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Fabien Cousteau is the grandson of Jacques Cousteau, an ocean scientist who brought the wonders of the sea to the attention of people around the world. Jacques Cousteau helped invent the Aqua-Lung(水肺) , now used by divers everywhere. Fabien Cousteau has followed a similar path,exploring the sea as a scientist and working to protect the oceans.

Oceans cover more than 70% of our planet. NOAA says we have created maps of less than 20% of the world's oceans, and only 5% have been explored. Space seems to have gotten much more attention , even though it's farther away. The International Space Station( ISS) has been around for more than 20 years , and more people have gone to the moon than have gone to the deepest point in the ocean.

"The ocean is our life support system. It is the very reason why we exist in the first place,'Fabien says.

But though the ocean is all around us , studying it is a challenge. Divers are limited in how far down they can go and how long they can stay below. Returning to the surface can be dangerous. Fabien has announced a plan to build a large research station under the ocean named Proteus,which is designed to deal with many of those problems. The power for the station is expected to come from solar energy and the movement of the ocean. Fabien says that the research base won't just be used to study and help protect the sea, but also to research new ways of creating energy , and perhaps even searching for new medicines. Proteus is also expected to have the first under water greenhouse in the world , so that the lab will be able to grow some of its own food.

Like the ISS , Proteus is designed so that it can grow in the future , as scientists decide to add new sections or equipment to the station. Fabien hopes to have the lab completed and ready to use by 2023.

【小题1】What do we know about Fabien Cousteau?
A.He's doing what Jacques once did.
B.He took part in the work in the ISS.
C.He built an undersea laboratory.
D.He helped invent the Aqua-Lung.
【小题2】Why does the author mention the statistics in paragraph 2?
A.To show the world's oceans are vast.
B.To prove oceans and space are vital.
C.To advise people to protect oceans.
D.To tell why oceans need exploring.
【小题3】Which of the following can best describe Proteus?
【小题4】What is the best title for the text?
A.Fabien's Ocean Research Achievements
B.Proteus: Research Lab Growing Gradually
C.Proteus : Plan for Underwater Version of ISS
D.Fabien's Dream about Promoting his Station
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A U-shaped object,resembling a silvery dome (穹顶), is now under inspection by Russian experts, after being secretly removed under cover of night from the possession of villagers who found it.

After discovering it on Sunday, locals from the village of Otradnesnky had managed to drag the “UFO fragment” from the thick forest where it had fallen. They loaded it onto a truck and took it through the snow to their village, where local inspectors then examined it before reporting Moscow authorities.

In an official statement, Sergey Bobrov, who found the object, agreed to keep it safe. But following their secret removal of the 200-kilogram metal fragment (碎片), police have it under close guard on orders from unnamed authorities.

The object has not had its origin confirmed yet. However, it does not come from a rocket or missile or be in any way associated with earth space technology, it has been announced. “The object found is not related to space technology. A final conclusion can be made after a detailed study of the object by experts,” said Roscosmos, the Russian space agency. Experts have also examined the object to determine whether it is dangerous. “We measured the radiation level near and inside the object. We found no radiation here,” said Yuri Bornyakov, who heads the rescue service department of the Kuybyshevsky district in the Novosibirsk region. Part of the fragment is made of ultra-strong titanium (钛), said Valery Vasiliev, the head of the Kuybyshevsky Department for Civil Defence and Emergency Situations.

A guess that it had come from a failed Kazakhstan rocket or satellite launch was also denied. “You can see inside it. All is open. It’s empty. No danger here. We were asked to take and store it. We brought it here. And now we are going to wait until they come to take it if they need it," said local police spokesman Sergei Sulein.

【小题1】The “UFO fragment” was found       .
A.in the skyB.in the field
C.in the forestD.in the sea
【小题2】We can infer from the passage that      .
A.the “UFO fragment” comes from outer space
B.the fragment could be used to make a rocket
C.the person who found it will get a reward from Moscow
D.the local police will keep the “UFO fragment” for a while
【小题3】What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.A fallen “UFO fragment” in Russia.B.A UFO found by Russian villagers.
C.An inspection of a “UFO fragment”.D.A report on a failed rocket.

How Well Do Films Predict Our teach Future?

Everyone judged the possibility of a movie through a different perspective. If you're a doctor, you may think: “That character would not have survived that fall.” If you're a scientist: “that's not how black holes work.” And if you're me, it's more like: “What a stupid concept of future personal technology!”

