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Kids love percussion instruments (打击乐器). In truth, becoming a percussionist requires a great deal of __________ and practice. It was believed that one more thing was vital—a good sense of hearing. Dame Evelyn Glennie, __________, has proven that isn't always true.

At age 8, Glennie began taking piano lessons, and she also began losing her hearing. She was totally deaf when she joined her school orchestra (管弦乐队) at 12. The moment Glennie saw the __________ in the percussion section, she knew that was where she __________. At 15, She __________ the Royal Academy of Music in London for a solo percussionist. However, never hearing of it, they were unsure about accepting her. Ever __________, she persuaded them to take her.

Since Glennie made her first professional __________ in 1985, she has gained fame as the world's first fulltime solo percussionist and won many awards.

When asked how she __________ the music, she says, "I use all my __________, especially sight, feeling and touch." Paying close attention to the __________ and relying on feeling the music, she performs in bare feet on a wooden platform, which __________ her to feel vibrations (震动) from the instruments through the floor. She is in __________ motion as she moves from one instrument to the next.

She has become a(n) __________ wherever she performs. As a writer observed, "She was able to __________ disabilities aren't barriers. They're __________ to thinking differently."

A.participated inB.attended toC.applied toD.took up
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I grew up in Michigan and have loved boats since I was young. I’d go out on my dad’s fishing boat, and every birthday I’d get a miniature boat with a viewing window. In Michigan, we’re _________ by lakes and I soon discovered that I loved diving and _________ skipped school days for the beach.

Three years ago, I _________ put forward an idea of running glass-bottom boat tours to an investor. It started in 2018. At present, My sons _________, manning the deck(甲板)and phones. We head out on the Cheboygan river and Lake Huron. We sail past lots of places of_________, with a historian on board explaining the history. We often scan the river to see what we can find.

One weekend this year, I met a _________ client. I thought I should find something to show him and managed to find a giant shell. Then I saw a green bottle. I swam to my boat, took a photo and then opened the bottle. It was full of water and had a paper inside. I _________ the paper and saw the date —November 1926. We were all amazed. The note_________: “Return this paper to George Morrow.” I was so excited to have found it.

We made sure to keep the paper safe. Before leaving the harbor, I posted a picture on my Facebook page and didn’t expect what followed.

The next morning, my phone _________ with messages. While I was driving home, I got a phone call from Michele Primeau. She told me she was George Morrow’s daughter. I didn’t believe her __________. She said her dad would float notes in bottles when he went on vacation or __________ them in walls when redecorating. She __________ he had posted this one on his 18th birthday.

In autumn, Michele came to visit. She brought some of his writing and the handwriting matched. She __________ I keep the message and the bottle.

It now sits in a display case in my shop. That Facebook post now has 87,000 __________. In a hard year, the discovery has brought purejoy.__________a Scuba diver(水肺潜水员), this feels like a lifetime achievement.

A.call outB.help withC.help outD.call up
A.poured outB.blew upC.broke outD.set up
A.at firstB.above allC.in turnD.in return
A.spoke upB.worked outC.spoke outD.worked up

I went to the beach nearby for some quality time with myself. After a rough week, it was a _______ time watching families come and go for a warm weekend. Kids joyfully playing in the water, paddle boating, building sandcastles and sharing meals with their families.

After a few hours, I decided to get to my car on the other side as I was _______. As I was near the end, I noticed a girl playing by herself. She built a little sandcastle with a _______ and was now trying to fill it with water. Unfortunately, there was no _______ around to carry water. She had to go to the waves, _______ her hands and then walk back to her little castle. _______ , not much of the water was making it to the canal. But she kept trying and was still smiling and _______. I so wished I could help her out. Realizing that I had a bottle of water in my bag, I quickly took it out, and walked over to _______ it to her.

_______ at first, she smiled but ________ her head shyly, saying no. I reassured her that it would make getting the water much ________. She smiled widely and finally took it from my hands. Seeing her running over to the sea happily, equipped with a ________ in hand, I and walked off the beach with a big smile.

Although it was a tiny ________, yet I know that when the girl notices that someone needs help in her life, maybe, she would ________ this little act of kindness by a stranger. And maybe that would make her more likely to jump in and help ________ a little gentler world around her.


It was my mother who worked alone to support our family. A car was badly needed but we just couldn’t ___________ one. One day, our neighbors, the Whites, offered my mother an envelope with $500 inside. My mother wouldn’t ___________, saying she couldn’t possibly repay them.

Mr. White smiled at her ___________, “Don’t worry about ___________ the money. When times are better, just help someone else in need. “

My mother took his advice ___________. A year later, my mother brought home a poor woman who was trying to reunite with her only relative but lost all her money. My mother knew it was time to pay forward our neighbors’ ___________

My mother put the woman up for the night. Later, I saw her ___________ her purse. That’s all her money ___________ I saw a look of determination upon her face. ___________, the young mother called her aunt, which brought me to tears too.

Through the years, times continued to be ____________ for us. Despite this, again and again, I saw my mother ____________, offering help in different ways. Decades have passed since our neighbors came to us with their ____________. I try to follow their ____________, helping a little here and there. I’m hoping, in turn, my own children will get the sweet ____________ I did from my dear neighbors and mother: Acts of kindness, however small, can make a big ____________.

A.saving upB.paying backC.setting asideD.handing in
A.sign upB.check outC.pack upD.reach out
