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The UK government has promised to cut the country's greenhouse gas emissions(排放)by at least 68% by 2030 compared with 1990 levels, marking a significant increase from its current goal.

The new goal comes nine days ahead of the UK hosting a “climate action summit(峰会)” to encourage other countries to declare tougher climate plans, known as Nationally Determined Contributions(NDCs), under the Paris Agreement. Current NDCs will raise temperatures by 3℃. And stronger plans are needed to meet the Paris deal's goal of limiting global warming to 1.5℃.

“This is the most significant NDCs announcement so far from any major economy,” said Richard Black at the Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit, a UK-based think tank, in a statement.

The new goal is exactly in line with what the government's official climate adviser, the Climate Change Committee, called for in a letter published earlier today. The group said 68% would be “world-leading” compared with existing plans of governments.

The UK had previously promised a 53% cut in emissions as part of a joint(共同的)effort with the rest of the European Union, but the UK is determined to produce a new NDCs. Separately, the UK had also promised a 57% cut by 2032 domestically.

It is clear that far more action will be needed if the UK is to meet the new goal. The government's own analysis last week showed that recent major methods, such as banning new oil-fueled car sales by 2030, had failed to do enough to put the UK on track even for the old goal of 57% by 2032. The new goal obviously widens that gap further.

【小题1】Why did the UK declare its new goal before "climate action summit”?
A.To show its former plans are based on facts.
B.To blame other countries for their low goals.
C.To call on other countries to take bigger steps.
D.To take the lead in controlling greenhouse gas emissions.
【小题2】What is the UK's new goal for reducing emissions?
【小题3】What's the author's attitude to the UK's new goal?
【小题4】What can be the best title for the text?
A.A new goal will be put forward on “climate action summit”.
B.UK came up with a common goal under the Paris Agreement.
C.UK's recent major policies are far from its pre-determined goal.
D.UK sets an ambitious climate goal of 68% emissions cut by 2030.
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Fascinating Venice

Located in the northeast of Italy, Venice is well-known for its cultural treasures, romantic atmosphere and unusual living-on-water experience. The city spreads out over 118 islands, which are linked by more than 400 bridges, in the Venetian Lagoon.

Venice’s historical center consists of six regions. Italy in the south, the busiest main regions, are linked by the Rialto Bridge. The famous stone arch bridge (拱桥) crosses Venice’s main waterway — the Grand Canal. When night falls, many tourists enjoy dinner at the outside tables by the Grand Canal while watching colorfully lit boats going by.

Near the end of the S-shaped Grand Canal lies St. Mark’s Basilica, a must-see. Inside, beautiful mosaics (镶嵌图案) tell stories of Bible figures. Nearby are the Doge’s Palace and the Bridge of Sighs. These were made famous by Lord Byron, “I stood in Venice on the Bridge of Sighs, a palace and prison on each hand.” The story has it that if a couple passes under the bridge, their love will last forever.

In the square outside the Basilica, lovers of literature can sit at Caffe Florian, regarded as the oldest coffee house in Europe. Charles Dickens, Henry James as well as Lord Byron enjoyed the aromatic (芳香的) drink here.

Art lovers should buy a museum pass and visit some of the city’s museums. They can view works by Venetian masters like Giovanni, Titian and Tintoretto.

On five small islands in the Venetian Lagoon, Murano has been home to glass-makers since 1291. Tourists can visit factories, studios and the Glass Museum. Glass artists produce everything from simple souvenir pieces to beautiful works of contemporary art. Only glassworks made using traditional methods on Murano can be called Murano Glass. The nearby island of Burano is famous for lace (蕾丝 )making and colorful houses. Looking at the colorful houses and kaleidoscopic (万花筒似的) streets makes people feel as if they were walking in the fairy tale.

The City of Water promises beauty of all kinds, and it definitely lives up to its promise.

【小题1】Why does the author mention Lord Byron’s words?
A.To introduce the famous British poet.
B.To explain why the two places are famous.
C.To show why St. Mark’s Basilica is a must-see.
D.To compare the Doge’s Palace and the Bridge of Sighs.
【小题2】Where should you go in Venice if you love art?
A.Caffe Florian.B.The city’s museums.
C.St. Mark’s Basilica.D.The Bridge of Sighs.
【小题3】What is Murano well-known for?
A.Bridges.B.Lace making.
C.Glassworks.D.Colorful houses.
【小题4】How does the author think of Murano Glass?
A.It’s simple.B.It’s too traditional.
C.It’s colorful.D.It’s very special.

