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Using Social Media and Email Safely

The Internet is a huge part of many people's everyday lives.【小题1】, no matter how safe you feel while browsing(浏览). By getting into the habit of using good Internet safety practices, you can protect your information and your identity for years to come.

【小题2】. Keeping your social media profiles(个人档案)private can make it harder for strangers to contact you online or get a hold of your information. Choose an option that makes your profile visible to only you or your friends.

Never give personal information to someone you met online.【小题3】. No matter how well you may think you know someone you met online, you can never really be sure of who they are and whether they might be dangerous.

Use caution when meeting in-person with someone you met online. It's best not to meet people in-person who you've only talked to online, but some situations might require it-if you sold something on Craigslist, for example, or are using an online dating site.【小题4】.

Don't open emails or files from people you don't know. Phishing scammers(网络钓鱼骗子)are people who use fake emails or messages to make you share personal information. If you see an email from an unfamiliar address, or from an address you know but with a doubtful message, move it to your spam folder(垃圾邮件夹).【小题5】, but never click on them until you can verify(证实)that it's a legal message.

A.Make your profiles private
B.Avoid making your profiles invisible to all
C.The email could also include links that might look legal
D.It's fun, useful, and informative, but can also be dangerous
E.It attracts people's attention, but it's also unsafe to search for
F.This might seem obvious, but it's still important to remember
G.In these cases, meet in a public place and bring a friend with you
知识点:方法/策略社会问题与社会现象 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Self-disciplined people are not all outstanding people.【小题1】Some of them read every day. Some of them never run late. The real difference between an elite person and an ordinary person is that an elite person can manage his or her time well.【小题2】

What people call self-discipline is in fact self-management. One example is staying fit. Never underestimate someone who is in good shape. Anyone who has ever tried to lose weight knows that it’s not easy.【小题3】If someone is in good shape, it shows that he knows the principles of staying fit and is able to stick to a plan that uses these principles.

If someone is in good shape, it means that this person is good at managing themselves and their time.【小题4】It also shows that this person is able to keep persevering and can balance long-term goals with short-term goals. So if someone is in good shape, he or she is more than just healthy.

【小题5】First of all, set a goal and write down your reasons for wanting to achieve it. Create a list of all the things you need to do to achieve this goal and start to work on them one at a time. With self-discipline, small things in life will no longer trouble you. Only through self-discipline can you truly own your future.

A.How do you learn self-management?
B.That’s where their success comes from.
C.This skill gives you the power to stick to your decisions.
D.But nearly all outstanding people are self-disciplined people.
E.Whether it is natural or acquired, it is a great skill.
F.It’s even harder to avoid putting weight back on.
G.Self-discipline means self control, which is a sign of inner strength.

Different parents have different reactions to learning that their children might be experiencing bullying (欺凌). Some may believe that the bullying is a way to “toughen them up”. Others might become so angry that they want to face the bullies themselves or may push their children to fight back. 【小题1】 It’s much better to try to calm yourself down and find ways to solve the problem. Here are some suggestions that experts recommend.

Talk about bullying. One of the best ways to help your bullied child is to simply talk about bullying. Not about their bully specifically or the trouble they’re going through, but why bullying happens, how bullies typically work, and what they can do to make it stop and help others. They also need to understand that bullies are never to blame for bullying because far too many of them can feel guilty and even become depressed. 【小题2】

【小题3】 A lot of kids won’t be comfortable coming to their parents for help for a variety of reasons, so it’s important that you do everything you can to show them that talking to you about a problem is something safe. Make sure they know that you care and that you’re willing to listen no matter what, but don’t press them for information or they might retreat further into themselves.

Document everything. 【小题4】 School authorities will often want proof if you go to them with accusation, and the court will certainly need it if it gets to the point that you need to make it a legal matter. Just as importantly, hanging on to things like e-mails can really help if your son or daughter is being targeted by anonymous bullies, because authorities sometimes use that information to track down the bully.

Go to officials. Letting bullying go too far can lead to all kinds of potential physical and psychological damage. 【小题5】 Meetings like this can go one of two ways — you can focus on the problem by yourself and make actions against the bullies, or you can work with school officials to start programs that educate their students about bullying and seek to control it in the school.

A.Keep an eye out for your child.
B.Make yourself available to your child.
C.These choices are rarely the right way to handle bullying.
D.Sometimes you have to go to school officials to get it stopped.
E.You have a number of options available to you depending on your personality.
F.If there are records of your child being bullied, it is vital to hold on to the evidence.
G.In this way, you can arm your child with information they can use to solve the problem.

Rising parental expectations and criticism are linked to an increase in perfectionism among college students. 【小题1】 They may include depression, anxiety and self-harm.

【小题2】Prior research has shown that perfectionists become more neurotic (神经质的) and less careful as they get older. Perfectionism also can pass through generations, with perfectionist parents raising perfectionist children.

Three types of perfectionism were increasing among young people. Self-oriented perfectionism involves perfectionist standards about the self.【小题3】That is to say, someone expects others to be perfection. Socially prescribed perfectionism is the perception that other people and society require perfection. The three types of perfectionism interact and even worsen the effects of each other in negative ways.

Parental expectations had a larger impact than parental criticism on self-oriented and other-oriented perfectionism.【小题4】Parental expectations have a high cost when they’re perceived as excessive. Young people take in those expectations and depend on them for their self-esteem. And when they fail to meet them, they’ll be critical of themselves for not matching up. To compensate, they strive to be perfect.

Parents can help their children navigate societal pressures in a healthy way by teaching them that failure, or imperfection, is a normal and natural part of life. Another method is to focus on learning and development, not test scores or social media to help children develop healthy self-esteem.【小题5】

A.Perfectionism often becomes a lifelong character.
B.So parental expectations maybe more damaging.
C.It can have damaging mental health consequences.
D.Self-respect is important to teenagers’ development.
E.Other-oriented type is perfectionism turned outward.
F.These ways can be effective to cope with perfectionism.
G.The older they are, the more likely they will be perfectionists.
