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Kyle is my big brother. For eighteen years, I felt that Kyle was my enemy. In fact, I found it ridiculous that people thought older brothers looked out for their sisters, protected them and fought off their sisters' bullies. Huh? My brother was the bully (持强凌弱者).

When we were little, his fights with others caused my only black eye, cuts in my lips and even a nosebleed or two. I often wished I were an only child!

Time flew. We ended up attending colleges two thousand miles apart. Yet, strangely, that was when we began communicating. Through e-mail, we kept in constant touch. Mostly I complained about serious homesickness, impossible roommates, difficult classes, and…dating. I felt I lost myself. At a particularly low time, I cried to Kyle about my injured confidence, my broken heart, and the particular jerk (蠢人) who broke it.

And that was when the package arrived.

“What’s this?” I thought as I tore into it. The box revealed a sweatshirt. “Phi Delta Theta? That’s Kyle’s frat (兄弟会).” Kyle was the president of the frat house. Why would he send this? I put it aside and dug deeper. A pile of letters. And they were all addressed to me. I opened the one on top.

“Katrina,” it said, “your brother showed me your picture and I think you're awesome and beautiful.” I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, sure.” I opened another letter. And another. Eighteen in all.

Each one was from a different guy. They complimented (恭维) me. They invited me on dates. And they tried to convince me to make a trip out to Knox College and meet them.

I loved it. I didn’t care about the motive. And mostly, I loved the idea that my big brother had pulled off. I picked up the phone

“Kyle, the box came and I can’t believe what you did.” But Kyle wasn’t accepting compliments. “Oh,” he said, “I was just tired of reading your complaints.”

Big brothers, I decided, really did protect their sisters. And mine fought off the biggest bully I’d ever met. Now I return to my true self, full of confidence.

【小题1】Why did the author use to call Kyle her enemy?
A.He had many fights with her.
B.He couldn’t fight off her bullies.
C.He bullied her from time to time.
D.His fights caused her to suffer a lot.
【小题2】Why did the frat guys write to the author?
A.They had mercy on her.B.They tried to cheer her up.
C.They were struck by her beauty.D.They wanted to compliment her.
【小题3】What's the author’s purpose in writing this passage?
A.To share her childhood experience.
B.To complain about her biggest bully.
C.To show her brother’s protection for her.
D.To introduce her adjustment to college life.
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After written art had to fight a tough battle for attraction during the first decade of social media, owing to a certain group of writers, it is now on a significant rise. How Instagram and Twitter have offered jumpstarts to careers of authors like Dean Cocozza sets a blueprint for thousands of ambitious writers.

Cocozza started writing lyrics for his music as a teenager. He immediately had to experience that translating art to social media is not as simple as posting whatever his pen put down.

“Anyone who uses the platform with an intent will quickly learn that you only have the glimpse of a moment to catch the viewer’s attention. So the work I shared shifted to be more to the point, often one-liners. Then stuff started to go viral.”

The success and demand for more poems resulted in his first book Zero Dark Thirty, which sold out quickly. Despite the book containing mostly short writings, even said one-liners, Cocozza emphasizes that he doesn’t write for social media. “It was a very personal project resulting from a certain period of time” in his life. There are much bigger things that he works on and plans to get involved in.

Dean Cocozza has brought back emotional depth. In-between monetized (货币化的) content, blatant (明目张胆的) advertising and “perfect lives”, social media holds a spot for a new generation of artists, including literature. Critical thinkers and authentic writers remind the app’s consumers of their emotional human nature. Art galleries and bookstores might have lost a big part of their audience to digital media — but the art itself will always find ways to survive.

【小题1】What does the underlined word “it” in paragraph 1 refer to?
A.Written art.B.A tough battle.C.Social media.D.A group of writers.
【小题2】What challenged Cocozza when he began to translate art to social media?
A.To earn a living.B.To draw readers’ attention.
C.To protect his personal life.D.To show emotional depth.
【小题3】What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.Works with emotional depth are widely accepted on social media.
B.People with perfect lives like social media better.
C.Art galleries and bookstores will soon disappear.
D.Arts of emotion depth still hold value on social media.
【小题4】What’s the author’s attitude towards art in the future?

In December 2004, as a new professional photographer, I began to work on a project about communities who live on the sea in southeast Asia.

