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James’ granddad wrote to help James quit smoking. He once became addicted to cigarettes in three ways. His body was accustomed to 【小题1】 (have) nicotine. He began to do it 【小题2】(automatic) and became mentally addicted. But 【小题3】 realizing the harmful effects of smoking on the body, he finally managed to stop. He also told James smoking did damage to heart and lungs, and 【小题4】 it was more difficult for smoking couple to become pregnant. So he gave James some 【小题5】(advise). Firstly, be well-prepared and be determined. Decide on a day to quit. Don’t choose a day that he knows is going to be 【小题6】(stress). Once he decides, he should carry it out. Secondly, relax himself. When feeling nervous, do not reach 【小题7】 a cigarette. Instead try some deep breath and do some exercises. Thirdly, get help if he need 【小题8】. If he feels desperate, don’t hesitate to ask for help from his friends or join a stop-smoking group. Finally, keep trying. Don’t be disappointed if he doesn’t see the immediate effects. Just try again and he 【小题9】(succeed) in the end.

All these might help James to stop and 【小题10】(strong) his resolve.

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阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

One summer afternoon, a group of recent college graduates decided to visit their favorite professor at his home. The grads 【小题1】(be) out of school for about a year and they were each making their attempt into the so-called “real world” and dealing with all of the frustrations and 【小题2】 (confuse) that come with it.

Over the course of the afternoon,the grads complained 【小题3】 their professor about how difficult life was after school. They complained about the long hours, the 【小题4】 (demand) bosses, the competitive job market, and 【小题5】 all of them seemed to talk about or care about was money, money, money. 

After a while, the professor got up and made some coffee. He got out six cups, one for each student. Three of them were cheap disposable cups and the other three 【小题6】 (make) of his nicest porcelain. He then invited everyone to get up and help 【小题7】 (they).

Within seconds the 【小题8】 (argue) had already begun. “Wait,why do you get that cup?” “No,let me have it. I drove here.” “No way, I got here first; go get your own.” The students laughed and 【小题9】 (gentle) chided each other over who got to drink what out of what. A silent competition among friends.

When the kids finally sat back down the professor smiled and said, “You see? This is your problem. You are all arguing over who gets to drink out of the nice cups when all you really wanted was 【小题10】coffee.”
