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I'd gone snowboarding with my brother,and what we lacked in skill.we made up for in enthusiasm(热情).That day,fresh snow falling, we were in high·spirits. I let my brother disappear into the trees ahead, figuring I would soon catch up.

I began to pick up speed when suddenly thrown off balance and then ran into a large tree.

It was like hitting a wall. I knew immediately that.my back was broken and quickly realized the situation was serious.Nobody would be coming past. There was no phone signal. It was snowing and cold. If I waited, I would probably be saved in the end. But the chance of freezing(冻)to death before that happened was too high for me to risk staying put.

I tried to stand but fell down with great pain. I managed to get the board off from my.feet and moved it under my stomach so İ was lying on it. I faced down the mountain and used the board to slowly slide my body down the tree-lined slope·(斜坡).

It took about two hours before a skier found me. The rescue team came,with my brother arriving shortly afterwards.

A helicopter (直升机)took me to hospital. I had broken one of my backbones,so I had an operation.The lasting pain was unbearable, but it wasn’t as bad as seeing the pain and worry I put my family through.

The recovering road was tough , but I was lucky . Gradually, I was able to walk, then swim, then then cycle and run.   I haven't been back to the slopes yet, but it might happen someday. Anyway,enthusiasm remains for ever.

【小题1】What led to the accident that happened to the writer?
A.Losing balance when speeding up.
B.Suffering from the cold weather.
C.Losing sight of his brother.
D.Seeing nobody coming past.
【小题2】What does the underlined sentence mean in paragraph 3?
A.I was unable to move with coldness.
B.I couldn't stand the great pain in my back.
C.Staying there waiting,I would die of coldness.
D.If I stayed there waiting, I would probably be saved.
【小题3】How did the writer feel about his parents' worry over him?
【小题4】What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.He will recover fully without any difficulty.
B.He will develop interest in other sports.
C.He will avoid going snowboarding again.
D.He will stay enthusiastic about snowboarding.
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I arrived late one night on a business trip, so I decided to have dinner in the hotel I stayed in. As I was finishing my meal, an elderly couple came in. They were holding hands and had lovely smiles on their faces. They sat three tables from me. I was amazed at the love they showed for each other. It stuck me because it was shortly after ending a 20-year marriage and I still had pain in my heart.

My waiter was also their waiter. As I paid my bill, I asked what their bill was. He told me, and I gave him $40 to pay their bill. He asked if I knew them and I told him “No, I just wanted to repay them for the love that they were showing to each other,” and then I left.

The next day I entered the restaurant again. After I had been seated, the waiter who served me the night before told me that the strangest thing happened after I left the restaurant. When the elderly couple went to pay for their meal, they were told that it had been paid. The waiter just told them what I said. They were amazed. They looked around, asked for the bill of two young couples who were seated together, paid their bill and left.

I smiled and ordered my meal. About 45 minutes later, I finished my meal and was about to head out, but my waiter was nowhere to be found. I explained to the hostess that I needed to pay for my meal and hurry to the airport. She smiled and explained that I would not have to pay, because she felt she should pay for my bill because of the joy brought to the faces of the elderly couple and the amazement of the young couples.

When I told her that they didn’t have to do that, she said with a smile “Love creates Love.”

【小题1】From the first paragraph we know the writer must feel __________.
【小题2】The elderly couple paid the bill of the two young couples because they __________.
A.knew the two young couples
B.were happy to pass the love they got
C.were always ready to help poor people
D.wanted to invite the young people to the meal
【小题3】The writer’s purpose of writing the passage is to __________.
A.suggest true love never dies
B.share an interesting experience
C.encourage us to help people in need
D.prove a show of love really makes a difference

During his school's “College Colours Day”, a fourth-grade boy in Florida, who dreams to become a student of the University of Tennessee, wanted to wear a shirt of the university, but he didn't have one. His teacher, Laura Snyder, suggested that he should wear an orange shirt to show his spirit.

