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How to stop life getting you down

In our life, we can be faced with a lot of troubles. We don’t like to talk about our struggles. 【小题1】 So when things start to get you down how can you cheer yourself up?


Hobbies don’t just fill time. 【小题3】 Try out a new sport, learn to cook or perhaps join a choir. Many hobbies also provide opportunities for social interaction. Talking and making friends will do wonders for your mood.

Reach out

If you’re struggling or feeling down, always remember that you don’t need to be on your own. 【小题4】 If you don’t feel able to talk to friends or family, you’ll find support groups and helplines that can provide you with ideas. You’ll also find that online forums and social media sites can provide opportunities to connect and ask for help.

Try to appreciate the little things.

Those that have recovered from a serious illness often say that they’ve been given a new life and that they wake each morning grateful just to be waking up. 【小题5】   Enjoy the beauty of a flower, a favourite piece of music or a simple sunny day. Go out for dinner and make efforts to truly appreciate the flavour of your meal or lie back on your bed, surrounded by total silence, and simply focus on how it feels to breathe and to relax. Clearing the mind is of benefit. If you can’t focus on the silence, you can instead choose background noise, such as a CD of ocean sounds or the sound of pouring rain.

A.Join in social activities.
B.Try out a new hobby.
C.Instead, we choose to put on a brave face.
D.Try to stay in a completely quiet environment.
E.Friends will be happy to help and provide support.
F.Focusing on life’s little things can help you to feel more positive.
G.They also help to give you a sense of purpose and something to be proud of.
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If you want to be confident at interview and get the job, body language will be important.

Here are some useful tips for your body language during a job interview.

Make a great entrance. A job interview actually starts before you get to the interview room. You don't know who could be looking at you from a window or standing next to you in the elevator. Your body language should tell others that you're confident and calm. 【小题1】 .

Don’t go for direct eye contact. 【小题2】. A more effective way to make sure you look interested is to look at different parts of an interviewer's face every two seconds such as their nose, eyes and lips.

Use hand gestures while you're speaking. If you’re not sure what to do with your hands, go ahead and gesture while you're speaking. When you're really nervous, you may want to hide your hand because they express your anxiety. 【小题3】

Stay positive. Your body language follows your mind. If your mind is negative, your body will consciously create negative energy. However, stay positive and you feel confident in your body language. 【小题4】 . And your smiles will be more likely to leave a good impression on the interviewers.

Work on your walk. Interviewers often make a hiring judgment within the first 10 seconds of meeting you. 【小题5】. When walking directly toward the interviewer, you had better make your body point in his direction and maintain eye contact with him occasionally.

A.Instead, make “direct face contact”.
B.How you walk into the room is a part of that judgment.
C.At this time, it's a good choice for you to hide your hands.
D.Instead, using your hands gesture can make you feel relaxed.
E.If your have a positive mind, you will wear a smile on your face.
F.It's very important to review your information you have prepared.
G.It's improper to crazily search your file for your resume at this time.

Here are four principles (行为准则) I live by. Whenever I follow these guidelines, I am at my very best, feeling productive and happy.

Devote time.

No matter how talented we may be, it’s wrong to think we can do it all. 【小题1】 The value of our achievements is greatly decided by what we spend our time on. We need to realize that every day we should devote the time to what matters and have the courage to let the unimportant things go.

Focus your attention.

Very often it seems that we just can’t focus our attention, even though we know what we should be doing, right? Resistance (阻力) makes us get disturbed by distractions.【小题2】 Developing a plan for overcoming resistance is important for maximum productivity.


We need to make a balance between work and play, between creation and pleasure.【小题4】 Even if we feel energetic to work long hours, the most effective long-term way is to hold ourselves back when we feel crazy and follow a proper pace instead.

Keep moving on.

More important than setting big goals is to just keep going. I know this goes against most of the “ set great goals for yourself” advice, but it’s what works for me.【小题5】 And it always made me more worried than it helped. Now, what does work for me is to think about how to improve my life and take small steps to make it happen.

A.Develop a proper pace.
B.Actually, we can do something, but not everything.
C.Take one minute’s self-judgment at the end of the day.
D.It’s in each step that you learn and adjust your direction.
E.We should take our leisure time as seriously as our work time.
F.These are obstacles (阻碍) even for the most determined people.
G.Going after a “big aim” was something that made me feel uncomfortable.

There are two types of people in this world: those who can sleep on flights, and those who can’t. If you happen to be one of these unfortunate souls, you may fail to enjoy a long trip. Being sleep-deprived and jet-lagged, you’re unable to function for at least 72 hours. 【小题1】

Grab a row

We all know the vital part of sleep is managing to lie down to create the illusion of being in a bed.【小题2】 If you’re limited to economy class, give yourself a fighting chance by choosing a middle seat when booking. Couples and families are unlikely to go either side of you, preferring to stick together.


It might seem silly, but preparing for “bed” the way you usually do at home means you’re more psychologically ready for sleep. Changing into pyjamas, brushing your teeth and removing your make-up can all get you in the right mindset. If you normally always read before bed, do it now too. These are signals to your brain that the “being awake” portion of the day is officially over.

Switch off

【小题4】 Plan when you ideally want to sleep and half an hour beforehand shut down the electronics. Instead, do a bit of reading or, better yet, indulge in a 20-minute meditation (冥想) to really calm the neurons.

No pressure

Try not to put too much pressure on yourself; instead, just see it as a chance to rest your eyes for a bit. 【小题5】 If you do, it’s a bonus. If you don’t ... well, just hope they’ll accept your answer of “bleisure”(商务休闲旅游)as you walk unsteadily through security.

A.Stick to your routine
B.Get the right sleeping mask
C.But fear not-there are ways of securing more sleep.
D.Obviously, you can guarantee this by paying money for business class.
E.Using devices just before bed means your brain is all lit up like a Christmas tree.
F.It’s easier said than done, but stressing about not being able to sleep is a certain way of not being able to sleep.
G.Get comfortable and relaxed, and remind yourself that it’s not the end of the world if you fail to get some shuteye.
