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I still remember my first day of second grade. I was led to a classroom. No teacher yet. Girls talking and laughing. Boys playing games.

I took some paper and a pencil, picked a desk, and went to work. Minutes later, a girl came over and sat on top of my desk.

"What are you doing?" she said.

"I am doing Fun with Number" I replied. Then I rose from my seat to get my pencil sharpener. I had no idea that when I stood, the desk would fall over and hurt her leg.

Her name was Lucy. From that day on we got to know each other, and she became my best friend. Now we have been close friends for more than 60 years. We often get together and recall the past.

Some TV advertisements try to tell us what children need for school, new shoes, clothes, and schoolbags. But really, children's needs are simple. Besides the basics—to be fed, cared for, and loved- they need the gift of friendship.

For years, I feared how people saw me. But one day, I finally understood I didn't need to be smart or pretty or popular, but just needed to be kind.

My grandson William recently finished his preschool and received a prize for "friendship". Even an Olympic medal wouldn't make me prouder! I think children need to know that they are loved. They need to know they have all they need and that the best way to win friends is to be kind.

【小题1】When and where did the author meet Lucy for the first time?
【小题2】What was the author doing when Lucy came over?
【小题3】How do Lucy and the author keep their friendship growing?
【小题4】Besides the basics, what do children need for a happy school life?
【小题5】In your opinion, what is the best way to win friends?
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I think a close friend is someone you get on well with,who helps you when you have problems, who gives you advice,and who always has time for you. I didn't use to have many close friends when I was at school because I was very shy,but now I have several. They are all women. I think it's difficult to have a close friend of the opposite sex(异性).


I think a close friend is someone who you've known for a long time,and who you still get on with. They have similar hobbies to you so you can do things together. I've got three close friends who I was at middle school with and we often go out together (without our parents of course). We often go camping,play football,or walk outside in the open air.


I'm not sure how to answer the question because I don't really have any close friends. I know a lot of people but mainly through work,and the social occasions(场合) when we meet are business dinners, things like that. I think if you come from a really close family,friends are a bit unnecessary. I like spending my free time with my family.


For me close friends are the people you spend your free time with. I go out at weekends with a group of people,and they are all my close friends. They're also people who live near me. I don't think you can have close friends at a distance because you need to be able to see each other often. But I don't think you need to be doing the same things. I mean I'm at school but none of my friends are.


【小题1】Who doesn’t think women and men can be close friends?
【小题2】What does Richard say about friends?
A.They need to have much in common.
B.They’re less important than family.
C.They must work in the same place.
D.They come from social occasions.
【小题3】What do we know about Anna’s friends?
A.They are all women.
B.They all do the same things.
C.They do not live far away.
D.They are all college students.
In our daily life, friends are needed. Everyone likes feeling close to someone. It is nice to have a friend to talk, laugh, and do things with. Surely, there are times when we need to be alone. We don’t always want people around. But we will feel lonely if we never have a friend.
No two people are just the same. Sometimes friends don’t get along well. That doesn’t mean that they no longer like each other. Most of the time they will make up and go on being friends. Sometimes friends move away. Then we feel very sad. We miss them very much. But we call them and write to them. It could be that we would even see them again. And we can make new friends. It is surprising to find out how much we like new people when we get to know them.
Families sometimes name their children after a close friend. Many places are named after men or women who have been friendly to people in a town. Some libraries are named this way. So are some schools. We think of these people when we go to these places.
There’s more good news for people who have friends. They live longer than people who don’t. Why? It could be that they are happier. Being happy helps you stay well. If someone cares about you, you will feel good.
【小题1】The first paragraph tells us     .
A.making friends is a need in people’s life
B.we always need friends around us
C.what the feeling of having no friends is
D.we need to be alone in our life
【小题2】Which of the following places people name after their friendly people is NOT mentioned (提到) in the passage?
A.A town.B.A room.
C.A school.D.A library.
【小题3】Why do people who have friends live longer?
A.They feel happier and healthier.
B.They know more about friendship.
C.They take less care of themselves.
D.They care more about their friends.

The Friends of Charles Dickens

Dickens was born in 1812. His father, a clerk in the navy pay office, was thrown into debtors' prison. The miserable treatment of children and the institution of the debtors' jail became   topics of several of Dickens, novels。.

Wilkie Collins (1824-1889)

Although twelve years younger than Dickens Wilkie Collins became one of Dickens best friends. Collins was a popular novelist who developed the mystery novel style. The Moonstone is one of his best. He and Dickens wrote The Frozen Deep . Wilkie was the son of the painter William Collins. He was born in London and lived in Italy and France as a child.

John Elliotson (1791-1868)

Elliotson was Dickens's family doctor for many years and thus they became good friends. Elliotson was an early advocate for the use of the stethoscope (听诊器). He also believed in the use of acupuncture (针灸).

Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849)

Poe was an American author best known for his poems and short fiction. The Fall of the House of Usher and The Murders in the Rue Morgue are two of his most popular works Dickens and Poe's friendship began in Philadelphia while Dickens was on his first tour of the United States. They talked about literature and seemed to enjoy one another's company However,two years later Poe broke off the relationship because he was angry about an article on American poetry. The article was written by Thackeray, but Poe believed that Dickens was behind the article.

William Makepeace Thackeray (1811-1863)

William Makepeace Thackeray was a novelist His best known work is Vanity Fair. He was also a friend of Charles Dickens. While Dickens and Thackeray were friends, the relation ship wasn't always smooth. They had several serious quarrels. One quarrel involved Dickens siding with Edmund Yates after Yates insulted Thackeray.

【小题1】Who had taken care of Dickens' health for years?
【小题2】What broke Dickens and Poe's friendship?
A.A traffic accident.B.Their ideas on running companies.
C.A poem written by Dickens.D.An article written by Thackeray.
【小题3】What is Thackeray's most famous novel?
A.Vanity Fair.B.The Moonstone.
C.The Fall of the House of Usher.D.The Murders in the Rue Morgue.
