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Dear Matt,

I don’t have anyone to play with at break. My classmates all have their company, and no one is interested in talking to me. I’m shy and very lonely. I find it hard to make friends. what should I do?


Dear Friendless,

Take the initiative. The things that you want in life won’t always just happen for you. Often, we need to take action to make a positive change in our lives. This also happens to be true for making friends. Fortunately, there is a lot you can do starting today to build friendships with your classmates.

It’s true that it’s easier for some people to make friends than others. Like you, I am also a fairly shy person. Sometimes, it takes effort to go out and meet people. You will have to overcome your shyness by talking to people. It may be frightening and uncomfortable at first, but it’s the only way to develop your confidence and begin to make friends.

Making new friends starts with talking. You will need to get close to others to start a conversation. Do you have any common interests with your classmates? Find them. It could be something as simple as a TV show, music or sports.

Are you involved in any after-school clubs, sports or activities? There are friends out there for all of us, and they will come more naturally. I used to play on a soccer team for many years when I was younger. Working towards a common goal-winning the game in this case—helped the teammates to work together. I made many friends this way.

During the break, maybe you can introduce a new game or activity that others would be interested in. Make sure your body language shows that you are open and willing to talk with others. Don’t be afraid to speak loud before a group of people. Also, don’t be afraid to simply ask if you can join your classmates in whatever game or activity they’re now engaged in.

You can do it.


【小题1】Who is Matt?
A.A reporter.B.An adviser.
C.A classmate of Friendless’.D.A soccer coach.
【小题2】Matt gives the following suggestions to Friendless EXCEPT _______.
A.starting talking to others.B.watching a TV Show.
C.joining in after-school activities.D.introducing what interests others.
【小题3】Why does Matt share his experience on a soccer team with Friendless?
A.To invite Friendless to join his team.B.To explain the benefit of playing soccer.
C.To tell that he used to be good at sports.D.To show joining a team helps make friends.
【小题4】According to Matt, what can help to show one’s willingness to talk?
A.Using body language.B.Keeping asking questions.
C.Creating a new game.D.Speaking in a low voice.
【小题5】Where is this text taken from?
A.An Encyclopedia.B.A brochure.C.A newspaper.D.A story-book.
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Do you want to be excited about your day? Do you want to go through your day with enthusiasm? 【小题1】 How could that happen? Based on my experiences, here is how to be excited about your day.

Have something to be grateful for.

You can’t be excited about your day if you are complaining. You need to build an attitude of gratitude. To build it, find something to be grateful for and fill your mind with it.

You could start with something simple that you might take for granted, such as living in peace or being healthy. 【小题2】 For instance, when something went wrong, focus on the lessons that you can learn from it, not on the downsides. This will put you in a positive frame of mind.

Have something to look forward to.

【小题3】 For instance, when Bill Gates was asked about the one thing that most excites him to start his day, his answer was “learning new things”. That is the thing that he looks forward to.

What is the answer in your case? Having a cause that matters to you will help you a lot here. 【小题4】

Manage your energy.

While the two points above can help you start your day with enthusiasm, they might not be enough to sustain (支撑) you throughout the day. For this, you need to manage your energy. 【小题5】 As for your mental energy, you can start with a “quiet time” in the morning to help you stay centered throughout the day. Also, avoid filling your mind with negative thoughts. If someone said something bad to you, take the positive takeaway and move on.

A.This includes both your physical and mental energy.
B.After that, you should expect yourself to learn new things.
C.If you want to be enthusiastic, you should try to be grateful.
D.It will give you a sense of purpose as you go through your day.
E.While I still have a lot to improve, I’m often excited about my day.
F.Next, you should have something to look forward to during your day.
G.In addition, focus on the positive side of things, even for seemingly bad things that happened.

September is the month of new arrivals. International students and young professionals arrive in other countries eager to find their new home. Living in a foreign country is hard, and you need to learn to adjust to life there. 【小题1】

Find a new level of open-mindedness. Living abroad long-term requires a whole new level of opening your mind towards everything new, especially if the country has a very different culture to what you’ve been used to. 【小题2】Try not to get frustrated and accept this fact, and it will make your life easy and stress-free.

Don’t have expectations. You may visualize what your new life abroad is going to be like. 【小题3】Instead of expecting too much, do your research, and read more about the culture. Chat with a local about what real life is like. This will help you build a real picture and prepare yourself for the move.【小题4】

When you can’t find an apartment, and your new job starts in a few days, you might think everything is just awful and there’s no way out. What’s so positive about that, you may ask? Well, the universe might be saving your dream apartment for you, so don’t lose hope.

Create a new social circle. It’s common to feel lost and lonely in a new environment.【小题5】Where to make friends? At your job or university you’re likely to meet people, who have recently moved abroad just like you. Take a look online: There should be many social events around your home.

A.Keep a sense of humor.
B.See the positive side of things.
C.But reality will never be as you’ve imagined it.
D.Think ahead and start creating a new social circle.
E.Establishing a routine will give you a feeling of safety.
F.People in this foreign country may do things differently.
G.Here are a few tips on how to succeed at this challenge.

Getting negative feedback never feels good. In fact, it pretty much always sucks. Even though it feels bad, constructive feedback is meant to help us grow and improve. Here are some strategies that can help you use negative feedback constructively, leading to positive change.

【小题1】 Your instinct may be to get upset or justify yourself instantly, but it’s important to remain as professional as possible in the moment. Even when your criticizer is factually wrong, the response “You’re wrong!” won’t ever be helpful. The key is to listen without planning your reply. Simply nod until the other person has completely finished.

Recognize the good intentions. Remember, the people who will give you tough feedback are the people who really care about your success. People who tell you only what they know you want to hear don’t really care about you.【小题2】

Don’t let it harm your confidence. Whatever you do, don’t allow negative feedback to destroy your self-esteem.【小题3】 Whatever went wrong won’t define you forever if you apply the feedback constructively and use it to your advantage.

Practice self-affirmation.【小题4】 It can be helpful to remind yourself of other aspects of your identity that are not in question to boost your confidence. For example, you could say: “Yes, my team thinks I’m a micromanager, but I can work on that, I am also a nice partner, committed volunteer and talented singer.’’

Set actionable goals. It can be helpful to break down the feedback into specific, actionable goals. 【小题5】 Set time to outline an action plan and timeline for each of these goals. With this, you can keep track of your progress and hold yourself accountable to your goals.

Though negative feedback may be disheartening, take the necessary steps to become an even better version of yourself.

A.Avoid reacting defensively.
B.Don’t take the feedback personally.
C.These can feel easier to work with and give you direction.
D.You don’t have to apply every piece of feedback you receive.
E.Negative feedback can sometimes make you feel like a failure.
F.It’s almost impossible to consistently do everything right all the time.
G.So instead of reacting negatively, thank those caring about you to give you honest feedback.
