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Thirty years ago, Switzerland-based artist Klaus Littman came across a profound drawing titled The Unending Attraction of Nature. The drawing, by Austrian artist and architect Max Peintner, displays a scene in which nature is so detached from the environment that it becomes just a patch(块), preserved for entertainment.

“When I first saw the pencil drawing, I was fascinated. I knew that one day this work would be the starting point for a major art project in public space,” says Littmann.

Now, decades later, Littmann has fulfilled the vision with the installation(艺术装置) of FOR FOREST: The Unending Attraction of Nature. Making the lines between art, architecture and nature unclear, the installation sets a native central European forest in the midst of 30, 000 person Worthersee football Stadium in Klagenfurt. With nearly 300 trees planted, some weighing up to six tons each, it's Austria's largest public art installation to date.

In the face of climate crisis and deforestation, FOR FOREST comes with a more pressing urgency. As explained in a statement about the installation, “In support of today s most pressing issues on climate change and deforestation, FOR FOREST aims to challenge our view of nature and question its future. It seeks to become a memorial, reminding us that nature, which we so often take for granted, may someday only be found in special space, as is already the case with animals in zoos.”

The actual creation of the manmade forest was overseen by landscape architect Enzo Enea and his company, Enea Landscape Architecture, which includes a range of species in it. It was opened on September 8 and one can imagine it already attracting surprised and happy creatures to the field.

However, the installation will close on October 27. In a short video about the work, Littman says his objective is never to make something that will last forever; rather, he says, “My objective is for this picture to remain in people's head for a lifetime.”

【小题1】Why is the painting The Unending Attraction of Nature mentioned?
A.To tell the source of Littmann's inspiration.B.To list an example of the nature- themed art,
C.To describe Littmann's impression of nature,D.To show Littmann's fine taste in modern art.
【小题2】Why is FOR FOREST significant?
A.It has greatly promoted local tourism.B.It is Austria's greenest artistic work.
C.It has preserved various rare plants.D.It warns us of environmental issues.
【小题3】What can be known about the installation?
A.It is a waste of time.B.It is temporary.C.It is of little popularity.D.It is unrealistic.
【小题4】What is the text mainly about?
A.A living artwork in a large stadium.B.An environment-friendly painting.
C.A permanent private art installation.D.An artificial forest for entertainment.
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Instead of being addicted to smartphones and games, Zhang Yixuan prefers to spend his summer vacation walking in nature, meeting with little creatures like shrimps and crabs (蟹).

The 17-year-old boy went viral on Sina Weibo recently for his knowledge of biology, which led him to discover a new species of freshwater crabs of Sinolapotamon in 2022.

Zhang’s father, who was born in a rural area, loved catching fish and crabs himself at an early age, so Zhang was always taken outdoors by his parents to explore as much as possible and observe little creatures quietly without being interrupted. Now a grade 12 student at Yulin High School, Guangxi Zhuang autonomous regıon, Zhang has dozens of “living treasures” that he has collected from the outdoors, including insects, fish, shrimps and crabs.

“This one is a species of Nanhaipotamon that I caught in a mountainous area,” said Zhang, pointing to a bright-colored crab moving its amusing eyes around. “You can see it just shed its shell.” There is also a row of empty bottles and jars in Zhang’s room to store his specimens. “I can notice the small differences between two shrimps, and then I take them back to my room for further observation,” said Zhang.

It is the microscope his father bought him that makes the bedroom look more like a mini biology lab than anything else. It’s a place where Zhang can devote himself to identifying shrimps or observing crabs day and night. With the help of his microscope, Zhang concentrates on exploring the natural world. Sometimes he spends hours simply examining a piece of fish scale, the leg of a crab or the antenna of an insect. He often works so late that his parents have to force him to go to bed.

“I’m often amazed by what I see while placing these tiny and fragile things under the microscope. No matter how unimportant an insect is, each life is so delicately and uniquely organized,” said Zhang.

【小题1】What made Zhang popular on Sina Weibo?
A.His love of biology.
B.His videos of outdoor adventures.
C.His collection of “living treasures”.
D.His discovery of a new type of crab.
【小题2】What inspired Zhang’s interest in exploring nature?
A.His father’s early job.
B.A crab he once caught.
C.His school’s field trips.
D.His childhood experiences.
【小题3】What does paragraph 5 mainly talk about?
A.Zhang’s tools for observations.
B.Zhang’s achievements in biology.
C.Zhang’s mini biology lab at home.
D.Zhang’s addiction to his specimens.
【小题4】Which of the following best describes Zhang?
A.Honest and energetic.
B.Outgoing and adventurous.
C.Curious and hard-working.
D.Knowledgeable and thankful.

