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Moving can be daunting – whether it’s to a new city or an entirely new country. The good news? Volunteering can be a great way to settle into a new community, meet people, and learn valuable skills.

Kajal Patil moved to the United States from India in February 2017. Having previously volunteered for two years as an assistant yoga teacher in her home country, Kajal was enthusiastic about volunteering and began looking for volunteer opportunities that match her interests. She was drawn to a volunteer opportunity to review applications on behalf of the Young Leaders of the Americas Initiative (YLAI), which aims to help Latin American and Caribbean business to bring positive changes to their societies and contribute more fully to economic development, prosperity and security in those places.

After connecting with the opportunity and successfully completing the application process, Kajal got to work. Her role involved reviewing 44 in-depth applications from potential candidates across Latin America and the Caribbean for a four-week fellowship in the U.S.. She was responsible for describing the business ideas presented by these candidates, assessing the social impact of their businesses, and determining the strength of candidates to carry out their plans. With almost 4,000 applicants in 2017, volunteers like Kajal were important members of the YLAI team.

Kajal says that this volunteer opportunity super-charged her existing skills, while helping her build new ones such as time management, business analysis, decision-making, planning, and presenting.

She is now looking for her next volunteer opportunity and reflects positively on her experience with YLAI. “A new country brings in a lot of new experiences and volunteering helped me to settle into a new environment,” adds Kajal. “By helping others, I felt needed in society. It promoted my confidence, and other people benefited too. Volunteering is a great opportunity to improve yourself, others, and the whole society.”

Whether you recently moved to a new place or are looking to expand your influence on your current community, find a volunteer opportunity to empower yourself, and others.

【小题1】What do we know about Kajal?
A.She is an experienced volunteer.
B.She received education in the U.S..
C.She founded a volunteer organization.
D.She worked as a professional yoga teacher.
【小题2】What was included in Kajal’s voluntary work for YLAI?
A.Carrying out the selected business plans.
B.Assessing the applications of candidates.
C.Helping candidates think up business ideas.
D.Simplifying candidates’ application process.
【小题3】What does Kajal think of volunteering?
A.It contributes to local economy.
B.It focuses on skills development.
C.It helps develop people’s interests.
D.It benefits individuals and society.
【小题4】What is the purpose of this text?
A.To share experience of volunteering.
B.To recognize the contribution of YLAI.
C.To suggest a way to settle into a new place.
D.To evaluate the benefits of volunteering abroad.
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I'm ashamed to say that,as the years have gone by,I haven't taken the time to walk around my neighborhood. Sure.I'm out and about all the time but always in the car to my way out of the neighborhood.

The main reason is that I don't love my neighborhood anymore.I'm referring to the place,not the people. My street used to come to an end in a forest. We would walk the dogs in the forest that always had nice,seasonal flowers and shrubs(灌木)coming up all year round. Now it's gone and been replaced(取代)by a forest of high-rise buildings.

Pretty down because of some annoying( 频人 的) office work these days.I decided I just had to get out and walk today. It started at the building "forest". I still felt pain in my heart from the sight and I missed those days of walking the dog and taking in the beauty of the trees and shrubs and flowers.

As I continued on, though.I came across this. .

Some very artistic children created some lovely, colorful artwork and I couldn't help but think they must have been trying to make me and everyone else just feel better. It certainly worked on me. Thank you,thoughtful artists!

At one point,I saw a man walking across one of the wider, busier streets. I shouted,"I just wanted to say hi to someone!" He answered,looking very friendly and happy,smiling and waving(挥手).

As I walked near the last couple of streets of my walk, the winds began to blow. There were dark clouds behind me so I decided to head home. Luckily, the rain didn't come down until I was resting on the sofa.""

I was glad I went out.

【小题1】Why did the author seldom walk around his neighborhood?
A.He was a homebody.
B.He didn't like the environment.
C.He was too busy with his work.
D.He didn't get along with the people.
【小题2】How did the author feel at the start of his walk?
【小题3】What does the underlined word "It" in Paragraph 5 refer to?
A.Creating artwork.B.Meeting famous artists.
C.What the children did.D.How to cheer people up.
【小题4】What happened during the author's walk?
A.He made a neighborly connection with a stranger.
B.He was caught in the rain suddenly.
C.He received children's artwork as a gift.
D.He came across an old friend.

Take a tour of university libraries around the world

As the American writer Shelby Foote once said: “A university is just a group of buildings gathered around a library.” Let’s take a look at some famous university libraries around the world.