Felicien, a 29-year-old African graduate student, smiled as he helped a woman use a ticket on her phone to enter the Summer Palace in Beijing. As a volunteer in the palace garden, Felicien is just one of many African students studying in China.

The China-Africa Cooperation Meeting was held in Beijing from Sept 3 to 4. On the meeting, Chinese President Xi Jinping promised to offer working training courses, 50,000 scholarships for African youths and invite 2,000 young African people to visit China. "The future of China-Africa relations lies in our young people," Xi said. He also said that China will provide $60 billion in support, including free aid and special funds, for Africa's development.

The friendship between China and Africa dates back 600 years to the travels of Chinese explorer Zheng He, whose ships reached East Africa four times. Zheng brought gifts to his African hosts and took back nothing but a few giraffes. Today, China sees Africa as an equal partner in development and in international and regional affairs. China has been Africa's largest trading partner for 9 years. Chinese investments in Africa have increased more than 100 times in the past 18 years. China and Africa have strengthened cooperation since 2013, with the tremendous help of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

"China follows the principle of giving more and taking less, giving before taking and giving without asking for return. With open arms, we welcome African countries aboard the train of China's development, Xi said. Xi's words received much praise from African leaders.

Indeed, "With goodwill and cooperation with Bejing, Africa can bring her wisdom on board, mix it to the Chinese Dream and jointly build a community of shared future for all mankind,", commented an expert

【小题1】Why does the author mention Felicien in Paragraph 1?
A.To describe Felicien's part-time job.
B.To demonstrate China-Africa relations.
C.To show foreigners can be volunteers.
D.To show it is convenient to use   E-tickets.
【小题2】Which of the following statement is TRUE?
A.5,000 African young people will be invited to visit China.
B.Zheng He strengthened the ties between Asia and Africa.
C.The BRI has greatly promoted China-Africa cooperation.
D.China will provide Africa with $60 billion special funds.
【小题3】What can we learn from Xi's words in Paragraph 4?
A.China helps Africa develop high-speed trains.
B.China welcomes African countries to invest in China.
C.China's development brings opportunities to Africa.
D.China gains nothing from China-Africa cooperation.
【小题4】What can be the best title for the text?
A.China's Aids to African CountriesB.African Students in China
C.China Sees Africa as Equal CompetitorD.China's Bond with Africa

When photographer Birte Kaufmann was on a trip with friends in the Irish countryside, she met Irish Travellers. How could she dig deeper into their culture, Kaufmann wondered. She made plans to photograph them.

A nomadic (流浪的) group, the Travellers have lived on the margins (边缘) of mainstream Irish society for centuries. Efforts have been made to bring the community into mainstream culture by settling ( 安置) them into government housing and enforcing school attendance. But even living among “settled people”, they face ongoing unfair treatment.

To get access to the community, Kaufmann first asked for help from human rights groups, but failed. Then she decided to do it the hard way. On her next trip to Ireland, she simply went to the community. 

A young woman came up, speaking poor English. Kaufmann decided to lay her cards on the table. “I told her that I knew who they are and was interested in how they live,” Kaufmann says.

“The woman was totally surprised, but finally her family invited me for a cup of tea. I asked them if I could stay with them,” Kaufmann says. “They laughed, as if to say, ‘Yeah, right.’”

One of the family members — a young mother who took a particular shine to Kaufmann — began teaching her Gammon, their unwritten language. “She tried to teach me words to say if the men are being rude,” she says. “She tried to make me feel more comfortable.”

The men gradually accepted Kaufmann and allowed her to photograph them. She was able to photograph them as an observer of their everyday lives — lives, she says, that are filled with a lot of free time. As Ireland becomes less agrarian (农业的), the Travellers’ work as horse traders, farm laborers, etc. has become more scarce (稀少的).

“On the one hand life was so sad and boring because everything their lives depended on wasn’t there anymore. On the other hand there was this freedom — they live their lives in their own way,” Kaufmann says.

【小题1】What can we learn about Irish Travellers from paragraph 2?
A.They enjoy living a settled life.
B.They are popular with settled people.
C.They are successful in preserving their identity.
D.They find it hard to fit into mainstream Irish society.
【小题2】How did Kaufmann manage to join the community?
A.By telling them her purpose honestly.B.By teaching them to play card games.
C.By turning to her Irish friends for help.D.By following human rights groups’ advice.
【小题3】What was the young mother’s attitude to Kaufmann?
【小题4】What is a serious problem for Irish Travellers?
A.Rudeness among their members.B.Having less space to travel around.
C.Losing traditional work.D.A falling population.
