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Taking a break during the workday is important but how often do we actually make the time to do it? For most, an eight-hour workday just doesn’t seem enough and we end up wasting moments of peace to make room for more moments of productivity but according to a new study, skipping that lunch break could actually be hurting our performance.

Although it may seem amazing, taking time away from work to enjoy a short walk or a few minutes of mindful thought throughout the day can actually have positive effects on your end-of-day concentration and help you feel less tired after you are off work.

Scientists tasked workers in intellectually (智力上地) demanding fields — education, engineering and finance — with taking a short 15-minute walk or doing 15 minutes of mindful thinking during their lunch breaks every day for two weeks. The participants were asked to report how they were feeling near the end of the day, during, before and after the study. They also filled out short questionnaire every night, asking how much they enjoyed their lunch break. The results: those who took a break to walk or mindfully relax were significantly less stressed and able to perform better at the end of the workday than those who took no breaks. Mindful relaxation in particular helped people feel less anxious at the end of the day.

According to the study, walking in nature when one focuses and gets mindful relaxation can help to increase positive feelings and relieve stress.

So next time you think you should skip your lunch break to get that big project done, take a breath and consider giving yourself a moment of peace. It might just make you a more productive worker.

【小题1】The first paragraph mainly talks about the phenomenon (现象) of_________________.
A.overwork for productivity
B.better performance on jobs
C.unsuitable working ways
D.peaceful work environment
【小题2】What were the participants asked to do in the study?
A.To take a short break or mindful relaxation.
B.To report their feelings for several times.
C.To increase positive feelings and relieve their stress.
D.To answer face-to-face questions concerning their lunch break.
【小题3】The author wrote the text in order to_____________.
A.tell how to perform better
B.show the importance of attention
C.introduce the life of workers
D.advise people to take a lunch break during work
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Dear Sir,

Just over six months ago, I saw an advertisement in the Morning Mail for a set of the complete works of William Shakespeare. Your company, Cosmo books Ltd, offered this set (eight books of plays and two books of poetry) at what was claimed (宣称) to be a ‘remarkable’ price: fifteen pounds and fifty pence, including postage and packing. I had wanted a set of Shakespeare’s plays and poems for some time, and these books, in red imitation leather, looked particularly attractive; so I sent for them.

Two weeks later, the books arrived, together with a set of the complete works of Charles Dickens which I had not ordered. So I returned the Dickens books to you, with a cheque (支票) for fifteen pounds and fifty pence for the works of Shakespeare. Two more weeks passed. Then there arrived on my doorstep a second set of the works of Shakespeare, the same set of novels by Dickens and a six book set of the plays of Moliere, in French. Since I do not read French, these were of no use to me at all. However, I could not afford (付得起) to post all these books back to you, so I wrote to you at the end of August of last year, instructing you to come and collect all the books that I did not want, and asking you not to send any other books until further notice.

You did not reply to that letter. Instead you sent me a bill for forty two pounds, and a set of the plays of Shiller, in German. Since then, a new set of books has arrived every two weeks, the works of Goethe, the poems of Milton, the plays of Strindberg; I hardly know what I have. The books are still all in their boxes, in the garage, and my car has to stand in the rain outside. I have no room for any more books, and even if I read from now until the Last Judgment, I should not finish reading all the books that you have sent me.

Please send no more books, send no more bills, send no more angry letters demanding payment. Just send one large lorry and take all the books away, leaving me only with the one set of the complete works of Shakespeare for which I have paid.