I went out to sea with them regularly. On the morning of 26 December, I was due to set out with a group of six fishermen in a small boat. It was about 8 am, and the sea looked different. The water was totally still. I could tell from the way the fishermen were behaving that something wasn’t right. They seemed to be discussing whether or not we should set off, but the eldest, who operated the boat, gave the go-ahead order.

About 20 minutes later, one of the fishermen pointed to a small white spot far in the distance. It looked like a football. It was getting bigger and bigger very quickly. We had no idea that this was a tsunami wave speeding through the ocean like a tornado (龙卷风).

With a big wave, you would usually try to get as far out as possible into the open sea. The deeper the water, the weaker the wave. But we weren’t far enough out to be safe, nor close enough to the shore to make it back before the wave would hit the land. We were trapped.

When I realized that the fishermen, who were born on the sea, were afraid, I began to feel really scared. At some point the elder took control. No one panicked or screamed. The captain told the six of us where to sit, so we would balance out the boat.

I was sitting on one of the benches in the middle, with my back facing the five-to-seven-meter-high wave. I took hold of my seat firmly, closed my eyes and said goodbye to the world, my family and friends, in my mind.

Suddenly there was a huge noise and a sudden movement. The wave had hit the boat, but in the very second of impact, the incredibly skilled captain got it right. He managed to sail up and on to the wave. Then the boat glided (滑动) from the tip of the wave down behind it, into safe waters. He had saved us all.

Surviving gave me a deep understanding of how short life can be. I’ve been going back to southeast Asia almost every year to thank the people who saved my life.

【小题1】Before setting out to the sea, the author and the fishermen ________.
A.talked about the routeB.felt something unusual
C.predicted a coming tsunamiD.made insufficient preparations
【小题2】What can we learn about the author from the story?
A.It was his first time to explore the sea.
B.He felt scared because of his inexperience.
C.He thought he would die from the tsunami.
D.He was confident that all on board would survive.
【小题3】Which of the following words can best describe the captain?
A.Kind and determined.B.Smart and generous.
C.Calm and skillful.D.Brave and honest.

My father really dislikes my stepfather, Mike, and is always calling him names, saying what a “good-for-nothing” guy he is.

Mike knows about his name-calling because sometimes when my father comes to pick me up, he’ll say inconsiderate things right in front of my stepdad like, “Is what’s-his-name going to pick you up after the game, or am I supposed to bring you home?”

Even though it’s rude that my father doesn’t call Mike by his name, my stepdad doesn’t hold it against my father. “Sure, I’ll pick up BeShawn at 3:30, ” he’ll answer. Nor does Mike make a big deal about my father’s inconsiderate attitude towards him. He lets the comments go.

I asked my stepfather if the way my father treats him bothers or upsets him.“Oh,not really, ” he said. “You don’t always have to be right, as long as you do what’s right.” I like it that Mike is secure with himself. My father’s taunts (嘲弄,奚落)don’t bother Mike because he likes himself. My dad’s opinion of my stepdad doesn’t change the way Mike feels about himself.

I really admire Mike. I especially like how he’s good to my mother. And I really like what a good father he is to me. I appreciate all the things he does for me, like teaching me to throw a fastball and helping me with my homework without becoming impatient like my father does. Mike even volunteered at my school’s carnival (狂欢节)this year. No other stepdads were there.

Though I would never tell my real father that I think my stepfather is one of the nicest guys I know, he is. I’m happy to have Mike as my stepfather. Sometimes, I even call Mike “Dad” because he acts like a dad to me. In my eyes, my stepfather is a really great guy.

【小题1】Why is the writer’s father rude to Mike?
A.Mike is good for nothing.B.He takes a dislike to Mike.
C.Mike treats his wife badly.D.Mike likes to call names.
【小题2】What does the underlined sentence mean in Paragraph 3?
A.Mike never runs a business with the writer’s father.
B.Mike doesn’t turn his anger on the writer’s father.
C.Mike ignores what the writer’s father says and does.
D.Mike never deals with the problems that he faces.
【小题3】What can be inferred from the last paragraph but one?
A.Mike is as good to the writer’s mother as his real mother.
B.The writer’s real father doesn’t like sports as much as Mike.
C.Mike is more patient with the writer than his real father.
D.The writer is a poor boy and has several step fathers.
【小题4】Which can best describe the writer’s attitude to his father?
A.Concerned but disapproving.B.Admiring and respectful.
C.Disgusted and unconcerned.D.Rude but patient.
