear most probably in a magazine?
C.Artificial Intelligence.D.Language Learning.

It's natural to think about what goes into producing the food in your daily lunch bag. But have you ever stopped to consider the production techniques behind the bag itself? At the center of it is a woman named Margaret Knight.

From her earliest years, Knight was a restless creator. In the article titled " The Evolution of the Grocery Bag", its writer mentions a few of her childhood projects. She was “famous for her kites", and "her sleds were the envy of the town’s boys.”

To support her mother, she took a job at a cotton factory when she was 12. That same year she invented a shuttle system which helped to prevent injury. At the time, she had no concept of patenting(得到……的专利权) her idea. What strengthened her place in history was her working experience at the Columbia Paper Bag Company. Here, instead of folding every paper bag by hand, Knight wondered if she might be able to make them cleanly and rapidly via an automated machine. The result was a working model of her elegant paper-folding machine. But this time: she wanted to go to the extra step and secure a patent on her creation, a brave move for a woman in the 19th century, when an extremely small percentage of patents were held by women.

Not only did Knight file for a patent, she bravely defended her owner ship of the bag machine idea. A man named Charles Annan said the creation was his own, arguing no woman could be able to design such a machine. Knight fought a legal battle against him and handed Anna a courtroom(法庭)defeat by presenting her detailed hand-drawn blueprints. Finally,Knight received her rightful patent in 1871.

After making the machine, she continued to invent many other things like a paper feeding machine and a skirt protector. Knight, at the age of seventy, worked twenty hours a day on 89th invention.

【小题1】Why does the writer mention Knight's childhood projects?
A.To introduce a book to reader
B.To tell us young Knight liked sports.
C.To show Knight was envied by other girls
D.To show Knight was creative as a child
【小题2】Which words can best describe Knight?
A.Intelligent and generous.
B.Courageous and hardworking
C.Considerate and optimistic
D.Independent and determined.
【小题3】What do we know about the paper folding machine?
A.It turned to be slower but safer
B.It was co invented by Knight and Annan
C.It proved Knight's position as an inventor.
D.It was the first machine to be patented by a woman
【小题4】How is the text mainly developed?
A.By following the order of time
B.By making some comments.
C.By making a comparison
D.By listing examples

A sheet of transparent new material at a University of Maryland lab looks like it might be plastic. But it’s actually wood—and it could eventually be used to make energy-efficient windows or even see-through buildings. “Compared to glass, wood has lower heat conductivity, and it’s lighter, stronger, and more environmentally friendly,” says Liangbing Hu, a materials science professor at the University of Maryland.

The idea is to employ the material in buildings. With a window made from transparent wood instead of glass, for example, a building would take less energy to heat and cool. Because of the structure of the wood, the windows could also reduce glare from the sun while allowing in natural light.

Researchers have experimented with transparent wood in the past, but the new method is more sustainable. Other methods usually put the wood in a chemical compound Nacl to remove lignin, part of the wood that gives it structure. But this can weaken the wood, and produces unrecyclable waste. Hu and his team made slight changes. They removed only the parts of the lignin that give it color by brushing hydrogen peroxide (过氧化物) over the wood and leaving it under a UV light.

It’s just one of the ways scientists and engineers are rethinking how we can use this renewable resource in construction. Skyscrapers made entirely out of wood are gaining popularity in cities around the world. And scientists recently discovered a technique to grow wood in a lab, opening up the possibility of using wood without cutting down a forest.

The transparent wood is 50% stronger than previous transparent wood and could even be used to build load-bearing walls in a building. It could also potentially be used in other ways, such as layers used in solar cells. A new company called InventWood is working to commercialize the technology.

【小题1】Why would people like to choose transparent wood in their buildings in preference to glass?
A.It can conduct heat more quickly.B.It can let light in with less heat.
C.It is lighter and more delicate.D.It has higher energy consumption.
【小题2】What makes the new method different from the previous experiment?
A.Researchers brushed Nacl over the wood.
B.The new method can make the wood weaker.
C.The new method is less environmentally friendly.
D.Researchers only took away the lignin related to color.
【小题3】Which of the following statements may the author agree with?
A.This see-through wood is in mass production.
B.This see-through wood may replace glass windows.
C.This transparent wood has been grown in labs.
D.This transparent wood is only popular in cities.
【小题4】What does the last paragraph mainly focus on?
A.The advantages of transparent wood.B.The production of transparent wood.
C.The outlook of transparent wood.D.The companies of transparent wood.
