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Ray Kurzweil is an inventor and futurist with some interesting ideas on how humans will soon be able to live much longer than the average 78 years they do now. If Kurzweil is right, this is a question we’ll have to ask ourselves in the near future.

The first challenge is how to stop our bodies from getting old and dying. Kurzweil doesn’t see this as a problem. With gene technology we’ll soon be able to “turn off” genes that cause ageing and disease. This technology is getting cheaper and advancing at an incredible rate. Kurzweil believes that from every year after 2023, we’ll be adding more than a year to the average life expectancy. He also expects that within the next 20 years, we will have ‘nanobots’ in our blood. These tiny robots will automatically keep our bodies healthy and free from diseases by finding damaged cells and destroying them.

Of course, if we’re all going to live longer, then there are going to be more of us on this already overcrowded Earth. Many people think there are likely to be problems with resources such as food and energy. Kurzweil doesn’t agree. He says that the same technologies used to increase our life expectancy will also be used to help with food production and energy needs. For example, he says, sunlight can potentially give us 10,000 times more energy than we currently use. We just need to develop the technology to capture it and make it cheaper. There are also new technologies that can recycle water extremely cheaply. This means that dirty water can be made clean again at a very low cost. When you consider that 80% of disease in the developing world is because of dirty water, you can see how this technology might help change the world.

But what are we going to do with all this extra time? Won’t we all get bored? Again Kurzweil says ‘no’. For a start, we won’t be stuck in old bodies. We’ll stay young for years. This will mean we’ll be able to experiment with many more things than we can now. We’ll also see huge developments in virtual reality technology that will keep us entertained for years.

The future according to Ray Kurzweil looks good — and we might just be around to see it.

【小题1】What does Ray Kurzweil think of human beings’ future?
【小题2】How many challenges are mentioned regarding the much longer life expectancy?
【小题3】Which technology is likely to help people live longer?
A.Electronic technology.B.Mining technology.
C.Farming technology.D.Gene technology and nanotechnology.
【小题4】Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.Medical advancesB.Fun in the future
C.Who wants to live forever?D.Solutions to the Earth’s problems
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Everyone may have a good understanding of sleep, but do you think you know everything about sleep?【小题1】.

11 Days

【小题2】. Some people oversleep about an hour or two, but it doesn't generally go beyond that. Well, it might be interesting to know that the world record holder for sleeping is 11 days !

Weight by Sleep

This one is pretty strange, but getting a sufficient amount of sleep can help you lose weight.【小题3】, which makes a big difference if you are trying to lose or maintain your weight. Make sure you turn off the lights, keep the temperature in your room cool, and get comfortable sheets to promote good sleep.


Sufficient sleep promotes good blood circulation, helps you control your mood, and you   know it can help monitor your appetite. It is no surprise that a study shows that you can increase your life expectancy by simply getting high-quality sleeping.

Hopefully, some of these facts help you learn more about sleep and why it is a little more interesting than you might have thought before.【小题5】, so you can get to the bottom of the problem and regain your ability to sleep well.

A.Longevity with sleep
B.The more sleep you get, the longer you will live
C.Finally if you have more information about facts
D.When it comes to sleep, most people get about 8 hours of sleep
E.Next, some craziest facts about sleep will be introduced to you
F.This happens because sleeping reduces your appetite by whopping 45 percent
G.Keep in mind that sleeping well means sleeping a full eight hours and always sleeping at   the same time every night

Being able to tell human faces apart is a skill that almost every person has, although some are far better at it than others. But a new study out from the journal Scientific Reports says that this is not just a skill that humans possess. Even fish can do it.

Following up on research studying different species’ abilities to recognize human faces (sheep, dogs, cows, horses, and-birds have all been tried), the researchers from the University of Oxford and the University of Queensland decided to pick an animal that does not have an evolved neocortex, the part of the brain that processes sight and sounds, and does not have a close relationship with humans. That way, there would be no reason why these test subjects would have a past history of identifying human faces. So they picked the archerfish, a reef fish variety that shoots water into the air to knock its prey out of the sky. They used this adaptation to have the fish spray water at a face on a monitor hanging over their tanks for a reward. Most of the fish were able to pick out their learned face, even when colors were taken away or methods were used to make the face shapes unclear.

This study gives more backing to the hypothesis that differentiating between faces is not just a skill that big -brained organisms are born with. It is possible that a good portion of recognizing faces is learned over time. The development of the neocortex may contribute only to quickly process a large number of faces in varying situations. But more work needs to be conducted to find a deeper link to this possible learned behavior. The sample size of this study was very small—only eight fish were used altogether. Also, the faces displayed on the monitor were only white, female faces from a German database, shown in a frontal view, with no expressions. Other animal trials have shown that some species, like pigeons, respond more to differing angles and varied expressions.

【小题1】What is the purpose of this passage?
A.To improve a scientific experiment design.B.To present the differences between species.
C.To clarify how animals tell human faces apart.D.To show animals can recognize human faces.
【小题2】Why were the archerfish chosen as test subjects?
A.They are cleverer than other species.B.They have sharp vision and hearing.
C.They aren’t closely related to humans.D.They have a past history of identifying human faces.
【小题3】What is the author’s attitude toward the study?
【小题4】Which of the following is suggested for similar studies in the future?
A.Including more test subjects.B.Enlarging the human faces.
C.Employing more male researchers.D.Using black-and-white pictures.

Every parent wants their children to develop well. Sometimes it seems that a child’s game is empty entertainment and it would be better to replace it with something more useful. However, for a child, play is the main way of interacting with the world, mastering new knowledge and skills.

The game forms a unique model of the world, redesigned in accordance with the needs and capabilities of the children. It reflects the real world and helps to master it. That is why it is so important to choose the right toys for your children.

For a child, any game is the same productive activity as work for an adult. And if the result of adult work is the produced “product”, for children, the result of the game is new knowledge about the world and a better understanding of how the world works. Interacting with other children during the game, the child develops his or her own style of behavior and communication. In short, play is critical to development because it is the way a child interacts with the world.

Through the game, children learn new skills and develop speech, thinking and logic, memory, attention and other mental functions. In games, children learn to follow the rules, control their behaviors, develop communication skills with peers and adults. Often the game becomes a way for children to cope with their difficult experiences and express their feelings of fear, anger, resentment, sadness and shame. The game also will bring pleasure, joy and a lot of other positive emotions to children- and the significance of this cannot be underestimated. Also, through the game, children learn to be proud of their success, which supports their self-esteem. Adequate self-esteem is the key to the full development of the individual.

The role of an adult in play is to support and encourage the child. This helps the child understand that his opinion is valuable, and his ideas and fantasies deserve respect.

【小题1】What is the parents’ view on playing a game?
A.It hits the enthusiasm of developing children.
B.It’s not a good way of developing children.
C.It’s a disaster while interacting with the world.
D.It’s a traditional way of children’s development.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “product” in paragraph 3 refer to for children?
A.New knowledge and theory.
B.Reflection of work value,
C.Output from hardworking.
D.Wonderment from growth stage.
【小题3】What can we learn about children from paragraph 4?
A.They’ll know how to play a game.
B.They’ll create rules of playing a game,
C.They’ll benefit a lot from playing a game.
D.They’ll share the experience of playing a game.
【小题4】Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.Build Important Life Skills Through Play
B.Change the Ways of Developing Life Skills
C.Test the Importance of Play on Life Skills
D.Keep Away from Play to Develop Children
