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Pesticides might just be a bee's worst enemy. They harm their brains, slow down their reproduction, and even kill their buzz. Now it seems they damage their social lives and reduce their ability to care for their young.

While previous studies have shown that commonly used neonicotinoid(新烟碱类)pesticides make bees sick and affect how they search for food and navigate, a new study gives more of an idea of how these chemicals affect the internal workings of a colony(种群). Studying these effects has proved difficult, so the team employed a new technique. They stuck tiny QR codes to the backs of humblebees and tracked their movements using a robotic camera.

The researchers looked at 12 colonies housed in a lab, giving some the same level of imidacloprid—the world's most commonly used pesticide—that they'd be exposed to in the wild while keeping others pesticide-free as controls. They checked on them for a few minutes 12 times a day. The findings are published in the journal Science.

Unfortunately, the researchers found a number of obvious differences between the bees exposed to the pesticide and the controls. The bees given neonicotinoids spent less time interacting with other bees and more time resting. This pause in activity tended to happen more at night, but the researchers aren't sure why.

"Bees actually have a very strong circadian rhythm(生理节奏)," lead author James Crall explained in a statement. "So what we found was that, during the day, there was no statistically observable effect, but at night, we could see that they were crashing. We don't know yet whether the pesticides are destroying circadian gene regulation or if this is just some, maybe physiological feedback…But it suggests that, just from a practical perspective, if we want to understand or study these compounds, looking at effects overnight matters a lot."

【小题1】What does the new study suggest about pesticides' effect on bees?
A.Pesticides lead to their disease.
B.Pesticides slow down their brain function
C.Pesticides upset their community.
D.Pesticides damage bees' internal parts.
【小题2】What does the underlined word "controls" in Paragraph 3 refer to?
A.The tools used to observe the bees.
B.The data recorded by the robotic camera
C.The researchers conducting the experiments.
D.The bees kept free from the pesticides.
【小题3】What can be concluded from the last paragraph?
A.The circadian rhythm of bees is stronger during the day.
B.It is vital to study the performance of bees at night
C.It is certain that pesticides affect bees only at night.
D.The pesticides do great harm to circadian gene regulation of bees.
【小题4】What's the purpose of the passage?
A.To inform people of the worrying effects of pesticides.
B.To check the best time to observe experimental results.
C.To call for the toughest ban on the chemicals.
D.To recommend measures to improve the quality of pesticides.
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Bowhead whales (弓头鲸) can live 200 years or longer. How they do it is no longer among the secrets of the deep. Scientists have mapped the genetic code of this long-lived whale species. The international effort found unusual features in the Arctic whale’s genes. Those features likely protect the species against cancer and other problems related to old age.

“We hope to learn what is the secret for living longer, healthier lives,” says João Pedro de Magalhães. He is a gerontologist (a scientist who studies old age) at the University of Liverpool in England. He also is co-author of the study that appeared January 6 in Cell Reports. His team hopes, he says, that its new findings might one day be used “to improve human health and preserve human life.”

No other mammal is known to live as long as the bowhead. Scientists have shown that some of these whales have lived well beyond 100—including one that survived to 211. For perspective, if he were still alive, Abraham Lincoln would be turning just 206 this year. De Magalhães’ team wanted to understand how the bowhead can live so long. To study this, the experts analyzed the animal’s complete set of genetic instructions, called its genome (基因组). Those instructions are coded in the animal’s DNA. The team also compared the whale’s genome to those of people, mice and cows.

The scientists discovered differences, including mutations (突变), in the whale’s genes. Those changes are linked to cancer, aging and cell growth. The results suggest that the whales are better than humans at repairing their DNA. That’s important because damaged or flawed DNA can lead to diseases, including some cancers.

Bowheads also are better at keeping abnormally dividing cells in check. Together, the changes appear to allow bowhead whales to live longer without developing age-related diseases such as cancer, says de Magalhães.

【小题1】What do we learn about bowhead whales?
A.Their average life is 100.B.They are the longest-lived animals.
C.They don’t have aging problems.D.They live in the Arctic Ocean.
【小题2】Why did scientists map the genetic code of bowhead whales?
A.To discover the secret of long life.
B.To find out a cure for cancer.
C.To prevent age-related diseases.
D.To lengthen human life.
【小题3】Why does the author mention Abraham Lincoln?
A.To remind us of the time he lived.
B.To show the long life of the bowhead.
C.To compare him with the bowhead.
D.To express people’s respect for him.
【小题4】What allows the bowhead to live a longer and healthier life?
A.Good DNA repair system.B.Gene mutation.
C.Cell division.D.Perfect living environment.