Yours faithfully,


【小题1】Simon Walker wrote the letter to _________.
A.complain about sending him books he had not ordered
B.advise readers not to order books from Cosmo Books Ltd.
C.laugh at Cosmo Books Ltd.
D.urge (督促) Cosmo Books Ltd. to take away the books he had not ordered.
【小题2】The advertisement that Mr. Walker saw in the Morning Mail was for ________.
A.a set of 10 books of the works of Shakespeare
B.unlimited number of Cosmo Books
C.a book containing all the plays and poems of Shakespeare
D.fifteen pounds and fifty pence
【小题3】Mr. Walker answered the advertisement because _________.
A.he had ordered the set and had been waiting for them to come for some time
B.he claimed that the books were being offered at a remarkable price
C.he wanted a set of Shakespeare’s works, and this set was cheap, and looked attractive
D.the set he already had was not particularly attractive
【小题4】It can be inferred (推断) that _________.
A.Cosmo Books have sent bills for books that they have not sent
B.Mr. Walker took some action after receiving the books he did not order
C.Mr. Walker hasn’t received the books that he ordered
D.Several sets of books have been sent to Mr. Walker free of charge
【小题5】The tone (语气) of the letter is that of _______.

Generally speaking, waiting rooms are always filled with a lot of impatient people. However, a project carried out by The Observer suggests that people regard these spaces as a place of refuge (避难), a window in their tightly scheduled lives.

Ella Doroudy, Margate Station

We were at the beach for the day, and now are on our way home. We don’t have to wait very long, because we checked the timetable so we got here in time for the train. I just chat with my mates, really, and listen to music until the train comes. Waiting with other people is easier because you can kill time when you’re talking about stuff.

Caroline Lacey, Streatham Dental Center

I don’t really get nervous about seeing the dentist, but since these two fillings (补牙的材料) came out I’ve been in sharp pain. It’s very bright and airy here, so it’s quite calming. Usually I kill time by reading magazines. I’ve been coming to the dentist as and when I need to, but now it’s got to be regular.

Katie Hawkins, Model Casting

I was a bit late today, which I’m quite pleased about because some of these girls have been waiting ages. I can’t help but look at everyone else a bit — I look at the other girls and think: “I wonder if they’ll like her better than they like me.” While I’m waiting, I’m thinking: “Oh come on. I do have a life!

Paul Thomas, Royal London Hospital

I feel pretty indifferent (满不在乎的)  while I’m waiting here, to be honest. It’s something I’ve got very used to since my motorbike accident seven years ago. I’ve had about 32 operations so far. It’s no good rushing in thinking you’re going to escape in five minutes, so I just sit back and people-watch, really.

【小题1】What is Ella doing at Margate Station?
A.Checking the timetable.B.Catching the train to the beach.
C.Meeting and picking her mates up.D.Waiting for the train to return home.
【小题2】How does Caroline feel after she enters the waiting room?
【小题3】What kind of feeling does Katie probably show when she is thinking “I do have a life!”?
【小题4】Who enjoys looking at the people around him or her while waiting?
A.Paul Thomas.B.Ella Doroudy.
C.Katie Hawkins.D.Caroline Lacey.

If you plan to go abroad for your further education,first you should read something about the custom of the country.For example,in the United States,it is not customary to telephone someone very early in the morning.If you telephone him early in the day,while he is shaving or having breakfast,【小题1】.The same meaning is attached to telephone calls made after 11:00 p.m.If someone receives a call during sleeping hours,he assumes it's a matter of life or death.So【小题2】.

In social life,time plays a very important part.In the U.S.A. guests tend to feel they are not .0highly regarded if the invitation to a dinner party is extended only three or four days before the party date,【小题3】.In other areas of the world,it may be considered foolish to make an appointment too far in advance because plans which are made for a date more than a week away tend to be forgotten.【小题4】.Thus,misunderstandings arise between people from cultures that treat time differently.Being punctual is valued highly in American life,for example.If people are not punctual, 【小题5】.In the U.S. no one would think of keeping a business associate waiting for an hour,it would be too impolite.A person who is 5 minutes late is expected to make a short apology.

A.they will not be trusted
B.But it is not true in all countries
C.Different races understand it differently
D.the time chosen for the call communicates its importance
E.they may be regarded as impolite or not fully responsible
F.The meaning of time differs in different parts of the world
G.the time of the call shows that the matter is very important and requires immediate attention