The Elephant Project is a purpose-driven company which tries to protect and recover the world’s elephant population.

This all-female organization began when founder Kristian McKean saw the inhumane(不人道的)treatment of elephants in Thailand, and again back in the United States with circus animals. Determined to find a way to support elephant causes, Kristina used her product development background to design adorable, huggable elephant dolls she named Kiki and Tembo.

Children and many adults are drawn to the stuffed animals. These elephants come with fun educational materials to spread the word about the dangerous world elephants live in.

Meanwhile, the company’s mission is clear and supported by its donations to organizations that care for elephants in need. In fact, 100% of the profit from each sail of Kiki and Tembo goes to supplies and aid for abused and injured elephants through The Sheldrick Wildlife Trust in Kenya and The Elephant Nature Park in Thailand. The Elephant Project also contributes to efforts to end illegal elephant hunting.

Of course, even without the notable mission of the company, these little dolls are gift able to children. Kiki, whose name means “new life”, wears a little pink outfit(套装). Meanwhile, Tembo, meaning “elephant” in Swahili, wears a green outfit.

A new release features Baby Chaba, a baby elephant named after a real baby who was rescued alongside her mother by Lek Chailert, the founder of the The Elephant Nature Park, in August 2021.The purchase comes with Baby Chaba and a book that explains her story.

The Elephant Project website shows a list of elephants that have already benefited from the company, with a bit of history about each elephant’s situation and progress. The mission has now also spread to support g the rescue and rehabilitation (修复) of big cats who like elephants and other wildlife, suffer from n humane treatment, competition for resources and loss of habitat.

【小题1】What drove Kristian to found The Elephant Project?
A.Her deep love and empathy for the abused animals.
B.Her witness to the abused elephants in Thailand and America.
C.Her intention to protect and recover the world’s wild animals.
D.Her company’s making profit from the sail of Kiki and Tembo.
【小题2】What do you know about Kiki and Tembo?
A.Only children show some adoration on Kiki and Tembo.
B.Kiki and Tembo was not easy to hug in when being designed.
C.Kiki and Tembo are designed only to make some money.
D.Many adults also show some interest in Kiki and Tembo.
【小题3】Where does the profit from the sail of Kiki and Tembo go?
A.To protect the environment in the developing countries.
B.To supply and aid abused elephants in Kenya and Thailand.
C.To protect wild animals from being illegally hunted in Kenya.
D.Mainly to support the operation of The Elephant Project.
【小题4】What might be the best title of the article?
A.An Abused Elephant was Rescued by a Company
B.Everyone should Try to Protect the Abused Elephant
C.A Company Sets out to Save Abused Elephants
D.Kiki and Tembo have Found a Way into the Market.

Throughout history, many species of animals have been threatened with extinction (灭绝). When Europeans

first arrived in North America, more than 60 million buffalo (野牛) lived on the continent. But hunting the buffalo was so popular during the 19th century that by 1900 the animal’s population had fallen to about 400 before the government stepped in to protect the species. 【小题1】 . Illegal hunters kill the animals for the ivory (象牙) in their tusks.

Yet not all animals with commercial value face this threat. The cow, for example, is a valuable source of food, but no one worries that the cow will soon be extinct. Why does the commercial value of ivory threaten the elephant while the commercial value of beef protects the cow?

【小题2】 . However, cows are private goods. Elephants wander freely without any owners. The hunter has a strong motivation to kill as many elephants as he can find. Illegal hunters are numerous. Each has only a slight motivation to preserve the elephant population. By contrast, cattle live on farms that are privately owned. 【小题3】 because he harvests the benefit of these efforts.

Governments have tried to solve the elephant’s problem in two ways. Some countries, such as Kenya and Uganda, have made it illegal to kill elephants and sell their ivory. 【小题4】 . And elephant populations have continued to decrease. By contrast, other countries, such as Malawi and Namibia, have made elephants private goods and allow people to kill elephants, but only those that belong to them.

【小题5】 with private ownership and the profit purpose now on its side. The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle pointed out the problem with common resources, “What is common to many is taken least care of, for all men have greater regard for what is their own than for what they possess in common with others.”

A.They attract different groups of hunters
B.People pay much attention others’ property
C.But these laws have been hard to put into effect
D.The reason is that elephants are a common resource
E.In some countries today, the elephant faces a similar situation
F.The African elephant might someday be as safe from extinction as the cow
G.Each farmer makes great effort to maintain the cattle population on his farm