When the day finally arrived, the boy was so excited to show his shirt-an orange one with a piece of paper attached to it, on which was his homemade design of the UT logo.

But by lunch time, the spirited fan was in tears. Some girls bullied (霸凌) him and made fun of his design that he had pinned to his shirt. Back to Snyder 's room, he put his head on desk and was crying, devastated.

In hopes of raising the boy's spirits, Snyder planned on buying him an official University of Tennessee T-shirt, and asked friends online if they had contacts with the university who could “make it a little extra special for him.”

The post immediately went viral and Snyder was contacted by the University of Tennessee informing her that they wanted to send the boy a care package of swag and apparel(服装) in support of him.

The story, however, didn't end here. The University of Tennessee said it was turning his “U.T.” design into an official T-shirt and had pre-sold more than 50,000 shirts online. The university won't profit from the shirts: It is donating the money to a charity dedicated to (致力于) getting rid of bullying of all forms.

“When I told him that his design was being made into a real shirt and people wanted to wear it, his jaw dropped," said Snyder. “He had a big smile on his face, walked taller, and I could tell his confidence grew!”

In recognition of the fourth-grader's spirit, the university has also extended an offer of honorary admission for him to join the Class of 2032. In addition, he has been awarded a four-year scholarship if he decides to attend UT in 2028 and meets admission requirements.

【小题1】How did the boy react to his school's “College Colours Day”?
A.He prepared for it with a creative design.
B.He dreamed of winning a prize on the day.
C.He was afraid of being laughed at on the day.
D.He was shy of joining it without a university shirt.
【小题2】How did the boy probably feel after lunch on the “College Colour Day”?
A.Excited and thankful.B.Confident and happy.
C.Shocked and sad.D.Nervous and worried.
【小题3】What Snyder did for the boy shows that _________.
A.a strong will is vital to success
B.a promise will change one's life
C.the youth should be treated equally
D.caring love can make a big difference

Last summer, Katie Steller pulled off the freeway on her way to work in Minneapolis and stopped at a traffic light, where a man was sitting with a sign asking for help. She rolled her window.

“Hey!” She shouted. "I'm driving around giving free haircuts. If I go grab my chair, do you want one right now?”

The man looked to be in his 60s. He laughed, saying, "Actually, I have a wedding to go this week. I am really hoping to get a haircut. "

"I'll be right back," Steller said.

She drove off, went to the salon (美发厅) she owns, and moved a red chair into her car. en she drove back. The man, named Edward, took a seat. She started to give him a haircut. He told her about his growing up in Mississippi and moving to Minnesota to be closer to adult children. After the haircut was done, Edward looked in a mirror and said gladly, "I look good!”

To date, Steller has given 30 or so such haircuts to people around the city. It's more than haircut. Steller wants it to be a gateway to express care, value and appreciation, but also to know more people.

Steller knows that a haircut can change a life. One changed hers: As a teen, she suffered m a serious disease and her hair thinned drastically. Seeing this, her mother arranged for Steller’s first professional haircut. "To sit down and have somebody look at me and talk to me like a person and not just an illness, it helped me feel cared about and less alone,“ she said.

After that, Steller knew she wanted to have her own salon so she could help people feel the way she'd felt that day. Not long after finishing cosmetology school in 2009, she began what she now calls her Red Chair Project, reaching out to people on the streets.

【小题1】What did Steller offer to Edward?
A.Encouragement.B.A free haircut.
C.A comfortable chair.D.Financial assistance.
【小题2】Why did Steller start her Red Chair Project?
A.To advertise her salon.B.To change the poor's life.
C.To show acts of kindness.D.To draw others' attention.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “drastically” in paragraph 7 mean?
【小题4】What is the best title for the text?
A.A Free HaircutB.A Chair Project
C.More than a HaircutD.Less Prejudice and Cruelty