It makes me crazy when ski-fi moviemakers dream up stuff with no basis in science. Human teleporters? Sorry, Star Trek. A bed that detects and cures cancer in seconds? No, Elysium.

【小题1】 Star Trek's self-opening doors are now a standard feature of grocery store entranced, and the driver less cars from Total Recall (and many other moves) are already on American roads.

Lately it's clear that Hollywood's production designers have been putting serious thought into the teach we'll someday carry. 【小题2】 He talks to her through a single ear bud, through which he gets a surprising amount done: processing e-mail, browsing news stories, sending messages. When an image is essential to the communication, he flips open his phone, where the picture appears.

This solution makes a lot of sense—more than, for example, Goggle Glass, a now discontinued head band that placed a mini screen above your eyebrow. Social mistakes, not technical ones, hastened its devise: Glass's camera frightened others and made you look like a disgusting being. 【小题3】

In a recent movie called What Happened to Monday, humans live in a dystopian future where, to control overpopulation, it's illegal to have more than one child. The characters wear wrist bands containing tiny projectors. They shine perfectly crisp, color images onto their palms, which the characters tap as though they are touch screens. 【小题4】 We won't see this in the real world, though. Even if a pick projector, battery and process or could be shrunk and squeezed into a thin band, challenge remain. How would the projector attain sharp focus on an irregular, moving palm? How would it project enough light on sunny days? How would it work on very light or very dark skin?

Well, I suppose I should let that part go. They're just moves, right? They're not a depiction of the future—at least not yet.

A.You can see why people went mad over the concept: imagine having all the power of a smart phone without actually needing a smart phone.
B.However, the futuristic technologies some moves depict have accidentally given rise to the possible and practical inventions in the real world.
C.Since the Her ear piece has brought about many disc re et and comfortable benefits, it is more sensible than goggle Glass.
D.Her, for example, is about a man who falls in love with his Sir i-like voice assistant.
E.On the other hand, some moves depict futuristic technologies that are so possible and practical that people invent them in the real world.
F.The Her ear piece delivers many of the same benefits, though discreetly and comfortable.

In the movies and on television, artificial intelligence is typically depicted as something sinister that will turn our way of life upside down. When it comes to AI in business, we often hear about it in relation to automation and loss of jobs, but in what ways is AI changing companies and the larger economy that don’t involve doom-and-gloom (前景暗淡的) mass unemployment predictions?

A recent survey has found that companies currently use AI more often in computer-to-computer activities than in automating human activities. Here are a few ways AI is aiding companies without replacing employees:

Better hiring practices

Companies are using artificial intelligence to remove some of the unconscious bias from hiring decisions. There are experiments that show that, naturally, the results of interviews are much more biased than what AI does. In addition, 【小题1】 One company that’s doing this is called Blendoor. It uses analytics to help identify where there may be bias in the hiring process.

More effective marketing

Some AI software can analyze and optimize marketing email subject lines to increase open rates. One company in the UK, Phrasee, claims their software can outperform humans by up to 10 percent when it comes to email open rates. This can mean millions more in revenue. 【小题2】 These are tools that help people use data, not a replacement for people.

Saving customers money

Energy companies can use AI to help customers reduce their electricity bills, saving their money while helping the environment. Companies can also optimize their own energy use and cut down on the cost of electricity. Insurance companies, meanwhile, can base their premiums (保险费) on AI models that more accurately access risk. 【小题3】

Protecting and maintaining infrastructure

Several companies, particularly in energy and transportation, use AI image processing technology to inspect infrastructure and prevent equipment failure or leaks before they happen. If they fail first and then you fix them, it’s very expensive. 【小题4】

A.I replace the boring parts of your job. If you’re doing research, you can have AI go out and look for relevant sources and information that otherwise you just wouldn’t have time for.
B.There are also companies like Acquisio, which analyzes advertising performance across multiple channels like Adwords, Bing, and social media and makes adjustments or suggestions about where advertising funds will yield the best results.
C.You want to predict if something needs attention now and point to where it’s useful for employees to go.
D.Before, they might not insure the ones who felt like high risk or charge them too much, or they would charge them too little, and then it would cost the company money.
E.We’re also giving our customers better channels versus picking up the phone to accomplish something beyond human scale.
F.AI looks at résumés in greater numbers than humans would be able to, and selects the more promising candidates.
