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The first time we set eyes on the beautiful dress “big Red.”father, mother and I were walking slowly through the freshly fallen snow on our way to Hubble's Hardware store on Main Street.

The colorfully decorated window display held the best toys ever and some other things. And hey were all placed pleasantly beneath   the breathtaking dress of Big Red. Mother’s   eyes were glued to the massive flame of red satin(绸缎),dotted with twinkling stars.

“My goodness,"she managed to say in dreamlike wonder."Would you just look at that dress!"Then,totally out of character, mother unexpectedly danced on the slippery sidewalk. Beneath the heavy,grey wool coat that she had worm every winter for as long as I could remember,mother lost her balance and fell clumsily. Father quickly caught her.

Her cheeks redder than usual, mother blamed dad for laughing."Oh,stop that!" she ordered, as my father swept the snow from her coat."What a silly dress to be displayed there in the window of Eaton's!" she shook her head in disbelief. "Who on earth would want such a brightly-colored dress? It is too expensive."As we continued to walk down the street, mother turned back for one more look."My goodness! You'd think they'd display something that a person could use!”

Christmas was around the corner and the red dress was soon forgotten.Mother was not the one to wish for, or spend money on,things that were not practical."There are things we need more than this,"she'd always say, or,"There are things we need more than that."

Father,on the other hand, liked to buy things whenever the budget allowed. Of course,he'd get a scolding for his occasional spending like this,but it was all done with the best intention.

On our last trip to town before Christmas,we were driving up Main Street when mother suddenly exclaimed in surprise, “Would you just look at that!"She pointed excitedly as Dad drove past Eaton's."That big red dress is gone,” she said in disbelief. “It's actually gone."


Dad looked quickly and smiled,"Yes,it is not there!”


I'll never forget that Christmas morning when father handed mother a box.

知识点:哲理感悟家庭生活 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Cate walked slowly through the empty house one more time, memories crowding in.“Good-bye, kitchen,“ she whispered. A shiny spot on the worm linoleum (油布) stood out where the refrigerator had been until yesterday afternoon. Cate rubbed her sneaker over a pink stain in the carpet. That was where she’d spilled a glass of grape juice when she was seven.

Cate’s throat tightened when she passed the door to the laundry room. Short lines were pencilled across the door frame, with tiny numbers written next to them. Cate ran a finger over the numbers as she read them out loud.

“Age two, thirty-four inches. Age three, thirty eight inches. Age four, forty inches. Age five, forty-four inches.” “Stand up straight, now.” her dad would say as she stood against the wall. Then he’d place the ruler on her head and mark the frame with his pencil. Whoever bought the house would just paint over the numbers. All the growing up she’d done here wouldn’t mean anything to them.

“Cate! We’re almost ready to leave. Do you have everything?”

Cate jumped, startled. “Um, yes, I guess so.”

“All right. let’s go.“

Well it was no use daydreaming now, she thought, blinking back tears. They were moving, and there was nothing she could do about it. The only thing she was sure about was that she didn’t like the new house.

”So, what do you think?“ Mom asked. ”I think it’s the nicest one we’ve looked at.“

“Not as nice as our old house.” Cate murmured under her breath. Mom pulled her into a hug“Cate, I know you miss our old house, but we can’t go back to it. Dad’s job is here now. Why don’t you take a look outside?" Mom suggested.

Cate sighed and walked out the front door, banging it noisily behind her. The yard was big, with lots of old oak trees that stretched their branches up to the second-floor windows. Cate noticed that one huge oak tree (橡树) had wooden steps nailed up the side of it. She climbed up the oak.

Paragraph 1:

As Cate settled back in the tree, a large knothole (节孔) in the opposite tree trunk caught her eye.

Paragraph 2:

With trembling fingers, Cate took out a piece of paper from the metal box.


The day was Thankful Thursday, our “chosen day” of service. It’s a weekly tradition that my two little girls and I began years ago. Thursday has become our day to go out in the world and make a positive contribution, however small it is. On this particular Thursday, we had no idea exactly what we were going to do, but we knew that something would present itself.

Driving along a busy Houston road,I prayed for guidance in our quest to fulfill our weekly Act of Kindness.Around the noon hour, my two little ones wasted no time in letting me know their hunger, chanting, “McDonald’s, McDonald’s, McDonald’s“ as we drove along. And I began searching earnestly for the nearest McDonald’s. Suddenly I realized that almost every crossroad I passed through was occupied by a beggar. And then it hit me!

If my two little ones were hungry, then all these beggars must be hungry, too. Perfect! Our Act of Kindness had presented itself. We were going to buy lunch for the beggars. After finding a McDonald’s and ordering two Happy Meals for my girls, I ordered an additional 15 lunches and we set out to deliver them. It was exciting. We would pull alongside a beggar, make a contribution, and tell him or her that we hoped things got better. Then we’d say, “Oh, by the way... here’s lunch.” And then we would head to the next crossroad.

It was the best way to give. There wasn’t enough time for us to introduce ourselves or explain what we were going to do, nor was there time for them to say anything back to us. The Act of Kindness was anonymous and empowering for each of us, and we loved what we saw in the rear view mirror: a surprised and delighted person holding up his lunch bag and just looking at us as we drove off. It was wonderful!

We had come to the end of our “route” and there was a small woman standing there, asking for change.
She just looked at me with her huge brown eyes and said, “Oh honey, I’m not going to eat this lunch. This is my daughter’s favorite.”