Bizzell Memorial Library

Built in 1929, Bizzell Memorial Library, a National Historic Land mark that sits at the heart of The University of Oklahoma, features unique Cherokee Gothic architecture influenced by the Native American style.

Bizzell Memorial Library contains more than 6 million volumes. As the largest library in the state of Oklahoma, it also is home to one of the most important History of Science collections in the nation. The collection contains 12 original works by Galileo, four of which contain his own handwriting.

Magdalen College Old Library

Oxford University is famous for its academic programs, but it’s also known for its outstanding libraries that are said to include more than 11 million books. The Old Library at Magdalen College is the crown jewel of the university’s library system. It contains more than 20,000 rare books. Nearly all of these volumes were published before 1800. It’s also said to be one of the most beautiful libraries in the world with its studious interior and dramatic Gothic Revival exterior.

Old Library

The world-famous Long Room in the Old Library at Trinity College Dublin is full of ancient books, marble busts (大理石半身像) and wood paneling (画板). It was built between 1712 and 1732 and houses 20,000 of the library’s oldest books, which are rare and of high value.

Treasures of the library’s extensive collection include a rare copy of the 1916 proclamation (公告) of the Irish Republic and a beautiful 15th century harp.

The Joe and Rika Mansueto Library

Opened in 2011, the Joe and Rika Mansueto Library at the University of Chicago in the US features a grand glass roof, perfect for staring out of when you need to give your eyes a rest.

The underground storage space for delicate books and records is climate controlled and features around 3.5 million volumes. If you’re not already impressed, the librarians are robots, which will locate and bring any book in the library to you in no more than three minutes.

【小题1】In which library can you see Galileo’s handwriting?
A.Old Library.B.Bizzell Memorial Library.
C.Magdalen College Old Library.D.The Joe and Rika Mansueto Library.
【小题2】What does Magdalen College Old Library have in common with Old Library?
A.They both feature Gothic architecture.
B.They both belong to the same college.
C.They both contain many rare old books.
D.They both have marble busts and paneling.
【小题3】What can you do in The Joe and Rika Mansueto Library?
A.You can enjoy climate-controlled service just for visitors.
B.You can look out of the grand glass walls to rest your eyes.
C.You can ask the librarians to store your own books underground.
D.You can get the books you want with the robotic librarians’ help.

Beijing Daxing Airport is Finally Open

Beijing Daxing International Airport (PKX), also known as Beijing New Airport, is the biggest airport in the world. It is also the second international airport of Beijing along with Beijing Capital International airport. The airport's design is pioneering while its location on Daxing District (the southern suburbs of Beijing) is perfect in order to serve the Chinese capital and the neighboring areas of Hebei and Tianjin. The new mega-airport hub (大型枢纽机场) is expected to handle up to 45 million passengers per year by 2021 and reach an outstanding 100 million in the future.

How big is Daxing Airport?

The gigantic Daxing Airport, with the impressive shape which has given it the nickname ''Starfish'', has enormous dimensions. There are 4 runways at present (with the hope of becoming 7 in the future) and a vast terminal building (航站楼) covering a 700,000m² area while the ground transportation centre extends to 80,000m².

How many runways does Daxing Airport have?

For the time being, Daxing Airport has four runways and 79 airport stands. The 4 runways' size is impressive while the airport stands are suitable both for one twin-aisle (双通道) and two single-aisle planes. Eventually, the airport will have 7 runways in total and will be able to serve about 620,000 flights every year.

Who designed Daxing Airport?

Daxing Airport's terminal building is the impressive outcome of the cooperation between ADP Ingeniérie (ADPI) and the architecture team of Zaha Hadid (ZHA) who tragically passed away in 2016. As a result, in August 2018, Hong Kong design studio Lead 8 undertook the design of the new commercial terminal which is expected to meet every passenger's needs.

How much did Daxing Airport cost?

The construction of the mega-airport, which is expected to eventually become the busiest airport in the world, cost an unsurprisingly large amount. The Chinese government is estimated to have paid about US $17.47 billion for this great project.

【小题1】Daxing Airport is built _________________.
A.to serve Beijing, Hebei and Tianjin
B.only for the Chinese capital, Beijing
C.as the second biggest airport in the world
D.to handle up to 45 million passengers per year
【小题2】What did the Hong Kong design studio Lead 8 undertake?
A.The runways.B.The airport stand.
C.The terminal building.D.The commercial terminal.
【小题3】What is the purpose of the passage?
A.To introduce Daxing Airport.
B.To inform how Daxing Airport was built.
C.To attract people to visit Daxing Airport.
D.To discuss importance of Daxing Airport.