While environmental assessments of new roads focus on the danger of habitat destruction, or bats colliding (碰撞) with traffic, the first ever controlled field experiment to investigate the impact of vehicle noise suggests the thunder of road traffic is likely to drive away bats and cause bat activity to decrease by two-thirds.

Researchers played noise recorded from the A38 dual carriage way in demon, with a “dusk average” of 26 vehicle passing per minute, in locations where different bat species flew and fed. The wild bats, including pipistrelle species, were monitored with bat detectors (探测器) placed beside, and 20 metres away, from the recorded noise.

Ultrasonic (超音速) sounds from vehicle were found to block some bat species' high-frequency echo - location calls, which they use to find insect prey (捕获物) such as moths. But more significant was that most bat species sought to avoid audible (听得见的) traffic noise.

“Just like us, bats are likely to find audible road noise an irritation, something they would prefer to avoid rather than it jamming their echo-location,” said Fiona Matt hews, lead author of the paper in Environmental Pollution.

Matthews said the effect of ordinary traffic noise on bats meant that the negative impact of new roads on bat populations was likely to be more far-reaching than realized.

She said: “This is important, as it means we could expect to see negative effects continue at a considerable distance from the road. We know that lower frequency road noise travels well beyond 50 metres — the scale at which ecological impact assessments are conducted.”

Dr. Henry Schofield, from Vincent Wildlife Trust, which jointly funded the research, said: “We have raised people’s awareness that bat species face barriers in the landscape that impede (妨碍) their ability to access suitable feeding areas and reduce their chances of survival. Along with habitat destruction and artificial lighting at night, this research has added road noise to the list of anthropogenic (人为的) factors reducing habitat quality for these protected species.”

【小题1】What does the new research find about vehicle noise?
A.It destroys bats’ habitat.B.It influences bats’ ability to feed.
C.It helps bats to find insect prey.D.It causes bats to collide with traffic.
【小题2】What does paragraph 2 focus on?
A.The design of the research.B.The varieties of wild bats.
C.The function of bat detectors.D.The traffic flow on highways.
【小题3】What can we learn from Matthews's words about the impact of new roads on bats?
A.It is well-informed.B.It could be preventable.
C.It could be more serious.D.It is predictable.
【小题4】Which aspect of the research does Dr. Schofield talk about?
A.Its application.B.Its dimension.C.Its limitation.D.Its significance.

We all feel better after a night's sleep and insects are no different. But new studies have found a commonly used pesticide (农药) is disturbing the sleep of bees and flies. In one study,   researchers gave bees nectar sugar (花蜜糖) mixed with neonicotinoids (烟碱类农药)—one of the most commonly used pesticides—and then tracked their movements.

The impact of the pesticide — similar to the amount a bee would encounter in the wild —was terrible. “It seems to disturb the body clock in bees — they are sleeping a lot more in the daytime. It's causing the disorder of timing of their normal behaviors,” Kiah Tasman, lead author of the studies, said.

This, she explained, could have serious results. “It's quite worrying because our studies show that their motivation of searching for food has decreased. Besides, many plants including the fruit and vegetables and so on rely on pollinators (传粉者), like bees, to reproduce (繁殖). Bees take on a big share of this workload. Pollinators, most often honey bees, are responsible for one in every three bites of food we take, according to the United States Department of Agriculture, and they increase crop values in the US by more than $15 billion each year,” Tasman added.

But bees are under threat because of widespread pesticide use, habitat loss and the climate crisis. “If the time they are managing to go out and search for food is at night-time when many flowers aren't available, that's going to hugely reduce how successful they are at collecting the food that the colony needs to grow and reproduce,” Tasman said. “It could also affect how well bees are able to care for their young. Meanwhile, the same pesticide has already been found to damage the brains of baby bees.”

In a second study, the researchers focused their attention on flies, again exposing them to neonicotinoids. The results showed that the pesticide was working directly on the cells in the brain that run the body clock, which decides when sleep and activity happen in a day, and confusing them.

【小题1】What is the most probable focus of the new studies?
A.The amount of pesticide bees may encounter in the wild.
B.The indications of different movements of bees.
C.The impact of pesticides on insects' behaviors.
D.The similarity between bees' and flies' life habits.
【小题2】What did the researchers find about bees taking in neonicotinoids?
A.They lost the right sense of time.
B.They could not find food quickly.
C.They suffered from sleeplessness.
D.They had become much healthier.
【小题3】What does the underlined word in Paragraph 4 probably mean?
【小题4】What is Tasman's attitude towards bees' searching for food at night-time?
